Lab Practical 3 Flashcards
junction of frontal, parietal, sphenoid, and temporal bones
lambdoid suture
connects occipital bone to parietal bones
foramen ovale is in what bone
foramen spinosum is in what bone
foramen lacerum is in what bone
medial and lateral pterigoid plates are in what boine
mandibular fossa in what bone
stylomastoid foramen in what bone
carotid canal in what bone
groove for auditory tube in what bone
jugular foramen in what bone
hypoglossal canal in what bone
crista galli in what bone
cribiform plate in what bone
anterior clinoid process in what bone
optic canal is in what bone
superior orbital fissue in what bone
outer layer of dura
=periosteum on the inner surface of skull bones
dural venous sinuses
where 2 layers of dura separate to enclose blood spaces
falx cerebri
separates hemispheres of cerebrum
tentorium cerebelli
separates cerebellum from cerebrum
falx cerebelli
separates hemispheres of cerebellum
superior sagittal sinus
at level of occipital protuberance, ti terminates by joining right (less frequently the left) transverse sinus
arachnoid granulations
projections of arachnoid within superior sagittal sinus
inferior sagittal sinus enclosed within
lower free margin of falx cerebri
tentorial incisure
inner or anterior border of the tentorium cerebelli
tentorial notch
formed by the tentorial incisure, and posterior cranial fossa communicates with middle cranial fossa through it
hypophyseal fossa of sella turcica
the pituitary glands sits in this
straight sinus
along the junction of tentorium and falx cerebri
straight sinus usually ends by joining
left transverse sinus
confluence of sinus
may be present with superior sagittal, straight, right and left transverse sinuses coming together
sigmoid sinus
where the transverse sinuses turn downward at the lateral end of the superior border of the petrous part of the the temporal bone
sigmoid sinus enters
jugular foramen to drain into internal jugular vein
cavernous sinuses
lie between the 2 layers of durat at the sides of sella turcica.
receive blood from superior and inferior ophthamlmic veins
4 main lobes contained in the cerebral hemispheres
frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal
prominent ridge of transverse fibers extending laterally into the hemispheres of the cerebellum
midbrain (mesencephalon)
found immediately rostral to pons
internal carotid arteries
along with 2 vertebral arteries supplies all the blood to the brain
anterior cerebral arteries
branch of internal carotid that supplies blood to the medial aspect of frontal and parietal lobes
middle cerebral arteries
branch of internal carotid that supplies blood to the lateral aspects of frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes
anterior communicating artery
joins the 2 anterior cerebrals just behind optic chiasma
posterior communicating artery
joins the 2 middle cerebrals and anastamoses with the posterior cerebral artery
vertebral arteries give rise to
anterior and posterior spinal, and posterior inferior cerebellar arteries
basilar artery
provides numerous pontine branches and supplies most of the blood to the cerebellum through anterior inferior and superior cerebellar arteries
arterial circle of willis
seven-sided arterial ring formed by anastamoses of anterior cerebral, anterior communicating, posterior communicating and posterior cerebral arteries
3rd ventricle
slit-like cavity in midline superior to the pons and midbrain
interventricular foramen of monro
connects the paired lateral ventricles with the 3rd ventricle
choroid plexus
vascular plexus that is main source of CSF
4th ventricle
lies posterior to medulla and pons
cerebral aqueduct of sylvius
where the 4th ventricle is continuous superiorly with 3rd ventricle
foramina of luschka (lateral apertures) and foramen magendie (medial apertures)
where the 4th ventricle is continuous inferiorly with the subarachnoid space
corpus collosum
superior to lateral ventricles and facilitates communication between hemispheres
carotid canal
where the internal carotid enters the cranial cavity
foramen spinosum
where the middle meningeal artery from the maxillary artery enters the cranial cavity
frontalis muscle
thin, flat lies just under skin of forehead
orbicularis oculi
circular muscle surrounding palpebral rima
orbicularis oris
surrounds opening of mouth
zygomaticus major
flat muscle arising from zygomatic bone and inserting at angle of mouth blending with orbicularis oris
depressor anguli oris
extends from angle of mouth to lateral aspect of chin
parotid gland
occupies interval between posterior border of ramus of mandible and anterior border of SCM muscle and mastoid process
duct of parotid
- usually considerable size
* emerges from anterior border of gland and crossers cheek anteriorly about 1.5 cm under zygomatic arch
branches of facial nerve
emerge at borders of the parotid
supraorbital nerve
largest cutaneous branch of ophthalmic nerve leaves orbit at supraorbital notch or foramen
infraorbital nerve
largest cutaneous branch of maxillary nerve leaves via infraorbital foremen
mental nerve
largest cutaneous branch of mandibular nerve - mental foremen
facial artery
found at submandibular gland and moves upward into face
masseter muscle
thick quadrilateral muscle covering ramus of mandible externally
buccinator muscle
lies in the substance of the cheek, covered by buccal fat pad
buccinator muscle
lies in the substance of the cheek, covered by buccal fat pad
thin muscle associated with skin of neck
inferior belly of omohyoid muscle
courses inferiorly across the neck toward the shoulder
transverse cervical artery
traverses posterior triangle
suprascapular artery
traverses posterior triangle
levator scapulae
muscle in floor of post triangle
posterior, middle, and anterior scalenes
muscles in floor of post tirangle
phrenic nerve
runs vertically over the surface of the anterior scalene muscle from neck into thoracic cavity
accessory nerve
- spinal root of CN XI
* emerges from under SCM and runs downward and posteriorly on levator scapulae to disappear under trapezius
suprascapular nerve
passes laterally to upper border of scapula to supply infraspinatus and supraspinatus
