Week 6: Reproductive Histology Flashcards
primary oocytes are arrested in
prophase of meiosis I, meaning they are diploid (2n)
ovarian surface epithelium is
- simple squamous to low cuboidal
* important stem cell in the ovary that repairs damage caused by ovulation
Follicular phase of ovarian cycle
•FSH stimulates primordial follicle to undergo folliculogenesis
primordial follicles
primary oocyte surrounded by simple squamous granulosa cells
stages of follicular phase
primordial follicle -> primary follicle -> secondary follicle -> antral follicle -> graffian follicle
primary follicles
- primary oocyte surrounded by simple cuboidal granulosa cells
- zona pellucida separates primary oocyte from the granulosa
granulosa cells secrete ___ in response to ___
estrogen; FSH
secondary follicles
- primary oocyte surrounded by stratified cuboidal granulosa cells
- zona pellucida separates the primary oocyte from the granulosa
- thecal cells surround the follicle
2 layers of theca
- theca interna- supports granulosa cells of follicle
* theca externa - continuous with ovarian stroma
antral follicle
- intercellular spaces develop between granulosa cells that contain follicular fluid
- spaces eventually join together as antrum
Graffian follicle
- antrum reaches its max size
* granulosa cells have 3 regions
cumulus oophorous
in the graffian follicle, the granulosa cells that anchor the primary oocyte to the wall of the follicle
corona radiata
in the graffian follicle, the granulosa cells that attach to the zona pellucida of the oocyte
rupture of graffian follicle
LH surge induces proteolytic activity in the theca externa and the tunica albuginea –> ovulation
secondary oocyte
- haploid (n), arrested in metaphase of Meiosis II
- the ovulated primary oocyte completes meiosis I in the oviduct and produces first polar body to become secondary oocyte
when is meiosis II complete in the oocyte?
only if fertilization occurs
releases second polar body when meiosis II is complete
corpus luteum forms
during luteal phase, after rupture of graffian follicle, residual granulosa cells and theca interna cells become corpus luteum
granulosa lutein cells secretes ___ in response to ___
estrogen and progesterone; FSH and LH
theca lutein cells produce ___ in response to ___
androstenedione and progesterone; LH
produced by theca lutein cells and then converted to estradiol by aromatase in granulosa lutein cells
involution of corpus luteum
if fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum enters an involution stage (shrinkage) about 14 days after ovulation
hCG affect on corpus luteum
if fertilization occurs, hCG is produced by trophoblast of implanted embryo, and causes corpus luteum to continue to enlarge and produce estrogen and progesterone
regression of the corpus luteum, leading to the corpus albicans from stromal connective tissue
- middle muscular layer of uterine wall
* has thick circular central layer and inner/outer longitudinal or oblique layers
what happens to myometrium in pregnancy
smooth muscles enlarge (hypertrophy) and increase in number (hyperplasia)
endometrium consists of
simple columnar lining, tubular endometrial glands, and lamina propria called endometrial stroma
menstrual phase of uterine cycle
- days 1-5
* the functional layer of endometrium is shed1
proliferative phase of uterine cycle
- days 6-14
- regenerate functional layer of endometrium
- caused by estrogen from maturing follicles
secretory phase of uterine cycle
- days 15-28
- thickening of endometrium
- endometrial glands begin secretory activity
- tubular glands become irregular and coiled
- controlled by progesterone and estrogen from corpus luteum
endometrial ischemic phase
•regression of corpus luteum causes reduction in blood supply to endometrium -> necrosis of tissue and menstruation
- lined by simple columnar folded mucosa consisting of secretory glands
- secretes mucous that is antibacterial and creates favorable conditions for sperm migration
•lined by stratified squamous epithelium
transformation zone
abrupt epithelial transition between endocervix and ectocervix
mucosa layer of vagina
stratified squamous with lamina propria infiltrated by neutrophils and lymphocytes
muscularis of vagina
circular and longitudinal layers of smooth muscle
outer adventitial layer of vagina
dense connective tissue
oviduct layers
mucosa, muscularis, serosa
mucosa of oviduct
- simple columnar
- ciliated cells that produce cilia in response to estrogen and lose cilia during luteolysis
- secretory cells (peg cells) also respond to estrogen
Leydig cells
- located in the space between seminiferous tubules
* produce testosterone in response to LH
cell populations in seminiferous tubule
- somatic sertoli cells
* spermatogenic cells
sertoli cells
- columnar epithelium
- connected by tight junctions for form basal and adluminal compartments
- phagocytose residual germ cell cytoplasm, regulate release of mature spermatozoa
- secrete ABP in response to FSH
- andogen binding protein
- secreted by sertoli cells in response to FSH
- concentrates testosteron in seminiferous tubule to stimulate spermatogenesis
- diploid stem cells of testis
* located close to seminiferous tubular wall
primary spermatocytes
- diploid
* once a spermatogonia commits to spermatogenesis, it divides to become primary speramtocyte
secondary spermatocytes
- haploid
* primary spermatocytes enter meiosis I to make secondary spermatocytes
- haploid
* secondary spermatids enter meiosis II to become spermatids
- the last step of spermatogenesis
* nuclear condensation, formation of acrosomal cap, and development of tail
- spermatids enter the epididymis and mature to become motile
- they are stored here until ejaculation
epithelium of epididymis
- pseudostratified columnar with long branched stereocilia
- columnar principle cells
- basal cells that are stem cells for the principle cells
muscularis in epididymis
- head has circular layer
* body and tail have thicker circular and an outer longitudinal layer
hisology of vas deferens
- epithelium is pseudostratified columnar with serteocilia
- muscularis has inner and outer longitudinal muscle and middle circular
- external layer loose CT and adipose
ejaculatory ducts
ampulla of vas deferns fuses with the seminiferous vesicles forming the ejaculatory duct that pass through the prostate gland
zones of prostate gland
- transitional zone closest to and surrounding prostatic urethra
- central zone surrounding the ejaculatory ducts
- peripheral zone
epithelium of prostate glands
combination of simple and pseudostratified columnar
corpora amylacea
concretions often found in the lumen of prostate glands that are sometimes a site of calcium deposition
what do the prostate glands produce?
zinc-rich, alkaline fluid that neutralizes the acidity of the vagina, provides nutrients to and transports sperm, and liquifies semen
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
- noncancerous enlargement of prostate that can occur with aging
- restricts flow of urine through prostatic urethra
- cells and stoma of central and transitional zones undergo hyperplasia
prostate cancer
- originates from the prostate glands of the peripheral zone, furthest from urethra
- urinary sx not present in early stages
fibrocystic changes in breast tissue
most common benign condition in 20-40 yof; hormonal imbalances are associated; proliferation of CT stroma and cystic formation of ducts
second most common benign breast disease (20-30 yof); slow growing masses of epthelial and connective tissue; painless
breast cancer
about 80% originate in epithelial lining of lactiferous ducts; epithelial cells lining lactiferous ducts have estrogen receptors and about 50%-85% of breast tumors are estrogen dependent