Lab practical 2 Flashcards
internal thoracic arteries
- run laterally on either side of the sternum
- arise at neck as branch of subclavian artery
- behind 6th costal cartilage it divides into superior epigastric and musculophrenic arteries
costodiaphragmatic recess
lowest portion of each pleural cavity
costomediastinal recess
narrow anteromedial prolongation of each pleural cavity to the midline
phrenic nerves
descend on each side of the pericardial sac to innervate diaphragm
middle mediastinum
- largest subdivision of inferior mediastinum
* contains heart, pericardium, roots of the great vessels, and tracheal bifurcation
pericardiophrenic ligament
attaches the pericardium inferiorly to the central portion of the diaphragm
pericardial sac
(parietal pericardium)
has outer fibrous layer and inner serous layer that an inseparable
visceral pericardium
right brachiocepalic vein
begins behind the right sternoclavicular joint and is formed by the union of the right internal jugular and the right subclavian veins
left brachiocephalic vein
begins at the union of the left internal jugular and lef subclavian veins
superior vena cava
- formed by the union of the 2 brachiocephalic veins
* runs vertically downward to the right atrium of the heart
azygos vein
also drains into the SVC
left phrenic nerve and left vagus nerve are closely adherent to
aortic arch, vagus is more posterior
ligamentum arteriosum
connects the undersurface of the arch of the aorta to the upper and anterior aspect of the pulmonary trunk
recurrent laryngeal branch of left vagus nerve
crosses the undersurface of the aortic arch behind the ligamentum arteriosum
brachiocephalic artery
off the aortic arch, passes upward, backward, and to the right to divide into right subclavian and right common carotid
right vagus nerve
runs downward in association with the right common carotid artery and passes over the anterior surface of the brachiocephalic trunk
right recurrent laryngeal nerve of right vagus nerve
loops under the brachiocephalic artery to run upward through the superior mediastinum
left common carotid artery
branches off aortic arch, arises to the left of the brachiocephalic trunk, and runs upward, to the left, and posteriorly to enter the neck
left subclavian artery
arises from the posterior part of the aortic arch, runs upward and arches left
left vegus nerves
descends between the left subclavian and left common carotid arteries to reach the left side of the arch of the aorta
branches of the aortic arch
brachiocephalic artery/trunk, left common carotid, and left subclavian
anterior or sternocostal surface of heart
formed principally by the right ventricle; right margin is formed by the right atrium
coronary sulcus (atrioventricular)
separate the right atrium from the right ventricle; crosses the anterior surface of the heart, running downward and slightly to the right
diaphragamtic surface of heart
inferior surface; rests against the diaphragm
posterior interventricular sulcus
on the diaphragmatic surface, indicates the separation of the right ventricle from the left ventricle
apex of the heart
formed entirely by the left ventricle
posterior surface of the heart
base of the heart
branches of the right coronary artery
right atrial branch, right marginal artery, posterior descending artery (PDA) [in most hearts]
branches of the left coronary artery
left anterior descending (LAD) and circumflex artery
coronary sinus
present in the posterior part of the coronary sulcus; runs downward and to the right to terminate in the right atrium
great cardiac vein
runs upward in the anterior interventricular sulcus in association with the LAD
middle cardiac vein
ascends in the posterior interventricular sulcus in association with the PDA to join the coronary sinus
small cardiac vein
winds around the right margin of heart in the coronary sulcus in association with right coronary artery to join the coronary sinus
fossa ovalis
on the wall of the right atrium
cusps of the tricuspid valve
(between the right atrium and ventricle)
anterior, posterior, and septal
conus arteriosus (infundibulum)
where the cavity of the right ventricle narrows superiorly to become continuous with the pulmonary trunk
chordae tendineae
fibrous strands that run from the wall the right ventricle to attach to the tricuspid valve leaflets
papillary muscle
conical projections of ventricular wall myocardium
cusps of pulmonary valve
anterior, right, and left
pulmonary veins
