adv and dis Flashcards
mass market definition
product has wide appeal
sells to large groups of buyers
niche market definition
product is specialised
sell to specific group of buyers
mass market adv
increased sales volume as selling to more customers
achieve EOS
meaning produts can be sold cheaper
niche market adv
less compeittion
specialised productes-charge higher prices
niche market dis
narrower range of consumers
more risky
if change in market that affects what customers want to buy, they could quickly lose sales and struggle to survive
market size
total value of sales in a makret over a period of time
market share
total proportion of total market that the business holds
what ways can dynamic markets change
Consumer prefernces can change e.g advancements in fahion, technology
Innovation-new products emerging
Competiors can enter or leave the market
ways in whcih consumers want to shop e.g growth of online shopping
what does being dynamic mean
change and evolve rapidly
online retailing
selling via the internet
adv of online retailing
reduce firms costs as wont have to hace physical shop, dont have to hire as many staff
therefore, can chnage lower prices
customers can shop from anywhere, whenever
customers can easily compare their prices
dis of online retailing
delivery costs/people havig to pay more then would in shop
face more comp as can easily shop around abd finding cheapiest prices
some customers would want he face to face intercation especially before buying a costly product e.g sofa
direct competition
when two busienss sell simialr products to the same groups of buyers
e.g asda, tesco
indirect competition
when two business difefrent porducts to appeal same group of buyers
e.g takeway chinese, indian
level of competition
marking mix
product-high quality, materials, unqiue appeal, difefrentiating it
place-distibution channel,
price-high price, low price, what pricing stragetu
pomotion-using campaigns, advertising
things that may go wrong
within managerial control
unexpected events
e.g hurricane
beyond control
product orientation
where focus more on the product(design, performance) rather then who selling too
hope can persuade customers to like it
e.g apple
market orinetation
where busienss focuses more heavily on customer preferenecs
spend lot of time and investment into market research to make sure customers will like it and want to buy it
more modern adn successful approach
less risky strategy
market research
collection and analysis of market information
adv of market research
finds out what customers need and want
allows business to predict how much demand there will be fore product
how customers behave in relation to a product e.g how they buy products e.g online or in store
shows how much customers will be prepared to pay for product
quantitive data
statistical info and graphs etc
multiple choice questionaries
fixed answers
adv-easy to analyse
dis-rstricted answers
qualatative data
based on optinions
open questions meaning doesnt restrict to multipe choice
adv-more informative as people can elaborate
dis-takes longer time
primary reseach
first hadn data
e.g questionaires, surveys
adv of primary rresearch
exculsive and comeptiors cant benefit from it
specific for its purpose needed
dis of primary resaerch
labour intensive
secondary data
second hand data e.g magazies, internet soucres
adv of secondary makret resaerch
dis of secondary makret research
risk of being out of date
represnative sample
using samll sample of peole rather than whole market
keeps costs down and saves time and resources
simialr peope; of age, gender,
market research needs to avodi bias
interviewer bias-where they say certain things to prompt answer they wanna hear
respondant bias-where dont give true response just say what they think interviewer wants to hear
adv of using technology in market research
ways of doing makret research online
using own website
adv of using own website
can look at what time of day website most used
what visitors clicking on website
did of using own website
some people who go on website don’t end up buying products
social networking definition
can be used for market research
use of internet based platforms to connect with people
e.g facebook
adv of social networking
can post content on social networking sites and monitor the responses they get
cheap and easy way to carry out market research
did if social networking
not all consumers use the same social networks
e.g fewer old people use twitter than facebook
market segmention definiton
dividing a makret into groups of buyers
Income-luxury products for high income etc
Geographic segments-neighbourhood, city, country
behaviour-hobbies and interested e.g gym people wanting high protein snacks
market mapping definiton
shows extemres of two measures
e.g high price bad low price
laid out as matrix
adv of market mapping
can see gaps in market so can be spotted by new business
can see how close competitors are
show how much customers expect to pay
dis of makret mapping
subjective/based on opinion
what one person may think is low quality another may see as high
may simply things too much
competitive advantage definition
where a business is more profitable than its rivals
ways of achieve competitive advantage
product differniation-USP
lower costs from competitors
product innovation-be first in the makret to introduce new functions for an existing good
advertising and marketing-makes it more attractive to consumers and more likely to become loyal
good customer service-polite,knowledgeable and efficient staff
adding value
increasing the difference between how much it cost to make the product and how much selling it for
factors influencing demand
fashion consumer tastes and consumer preferences-e.g increase in warnings about damage of sugar, fall in demand for sugary drinks
advertising and branding-more adverting, higher demand
consumers incomes-higher income higher demand
completaey goods-products which are used together e.g fall of demand for printers means fall of demand for ink cartilages too
external shocks-e.g risk on flooding, increase in sandbags to protect homes
factoids influencing supply
costs of production-if increases, fall in supply
indirect taxes-tax in good increases, increases costs for producer, likely to reduce their supply
subsidises-money given to business by government
increases supply
new technology-increase supply as more efficiency and lower costs
extberal shcoks-can reduce cupply in country if their is war
price elasticity of demand equation
percentage change in quantity demanded divided by percentage change in price
price elastic
percentage chnage in demand is greater then percentage change in price
price inelastic
where percentage change in demand is less than percentage chnage in price
examples of things that are price inelastic
necessities e.g milk as change in price doesn’t affect demand much
price elastic products
more likely to be products that cost a greater proportion of customers incomes
e.g won’t care much about 20% increase in a newspaper but will care for 20% increase in car and may make them look for an alternative
income elasticity of demand equation
percentage chnage in quantity demanded divided by percentage change in income
products affected by income elasticity of demand
necessity’s-postive income elatiocity of demand as income rises so does demand
luxury products have income elasticity of demand as income increases so does demand
INFERIOR products(own brands) have a negative income elasticity of demand as income rises, demand falls
design mix
marketing mix
price-pricing strategies
promotion-branding techniques
product-high quailtiy
design mix
Function-fit for purpose
Aesthetics-good look
Costs-is it to costly to produce
study tip-FACE
designed to inform consumers about a product, persude them to buy it
types of branding
Manufacturer branding-how business presents itself
Own branding-in house
product branding-specific individual products that a cooperate brand makes
study tip:MOP