*WlwG Neuro (Strokes/Tumours) Flashcards
Cavum (anterior)
Cavum septum pellucidum
Cavum (whole)
Cavum vergae
Cavum (posterior)
Cavum veli interpositi
What does anterior choroideal artery supply?
Hippocampus (“Korea Hippo”)
What does lenticulostriate artery supply?
Basal ganglia and caudate
Territories: ICA
Contra everything
Territories: ACA
Contra lower limb
Territories: MCA
Contra upper limb, aphasia, homonymous hemianopia
Territories: Lacunar
Contra ACA + MCA
Territories: PCA
Contra reduced visual recognition, homonymous hemianopia with macula sparing
Territories: Retinal/opthalmic artery
Ipsilateral amaurosis fugax/blindness
Territories: PICA/Lateral medullary syndrome/Wallenberg syndrome
Ipsilateral horners/facial sensory/cerebellar, CONTRA limb sensory
Territories: Pontine
Ipsilateral CN6 horizontal gaze palsy
Territories: Basilar
Cerebellum + pons + CN3 palsy
Cerebral infarct: CT appearance
Hypodense throughout, hyperdense if haemorrhagic conversion at 1-4 weeks
Cerebral infarct: MRI appearance DWI
DWI-high/ADC-low acute to subacute, DWI/ADC-high when chronic
Cerebral infarct: MRI appearancec T2/FLAIR
Iso in acute, bright in subacute and chronic
Appearance of CNS vasculitis
Rapidly progressive T2-hyper with infarcts/haemorrhages
Appearance of Moyamoya
Watershed infarcts in kid with increased collaterals (basal ganglia)
Appearance of venous sinus thrombosis on CT and MRI
CT pre-contrast hyperdense, post-contrast hypodense clot
MRI T1-iso, T2-hypo during acute
Bleed: CT appearance
Bright in acute, gradual decrease, dark in chronic
Bleed: MRI apperance
<1 day hyperacute: T1-iso, T2-bright
2 days acute: T1-iso, T2-dark
>3 days early subacute: T1-bright, T2-dark
1-4 weeks late subacute: T1-bright, T2-bright
>4 weeks chronic T1-dark, T2-dark
(“T-oNe “n”, T-2U “U”) (“1234 212 Both” = Hyper Iso-Bri, Acute T2 dark, Early sub T1-bright, Late sub T2-bright, Chronic both dark”)
Bleed: Epidural appearance
Biconvex, not crossing suture/falx/tentorium but can cross midline (as superficial), associated with skull fracture
Bleed: HTN
Central (BG/pons)
Bleed: Subdural
Crescent, crossing suture but not falx/tentorium
Bleed: SAH
Random shape, blood in CSF spaces
Bleed: DAI
Multi-focal tiny T2-hyper bleeds at grey-white interface after trauma
Small aneurysms
Saccular berry aneurysm from PCKD/coarc/marfans/NF1
Large aneurysm with calcification
Giant aneurysm
Aneurysm at distal MCA
Mycotic aneurysm, from infn/IVDU/endocarditis
Aneurysm at posterior circulation (small)
Fusiform aneurysm, from connective tissue disorders
Aneurysm at posterior circulation (elongated)
Atherosclerotic aneurysm
Serpiginous arterial malformation
Medusa-head venous malformation
Anomalous medullary vein
Popcorn blooming susceptibility artefacts
Signs of cavernous sinus thrombosis
CN3 palsy, peri-orbital swelling, exopthalmus, headache. Dense filling defect with distended cavernous sinus on CT/MRI
Artery and nerve involved in brain herniation
Basilar artery, PCA and CN3
Subdural CSF after trauma
Subdural hygroma
Loss of G-W interface
Cerebral oedema
Neuro enhancements: Extra-axial signs?