there are 4 and they open into the left atrium without valves
cusps of mitral valve
(bicuspid)- anterior and posterior
aortic vestibule
smooth area in the upper anterior part of the left ventricle that leads to the aortic orifice
cusps of aortic valve
right, left, and posterior
location of SA node
at the superior end of the right atrium at the junction between SVC and right atrium
Location of AV node
lower part of the interatrial septum, superior to the opening of the coronary sinus
septomarginal trabecula
“moderator band”
located at the apical end of the right ventricle and extends from the interventricular septum to the base of the anterior papillary muscle
the location where the trachea bifurcates into the right and left primary bronchi
right lung organization
superior lobe, horizontal fissure, middle lobe, oblique fissure inferior lobe
organization of left lung
superior lobe, oblique fissure, inferior lobe
principle structures entering hilum of lung
bronchus, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary veins
impressions on the right lung
cardiac impression, esophageal impression, azygous impression
posterior intercostal arteries
arise from the posterior aspect of the descending aorta
azygos vein
ascends through the posterior mediastinum along the right side of the bodies of the vertebra
greater splanchnic nerve
arises from the sympathetic trunk usually from the 5th-9th thoracic ganglia
thoracic duct
most often located on top of the vertebral bodies in the space between the azygos vein and the descending aortia
camper’s fascia
superficial layer of superficial fascia on anterior abdominal wall
scarpa’s fascia
deeper layer of superficial fascia on anterior abdominal wall
superficial inguinal ring
medial opening of inguinal canal that transmits either the spermatic cord or the round ligament of the uterus
medial crus
margin of the superficial inguinal ring that attaches to the pubic symphisis
laters crus
stronger margin of the superficial inguinal ring that attaches to the pubic tubercle
superior epigastric artery
terminal branch of the internal thoracic artery that runs on the deep surface of the rectus between the muscle and the posterior layer of rectus sheath
inferior epigastric artery
branch of the external iliac artery that enters the lower part of the rectus sheath and runs upward between the muscle and posterior layer or rectus sheath
transversalis fascia
at the arcuate line, the posterior rectus sheath diminishes and transversalis fascia is present. it is just superficial to the parietal peritoneal
peritoneal folds
on the deep surface of the abdominal wall, 1 median umbilical fold, 2 medial umbilical folds, and 2 lateral umbilical folds
deep inguinal ring
lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels. ductus deferens and round ligament of uterus enter inguinal canal here
Hesselbach’s triangle
boundaries are inferior epigastric vessels (laterally) lateral border of rectus abdominus muscles (medially) and inguinal ligament (inferiorly)
falciform ligament
divides the right and left lobes of the liver
round ligament of liver (ligamentum teres)
the inferior free margin of the falciform ligament. represents obliterated umbilical veins of the fetus
right triangular ligament
the right free margin of the coronary ligament that attaches liver to diaphragm
left triangular ligament
upper surface of the left lobe of the liver
bare area of the liver
lacks visceral peritoneum; posterior to the coronary and triangular ligaments and is in direct contact with the diaphragm (can’t see it in our dissections)
duodenojejunal flexure
slightly to the left of midline in the upper umbilical region
right colic flexure
under the lower right border of the liver, ascending colon becomes transverse
left colic flexure
in the left hypochondriac region in relation to lower part of spleen. transverse colon becomes descending
hepatogastric ligament
lesser curvature of stomach to inferior surface of liver
hepatoduodenal ligament
first part of duodenum to inferior surface of liver
epiploic foramen
opening immediately posterior to the right free margin of the lesser omentum
main branches of celiac trunk
left gastric, splenic, and common hepatic
left gastric artery
- sends a branch to the esophagus
* runs from the upper end of the lesser curvature to the right
common hepatic artery divides to become
proper hepatic and gastroduodenal arteries
gastroduodenal artery