supracapular artery and vein
may be accompanying the suprascapular artery
long throracic nerve
- derived from upper roots of brachial plexus (supples serratus anterior)
- takes vertical course and passes posterior to trunks of plexus into the axilla
subclavian vein and artery
•vein is immediately posterior to clavicle in lower anterior corner of post triangle
thryroid cartilage
forms the prominence of larynx commonly called Adam’s apple
hyoid bone
superior to thyroid cartiage
thyrohoid membrane
connects thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone
sternohyoid muscle
extends from sternum to lower border of hyoid bone
superior belly of omohyoid muscle
- runs upward and forward through ant triangle
* inserts lateral to sternohyoid
from inner surface of manubrium and inserts on lateral side of thyroid cartilage
thyrohoid muscle
thryroid cartilage to lower border of hyoid bone
cricothyroid muscle
from cricoid cartilage of trachea to inferior portion of thyroid cartilage
digastric muscle
anterior belly and posterior belly with intermediate tendon
anterior belly of digastric
arises from mandible
posterior belly of digastric
arises from medial side of mastoid process
stylohyoid muscle
from base of styloid process to hyoid bone
mylohoid muscle
flat sheet that forms floor of submandibular and submental triangles
from hyoid to mandible
ansa cervicalis
loops of nerves from cervical plexus found outside of carotid sheath
carotid sheath encloses
common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, and vagus nerve
hypoglossal neve
loops across the carotid near its bifurcation
carotid sinus
a dilation at the termination of the common carotid or the beginning of the internal carotid
superior thyroid artery
first branch of external carotid
superior laryngeal aertery
branch of superior thyroid artery; pierces thyrohyoid membrane to enter larynx
ascending pharyngeal artery
arises medial surface of external carotid
lingual artery
arises at level of greater horn of hyoid bone
occipital artery
posterior aspect of external carotid
arises close to lower border of digastric muscle
facial artery
passes deep to posterior belly of digastric
internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve
branch of vagus
external branch of superior laryngeal nerve
smaller than internal branch
superior cervical ganglion
- lies deep to the carotid arteries at about the level of the bifurcation, medial to vagus, and often embedded in the fascia of posterior portion of carotid sheath
- superior extent of sympathetic chain
vertebral artery
first branch of subclavian artery
vertebral artery
first branch of subclavian artery
lateral to vertebral artery on subclavian artery
thyrocervical trunk and internal thoracic
thyrocervical trunk
runs superiorly for a short distance from the subclavian artery then usually divides into transverse cervical, suprascapular, and inferior thyroid arteries
internal thoracic artery
runs downward and forward from sublcavian to anterior thoracic wall behind first costal cartilage
recurrent laryngeal nerves
in the groove between the esophagus and the trachea
lingual nerve
descends from under inferior border of lateral pterygoid
passes down and forward to reach medial surface of mandible
inferior alveolar nerve
also descends from under lateral pterygoid, just posterior to the lingual nerve and eneters the mandibular foramen with the inferior alveolar artery
middle meningeal artery
branch of the maxillary artery that ascends to enter foramen spinosum
chorda tympani
a tiny nerve that joins the lingual nerve
nasal vestibule
just internal to nostril
contains hair
marks where the nasal cavity opens to nasopharynx
nasal septum
formed by vomer and perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
the portion of the nasal cavity lying anterior to the conchae and communicating with the vestibule
sphenoethmoidal recess
the part of the nasal cavity that lies above and behind the superior concha
posterior ethmoid cells
communicate with the nasal cavity through one or more openings in the lateral wall of the superior meatus
hiatus semilunaris
curved groove running downwrd and posteriorly from the infundibulum in the middle meatus
ethmoidal bulla
a bulging prominence in the lateral wall os the middle meatus posterior to infundibulum and superior to the hiatus semilunaris
opening of nasolacrimal duct
found in the wall of the inferior meatus
vestibule of oral cavity
narrow cleftlike space that is bounded by the cheeks and lips externally and the teeth and gums externally
oral cavity proper
behind teeth
palatoglossal arches
first arch at the back of the roof of the mouth
palatopharyngeal arches
arches behind the palatoglossal
isthmus of the fouces
passageway between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches through which the oral cavity communicates with the oropharynx
vertical fold of mucous membrane running from the undersurface of the anterior free portion of the tongue to the floor of the mouth
sublingual papilla or caruncle
at each side of the frenulum, the opening of the submandibular duct can be seen at the summit of this papilla
sublingual fold (plica)
extending posterolaterally along the floor of the mouth from the caruncle
superior, middle, and inferior pharyngeal constrictors
difficult to distinguish from one another
they arise anterolaterally and spread posteromedially around the wall of the parynx
a conical projection on the free margin of the soft palate
superior laryngeal aperture
bounded by the epiglottis and aryepiglottic folds
vestibular folds
false vocal cords
are below the vestibule
ventricle of larynx
portion of laryngeal cavity between the vestibular folds and the vocal folds
infraglottic compartment
area below the vocal folds
rima glottidis
narrow interval between the 2 vocal folds
posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
only abductor of the vocal folds
frontal nerve
largest of 3 terminal branches of ophthalmic nerve that lies immediately above the levator palpebrae superioris
levator palpebrae superioris
flat muscle immediately above the superior rectus muscle