CSF cleft, next to grey matter but not white matter, enlarged subarachnoid space, bone involvement, +/- dural tail
Neuro enhancements: Extra-axial with dural tail dx
Meningioma/Dural mets
Neuro enhancements: Extra-axial without dural tail
Schwannoma/other tumours
Neuro enhancements: Intra-axial sub-cortical nodular with oedema
Neuro enhancements: Intra-axial sub-cortical nodular without oedema, peri-ventricle
Neuro enhancements: Intra-tentorial nodular in young
Pilocytic astrocytoma
Neuro enhancements: Thin wall, T2-hypo, necrotic center, ring enhancement
Neuro enhancements: Corpus callosum with secondary lesions
Neuro enhancements: Solitary with ventricle involvement
Neuro enhancements: <1cm with thin walls and calcs
NeuroCystiCercosis (taenia tapeworm from pigs)
Neuro enhancements: Multiple in basal ganglia with HIV
Neuro enhancements: Enhancement around gyrus and brainstem dx and conditions
Lepto-meningeal (meningitis/encephalitis/infarct)
Neuro enhancements: Enhancement just under skull and falx dx and conditions
Pachy-meningeal (mets/sarcoid/TB/lymphoma)
MR Spect: Meaning of upslope, downslope, lactate, lipid
Normal = upslope = Choline left-most and lowest, Creatinine center, NAA right-most and highest
Downslope (ie high Choline, low NAA) = Cancer
Presence of lactate = Inflm/Stroke/Cancer
Presence of lipid = Stroke (“Fat people get stroke”)
Neuro lesions: Multiple
MMMM = MS, mets, multi-focal malignancy (GBM, Lymphoma)
Neuro lesions: Mets causes
GBK + LM (GIT, breast, kidney, lung, melanoma)
Neuro lesions: Calcific tumours
Old MAGE = OligodendroGlioma, Meningioma, Astro, Ependy, Glioblastoma
Neuro lesions: Appearance of DNET
DCBNET = Doesn’t enhance (usually), child, bubbly, nodular-cystic, epilepsy, temporal lobe
Neuro adult lesions: Frontal tumour
Neuro adult lesions: Peri-ventricular tumour
Neuro adult lesions: Temporal
Neuro adult lesions: Cerebellar cyst with enhancing nodule
Haemangioblastoma (VHL)
Neuro adult lesions: Anywhere with calcs
Neuro child lesions: Infra-tentorial, hetero enhancement
Neuro child lesions: Intra-tentorial, homo enhancement, hydrocephalus, CT-hyper, no calcs
(compare glioma/astrocytoma is CT-iso/hypo and with calcs)
Neuro child lesions: Cyst with enhancing nodule, focal
Pilocytic astrocytoma
(Compare medulloblastoma is CT-hyper. Compare diffuse midline glioma is diffuse)
Neuro child lesions: Brainstem with CN6/7 affected, CT-iso/hypo, calcs
Diffuse midline glioma/Pontine astrocytoma
(Compare medulloblastoma is CT-hyper. Compare pilocytic astrocytoma is focal)
Neuro lesions: CPA invasive
Neuro lesions: CPA non-invasive, calcs
Neuro lesions: CPA, T1-hyper
Neuro lesions: CPA, fat-sat hypo
Neuro lesions: CPA, T1-hypo, Flair-hypo
Arachnoid cyst (CSF signal)
Neuro lesions: CPA, T1-hypo, Flair-hyper
Neuro lesions: Invades skull
Neuro lesions: Lateral ventricles adult
“SIDE-cytoma” = Neurocytoma
Neuro lesions: Lateral ventricles child
“SIDE-cytoma” = SEGA
Neuro lesions: Midline ventricles adult
“MID-moma” = SubEpendymoma
Neuro lesions: Midline ventricles child
“MID-moma” = Ependymoma (subependy in adult)
Neuro lesions: Midline ventricles T1-hyper
Colloid cyst
Neuro lesions: Cerebellum/roof 4th ventricle, CT-hyper
MedulloBlastoma (CT-hyper unlike astro, homo enhancement, midline cerebellum/4th vent with hydrocephalus)
Neuro lesions: Choroid plexus, hydrocephalus, non-invasive, unilateral, homogeneous enhancement
Neuro lesions: Choroid plexus, hydrocephalus, unilateral, heterogeneous enhancement, cystic/necrotic
Neuro lesions: Choroid plexus, Papilloma vs carcinoma vs xanthogranuloma
Papilloma = Unilateral, homogeneous enhancement
Carcinoma = Unilateral, heterogeneous enhancement, cystic/necrotic
Xanthogranuloma = Bilateral
Neuro lesions: Choroid plexus,bilateral
Neuro lesions: Skull base, midline
Neuro lesions: Skull base, para-midline
Neuro lesions: Pineal, homogeneous
Neuro lesions: Pineal, heterogeneous
Neuro lesions: Pineal, fatty
Neuro lesions: Pineal, calcs
Neuro lesions: Pituitary, T1-hypo, T2-hyper, enhancing
Neuro lesions: Pituitary, T1-var-hyper, T2-hyper with T2-hypo central nodule, non-enhancing
Rathke cleft cyst
Neuro lesions: Pituitary, T1-hyper, after pregnancy
Neuro lesions: Pituitary, T2-hypo during pregnancy
Autoimmune/lymphocytic hypophysitis
Neuro lesions: Supra-sellar T1/T2-hyper
CranioPharyngioma (“cranium + pharynx”)
Neuro lesions: Craniopharyngioma vs pit adenoma
T1-var, T2-hyper: Adenoma (<1cm micro/functional, >1cm macro/non-functional but mass effect)
T1-hyper, T2-var solid-cystic with calcs, enhancing, CN palsy/headache/growth retardation: CranioPharyngioma
(Note: Suprasellar and calcs = Craniopharyngioma. Intra-sellar centered with pituitary fossa enlargement, no calcs = Macroadenoma)
Neuro lesions: Calcs in basal ganglia
Neuro lesions: Calcs in sub-ependymal nodules
Tuberous sclerosis
Neuro lesions: Calcs in gyrus
Neuro lesions: Peri-ventricular calcs
Neuro lesions: Calcs in temporal lobe
Neuro lesions: Grades of astrocytoma
Grade 1 (low grade): 10yo, Sub-ependymal giant cell astrocytoma (“SEGA”) intraventricular mass in tuberous sclerosis child.