passes down behind first part of the duodenum and gives rise the to the right gastroepiploic artery and the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
right gastric artery
a branch off the proper hepatic that anastamoses with the left gastric along the lesser curvature
right and left hepatic arteries
terminal branches of the proper hepatic artery
splenic vein
formed at hilum of spleen and passes to the right across the posterior abdominal wall behind the upper border of the pancreas
major duodenal papilla
small elevation at about the midline of the medial wall of the descending portion of duodenum. at the summit is the common orifice of the main pancreatic and common bile ducts
superior mesenteric artery branches
middle colic artery, right colic artery, ileocolic
teniae coli
3 separate longitudinal bands of smooth muscle that travers the length of the large intestine
longitudinal series of sacculations in large intestin
epiploic appendages
small fat-filled outpocketing of visceral peritoneum covering large intestine
branches of inferior mesenteric artery
left colic, sigmoid branches, and superior rectal
inferior phrenic arteries
arise from aorta between 2 crura of the diaphragm
superior suprarenal artery
usually a branch of the inferior phrenic artery that goes to adrenal gland
middle suprarenal arteries
not always present, but arise from the lateral aspects of the aorta
lumbar arteries (4 pairs) and median sacral artery
may or may not be present; arise from the posterior aspect of the abdominal aorta
posterior abdominal wall
formed by psoas major and quadratus lumborum
femoral nerve
emerges from the posterolateral side of the psoas muscle
obturator nerve
on medial side of psoas; enters pelvis by passing dowanward behind the commin iliac vessels
rectovesical pouch
between posterior surface of bladder and front of rectum
retropubic space
intervenes between pelvic wall and inferolateral surfaces of bladder
tendinous arch of obturator fascia
gives rise to the iliococcygeus muscle
coccygeus muscle
arises from ischial spine and sacrospinous ligament
lubosacral trunk
nerves L4 and L5
vesicouterine pouch
between bladder and uterus
pararectal fossa
between the rectouterine folds and the rectum on each side
rectouterine pouch
the 2 pararectal fossae communicate with each other anterior to the rectum and posterior to uterus
broad ligament
part of the peritoneum that covers the uterus and stretches on each side from the lateral border of the uterus to the lateral wall of the pelvis
uterine tube
is contained in the superior free edge of the broad ligament
supports the ovary and projects posteriorly from the lateral part of the broad ligament
portion of the broad ligament that lies above the mesovarium and contains the uterine tube
mesentery of the uterus
suspensory ligament of ovary
contains the ovarian vessels
round ligament of the uterus
projects from the anterior surface of the broad ligament
ovarian ligament
from medial ovary to lateral border of uterus
pelvic portion of ureter (female)
runs downward and forward in front of the internal iliac artery to posterolateral bladder
internal os
the opening in to the cervix from the uterus
external os
the opening of cervix to upper part of vagina
deep perineal pouch
potential space between pelvic diaphragm superioly and perineal membrane inferiorly. contains part of urethra and external urethral sphincter
perineal membrane
layer of tough fascia that is perforated by the urethra and vagina. provides attachment for the muscle of the superficial external genitalia and help support pelvic viscera
superficial perineal pouch
potential space between perineal membrane superiorly and perineal fascia inferiory. contains erectile tissues and 3 muscles - ischiocavernosus, bulbospongoisus, and superficial transverse perineal muscle
ischioanal fossa
potentil space lying lateral to the lower end of the anal canal with an anterior extension superior to the perineal membrane. its filled by ischiorectal fat pad
dartos tunic
superficial fascia of scrotum
tunica vaginalis
serouss membrane that forms a completely enclose sac akin to pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial sacs
tunica albuginea
immediately internal to tunica vaginalis
urogenital fissure
the narrow cleft between the 2 labia majora
frenulum of the clitoris
where the lower fold of each labium minus attaches to the undersurface of the clitoris
prepuce of clitoris
where the upper fold of each labium minus unites above the clitoris
urethral orifice
slightly anterior to vaginal orifice