WlwG Neck Flashcards
Location of: Branchial cyst 1 type 1
Adjacent to EAC
Location of: Branchial cyst 1 type 2
Location of: Branchial cyst 2
Mandible angle to carotid bifurcation
Location of: Branchial cyst 3
Infrahyoid neck along SCM
Location of: Branchial cyst 4
Adjacent to thyroid
Branchial cleft: Difference between cyst, sinus and fistula
Cyst = no communication. Sinus = incomplete track. Fistula = communication
Location of: Thyroglossal duct cyst
Midline thin-walled cyst, infrahyoid
Location of: Cystic hygroma
Posterior cervical triangle, T2-hyper non-enhancing
T2-extremely hyper with enhancement, US-hyper in infant/child
Infant haemangioma, associated with PHACES syndrome (posterior fossa, haemangioma, arterial anomaly, coarctation of aorta, eye anomaly, subglottic haemangioma).
Type of cancer in larynx
Cause of vocal cord nodules/polyps
Vocal cord abuse, benign
Dilated laryngeal saccule with air or fluid
CN involved in vocal cord paralysis
CN 10
Signs of croup
Infant with barking cough and inspiratory stridor from parainfluenza/respiratory syncytial virus
Signs of epiglottitis
CHILD/young adult with Haemophilus influenzae B infection, results in acute airway obstruction/difficulty speaking, inspiratory stridor, dysphagia, fever.
Carotid space: Hypervascular with salt and pepper appearance, T1-hypo, T2-hyper
Para-ganglioma (glomus tumour)
Hypervascular mass at carotid bifurcation
Carotid body tumour
Hypervascular mass between carotid bifurcation and jugular foramen
Glomus vagale
Hypervascular mass between skull base to jugular foramen
Glomus jugulare
Hypervascular mass at middle ear region
Glomus tympanicum
Carotid space: Heterogeneous avid enhancement, T2-hyper mixed solid-cystic mass
Schwannoma, CN10 (NF homogeneous enhancement, Schwannoma heterogeneous enhancement)
Carotid space: Homogeneous enhancement, T2-hyper target sign bright rim with dark center, widening/erosion of neural foramina
NeuroFibroma (NF homogeneous enhancement, Schwannoma heterogeneous enhancement)
Carotid space: Multiple neurofibromas
NF1 (Compare NF2 is acoustic neuromas/schwanomas)
Salivary gland: Stones dx and location
Sialolithiasis, submandibular or parotid
Salivary gland: Stones CT and MRI appearance
CT-opaque, MRI filling defect
Salivary gland: Enlarged gland, T1-hypo, T2-hyper
Sialo-adenitis, bacterial/viral/mumps infn or calculus, may have LN or abscess
Salivary gland: Thin walled cyst at floor of mouth
Ranula, from sublingual gland obstruction
Salivary gland: Bilateral enlarged honeycomb parotid gland
Salivary gland: T1-hypo, T2-hyper enhancing mixed lobulated mass in parotid, calcs, surrounding capsule
Pleomorphic adenoma (Warthins is cystic +/- bilateral, Mucoepidermoid is similar to pleomorphic but more solid-cystic)
Salivary gland: T1/T2-var, heterogeneous enhancing solid-cystic mass in parotid, +/- calcs
Mucoepidermoid (Warthins is cystic +/- bilateral, pleomorphic is mixed lobulated mass with calcs and capsule)
Can be well or ill-defined.
Salivary gland: Cystic, T1-hypo, T2-var mass in parotid, no calcs
Parotid Warthins tumour (pleomorphic adenoma is lobulated and enhancing with calcs and capsule, Mucoepidermoid is similar to pleomorphic but more solid-cystic)
Salivary gland: Bilateral parotid mass
Parotid Warthins tumour (pleomorphic adenoma is lobulated and enhancing with calcs and capsule, Mucoepidermoid is similar to pleomorphic but more solid-cystic)
Salivary gland: Major gland vs minor gland cancer type
Major (parotid/submand/sublingual): Mucoepidermoid or pleomorphic adenoma with malignant transformation
Minor (others): Adenoid cystic Ca (ACC)
Para-Pharyngeal space displacement: Posterio-Medial
Para-Pharyngeal space displacement: Posterio-lateral
Pharynx mucosa
Para-Pharyngeal space displacement: Anterio-medial
Para-Pharyngeal space displacement: Anterior
Para-Pharyngeal space displacement: Anterio-lateral
Parathyroid: Calcium and PO4 - Primary hyper PTH
High calcium, low PO4/bone density, from adenoma/carcinoma
Parathyroid: Calcium and PO4 - Secondary hyper PTH
Low calcium, high PO4/bone density, from renal osteodystrophy
Parathyroid: Calcium and PO4 - Tertiary hyper PTH
Both high, from chronic secondary hyper PTH
Parathyroid: Calcium and PO4 - Sarcoid/Vit D toxicity
High calcium, low PO4
Thyroid: Malignant criteria (7 criteria)
Taller-than-wide, >2cm, very hypoechoic solid, irregular margins, micro-calcification, vascular, locally invasive.
Thyroid ca: Micro-cals and cysts, ?I-131
Papillary, responsive
Thyroid ca: Macro-calcs, ?I-131
Medullary, unresponsive
Thyroid ca: MEN2, ?I-131
Medullary, unresponsive
Thyroid ca: Mets ++, ?I-131
Follicular, responsive
Thyroid ca: Commonest, ?I-131
Papillary, responsive
Thyroid ca: Post-RT, ?I-131
Anaplastic, unresponsive
Thyroid ca: Diffuse nodules
Thyroid ca: LN mets appearance of US, CT, MRI
US/CT/T1 all hyper
Thyroid: Benign criteria
Cystic, spongiform, hyperechoic solid, well-defined margins
Thyroid: Solid nodule
Thyroid: Diffuse hypo-echoic with micronodules
Hashimotos (hypo-thyroid)
Thyroid: Hyper-thyroid with thyroid eye disease
Thyroid: Location of ectopic thyroid tissue
Lingual/base of tongue/sublingual
Thyroid: T1/T2-hypo diffuse
Reidels Thyroiditis (fibrosis)
Thyroid: Diffuse hyper-echoic, hypervascular enlarged thyroid
Graves disease (hyper-thyroid)
Thyroid: Appearance of ectopic thyroid on scans
Similar to thyroid so:
US absent thyroid
CT-hyper, homogeneously enhancing
Technetium or Iodine scan to confirm