Grade 2 (diffuse): 30yo, Non-enhancing, T2-Hyper with Flair-iso.
Grade 3 (anaplastic): 50yo, Enhancing, T2-Hyper with Flair-iso.
Grade 4 (GBM): 70yo, Enhancing, T2/Flair-Hyper.
Neuro lesions: Dural mets, ?primary
Neuro lesions: Multiple dural and leptomeningeal thickened lesions with neuro symptoms ++
Neuro Foramen contents: Optic canal
CN2, vision
Neuro Foramen contents: Superior orbital fissure
3, 4, V1, 6 (eye movements, pupil constriction)
Neuro Foramen contents: Cavernous sinus
3, 4, V1, V2, 6, carotid
Neuro Foramen contents: Foramen rotundum
V2 (mid-face sensory) (“R2 V2, rotun2um”)
Neuro Foramen contents: Foramen ovale
V3 (lower face sensory, anterior tongue sensory) (“oVal3”)
Neuro Foramen contents: Foramen spinosum
MMA (“SpinosuMM”)
Neuro Foramen contents: Meckels
CN5 (“meckel5”)
Neuro Foramen contents: CPA
5, 7, 8, AICA
Neuro Foramen contents: Dorello’s canal
6 (opposite of CPA) (“dorello = dorel6”)
Neuro Foramen contents: IAM
7, 8 (hearing/balance/facial movements)
Neuro Foramen contents: Jugular foramen
CN 9 (posterior tongue sensory and throat), 10 (autonomic), 11 (shoulder/neck movement)
Neuro Foramen contents: Hypoglossal canal
CN 12 (tongue movement)
Hydrocephalus, Asymmetrical
Non-communicating, from intra-ventricle obstruction
Hydrocephalus, Symmetrical
Communicating, from extra-ventricle obstruction (meningitis, SAH, trauama, venous thrombosis)
Hydrocephalus, Gait disturbance, confusion, urinary incontinence
Signs of Cerebral Amyloid angiopathy (CAA)
***Cerebral Amyloid angiopathy (CAA): Intracranial haemorrhages/subarachnoid haemorrhages/microhaemorrhages with siderosis (haemosiderin deposits, appearing as T2 susceptibilities)
Neuro child lesions: Child temporal lobe, cyst with nodule and dural tail
Pleomorphic XanthroAstrocytoma
Neuro child lesions: Child temporal lobe, Bubbly mixed cystic-solid, NON-ENHANCING
DNET (“DCBNET”: Doesn’t enhance (usually), Child, Bubbly, Nodular-cystic, Epilepsy, Temporal lobe)
Neuro child lesions: Temporal lobe, mixed solid-cystic with calcs
GanglioGlioma (also affects adults)
Neuro lesions: Arachnoid cyst vs Epidermoid vs Dermoid
Dermoid (T1-hyper)
Lipoma (Fat-sat hypo)
Arachnoid cyst (CSF so T1-hypo, Flair-hypo)
Epidermoid (T1-hypo, Flair-hyper)
Neuro lesions: Mnemonic for Adult tumours
“OLGGH” = Frontal Oligo, Peri-vent homogeneous lymphoma, Temporal GG, Cerebellar in adult Haemangioblast, Anywhere Astrocytoma/GBM (calcs/multi)
Neuro lesions: Mnemonic for Child temporal lobe
“GDPxa” = Pleomorphic XanthroAstrocytoma (nodulocystic with dural tail), GanglioGlioma (mixed cystic-solid/calcs) and DNET
DNET “DCBNET” = DNET, Child, Bubbly, Nodular-cystic, Epilepsy, Temporal lobe
Neuro lesions: Mnemonic for Infra-tentorial child
“TPM” = Teratoma (hetero enhancement), Pilocytic astro (solid-cystic nodular), MedulloBlast (homo enhancement)
Neuro lesions: Non-enhancing CPA lesions x4
Dermoid (T1-hyper)
Lipoma (Fat-sat hypo)
Arachnoid cyst (CSF so T1-hypo, Flair-hypo)
Epidermoid (T1-hypo, Flair-hyper)
Neuro lesions: Enhancing CPA lesions x3
CPA/Cranial nerve, heterogeneous enhancement, INVASIVE: Schwannoma
Bilateral CPA Schwannoma: NF2
***CPA, homogeneous enhancement, non-invasive, calcification: Meningioma (“Men are gay/homo, Swans are hetero”)
Neuro lesions: Mass involving 3+ lobes
Gliomatosis cerebri
Neuro lesions: What is Parinaud syndrome
Mass effect with compression of tectal plate from pineal tumours, thus unable to vertical gaze