working contracts Flashcards
full or part time contracts
part time-come in to cover absent workers
full time-work at least 35 hours a week
zero hour contracts
firm employs a worker but doesnt offer them guaranteed hours
staff only work as and when needed
so employers dont waste money paying for labour when its not needed
dis of zero hour contracts
staff are under no obliagtion to accept work, may be ahrd to find enough staff im busy times e.g christmas
no finanial secruity
adv of zero hour contracts
staff can work aroudn other commitments too
permemantent or temporary contracts
permanent contract-has NO end date
temporary contract-contract may be for just 1 year
flexible hours
workers complete set of tasks at times that suit them
businesses can outsource some tasks to external businesses
adv of outsourcing
good for employers as dpmt have to invest money in training staff for tasks that may only need doing now and again
what is a multi skilled workforce/what does this mean for business
means dont have to hire as many staff
can employ fewer workers
as doesnt have to hire and train a difefrent worker for every single job aspect
means workers can be moved betweeen jobs when neccessary
employee and employer relationship
is imporant
they need eachother
employer needs hardworking staff
employee needs income to support their faimiles
good relaitonship reducescahnces of coflicts
built on culture of trust between two groups
haveing good relaitonshio, increases motiavtion adn producvity, increasing profits of business
trade unions
can take action in the workforce to protct or imporve condidions
can put pressure on goverment to bring in legislation