motivational theories Flashcards
taylors scientifc managemnt-concentration on efficiency
came form thought that workers are lazy
workers are reluctant to be productive
need proper instructions and order to work well
beieved workers were motivated by money
recruitment and training
favourved division of labour-breaking producion process into smaller tasks
beleived in paying owkrers according to the quanitity they produced
belivedd finaical incenitives would motivate workers and raise productivity
dis of taylors theory
increasaed productivity could lead to reduced quality
ignores the demotiavting affect of ding very repeitive taks and boring work
adv of taylors theory
peicework is based on hsi dieas
supervisor role still exists
maslows heirachy of needs
maslow believd can move up hierachry
self actualsition (meeting full potential)
self esteem-acheivemnt
social needs-freinships, team work
safety-safe work envioremnt and job security
basic phyical needs-food, water, shleter etc
herzbergs two factor theory
idenfitied two groups of factos which infleunce motiavtion to workers
hygeine factors-e.g working coditions, supervision. dont motivet as much but if not good, workers become dissatsified
motiavting factors-e.g interesting work, persoanl achievements. factors do postively motiavte workers
dis of herzberg
doesnt take into account that people have ddifferent hygiene and motiavtion needs
mayos human relations theory
one group worked in usual conditons for the duration of teh experiment
other gorup had working conditions changed
e.g hange of brightness in workfplace, changes in rest breaks etc
results shows that group that had their condions changed showed greater productivity even if their wokring conditons worsened
foudn out that attention from mangement whilst experiment went on, wsa the reason they increeased pordivitity
concluded that workers wokr better in team s with social interactions