*WlwG Abdo Liver Flashcards
Liver: Mass in <6 months old with raised endothelial growth factor
Infantile haemangioma
Liver: Mass in <5 year old with raised AFP
Liver: Mass in <5 year old with normal AFP
Mesenchymal hamartoma
Liver: Mass in 5-20 year old with raised AFP
Classic HCC (aka Hepatoma)
Liver: Mass in 5-20 year old with normal AFP, central non-enhancing scar
Fibrolamellar HCC
Liver: Solid-cystic mass in 5-20 year old
Embryonal sarcoma
Liver: Multiple liver masses in 5-20 year old
Mets from Neuroblastoma/Wilms
Liver: Raised LFT with fatty liver
Liver: Raised LFT in pregnancy
HELLP syndrome
Liver:Hepatomegaly with small veins/IVC
Budd-chiari (DVT in pregnancy)
Liver: Hepatomegaly with normal veins/IVC following stem cell transplant
Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease (fibrosis of hepatic veins this normal size)
Liver: Hepatomegaly with large veins/IVC
Hepatic congestion (Right heart failure backflow)
Liver: CT hypo, in-high, out-low
Fatty liver (“High in fat”)
Liver: CT-hyper, in-low, out-high, T1/T2-hypo
Haemochromatosis (“Iron sinks, so hyperdense”)
Liver: CT nodular, left lobe hypertrophy
Liver: CT nutmeg-appearance with peripheral enhancement
Budd-chiari (DVT in pregnancy)
Liver: CT/US/MRI all hypo nodules
Sarcoid liver
Liver: Raised serum ACE
Sarcoid liver
Liver: Starry sky on US
Viral Hep, due to fat dots within liver oedema
Liver: Sandstorm/multilocular cyst with wall calcs on US
Hydatid cyst
Liver: Bullseye appearance of US
Liver: Tortoise shell appearance on US
Liver: Wedge shape CT hypo, T1-hypo, T2-hyper
Focal confluent fibrosis
Liver: Wedge shape CT enhancing
Arterio-portal shunt
Liver MRI: T1-hypo, T2-hypo, diffuse
Liver MRI: T1-hypo, T2-hypo focal
Siderotic (iron) regeneration nodule
Liver MRI: Focal T1-hyper, T2-hypo, cirrhosis
Fatty regeneration nodule or dysplastic nodule
Liver MRI: Focal T1-hyper, T2-hypo, CT-hyper
Portal vein thrombosis
Liver MRI: Focal, T1-hypo, T2-hyper, non-enhancing
Liver MRI: Focal, T1-hypo, T2-hyper, US-anaechoic
Liver MRI: Focal, T1-hypo, T2-hyper, enhancing
Liver MRI: Focal, T1-hypo, T2-hyper, US-hyper
Liver MRI: Wedge shape, T1-hypo, T2-hyper
Focal confluent fibrosis
Liver MRI: Focal, T1-hypo, T2-hyper, US-hypo
Liver MRI: Diffuse, T1-hypo, T2-hyper
Liver MRI: T1/T2-hyper, US-hyper, focal
Liver MRI: T1/T2-hyper, diffuse
Fatty liver
Liver: CT-hypo with peripheral enhancement
Abscess (eg bacteria/amoeba)
Liver: CT-hyper causes
Haemochromatosis or Glycogen Storage Disease (“Iron and plants are heavy, so hyperdense”)
Liver MRI: Multi-focal, T1-hypo, T2-hyper, enhancing