Lab Practical 1 Flashcards
intervertebral foramina
where spinal nerves pass from the spinal cord to the periphery
vertebral canal
encloses and protects spinal cord
supraspinous and interspinous ligaments
attach spines of adjacent vertebrae
ligamentum flavum
present on inner aspect of vertebral arch
posterior longitudinal ligament
runs along posterior aspect of vertebral bodies and limits hyperflexion of vertebral column
anterior longitudinal ligament
runs along anterior aspect of vertebral bodies and limits hyperextension of vertebral column
conus medullaris
occurs at level of L1 or L2; distal tapering of spinal cord
spinal nerves
31 pairs
cauda equina
“tail of horse”
loose collection of ventral and dorsal roots from lumbar and sacral spinal nerves inferior to the conus medullaris
filum terminale
center of cauda equina; a filament continuous with pia mater. anchors spinal cord to sacrum
dorsal and ventral rootlets
pierce the dura and enter intervertebral foramen as ventral and dorsal roots
spinal ganglion/dorsal root ganglion
will be proximal to the ventral and dorsal roots
ventral and dorsal rami
divisions of spinal nerve
has fibers running in 3 directions
spinal accessory nerve (Cranial nerve XI)
innervates trapezius
rhomboid major and minor and levator scapulae
attached to medial edge of scapulae and innervated by branches of dorsal scapular nerve
serratus anterior
attaches to medial border of scapula near rhomboids and runs anteriorly and inferiorly to rubs 1-8
lies between serratus anterior and scapula
latissimus dorsi
slanting upward from vertebral column
thoracodorsal nerve and artery
neurovascular bundle embedded in fate on the deep surface of the latissimus dorsi
I Love Spaghetti
lateral to medial for erector spinae muscles (intrinsic back muscles)
iliocostalis, longissmus and spinalis
deltoid muscle
innervated by axillary nerve
innervated by suprascapular nerve
posterioal humeral circumflex artery
found on the deep surface of the deltoid along with the axillary nerve
innervated by the suprascapular nerve
teres minor
found inferior to infraspinatus and superior to teres major
teres major
found inferior to teres minor and runs behindlong head of triceps brachii and the humerus
rotator cuff muscles
subscapularis, teres minor, supraspinatus and infraspinatus
long head of triceps
passes between teres minor and major. On the medial side of the posterior arm
lateral head of triceps brachii
lateral on posterior arm
medial head of triceps brachii
found between long head and lateral head.
triceps muscle
innervated by radial nerve and supplied by deep brachial artery
suprascapular ligament
covers the suprascapular notch, which is on the superior border of the scapula
cephalic vein
found in the deltopectoral triangles between the deltiod and clavicular head of pectoralis major
pectoralis minor
runs deep to pectoralis major
medial pectoral nerve
innervates the pectoralis minor
lateral pectoral nerve
along with medial pectoral nerve innervates pectoralis major
short head of biceps brachii
medial side of anterior arm
medial side of anterior arm, deep to short head of biceps brachii
long head of biceps brachii
lateral side of anterior arm
bicipital groove
on the humerus, where the long head of biceps brachii runs
bicipital aponeurosis
on medial side of bicipital tendon, where it attaches to the deep fascia of the forearm
musculocutaneous nerve
innervates the anterior compartment of arm and is found entering the posterior medial aspect of the coracobrachialis
lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
a continuation of the musculocutaneous nerve in the forearm. it is purely sensory
brachial artery
found on medial aspect of the arm along with the median and ulnar nerves
deep brachial artery
branch off the brachial artery that supplies the posterior compartment of the arm
glenoid labrum
fibricartilagenous extension of glenoid fossa
axillary artery
continuation of subclavian artery; begins where subclavian crosses over the first rib
thoracoacromial trunk
vessel medial to pectoralis minor
lateral thoracic artery
lateral to pectoralis minor; supplies lateral chest wall including serratus anterior
subscapular artery
usually longest branch of axillary
thoracodorsal artery
a branch off of the subscapular artery that supplies latissimus dorsi
circumflex scapular branch
branch of subscapular artery that supplies the dorsum of the scapula
posterior humeral circumflex artery
passes with axillary nerve through the quadrangular space
anterior humeral circumflex artery
last branch of the axillary artery
medial cord
gives ulnar nerve and contributes to median nerve
also gives of medial pectoral nerve, medial antebrachial cutaneous, and medial brachial cutaneous.
posterior cord
gives radial and axillary nerve
also gives off thoracodorasal nerve, lowers subscapular nerve, and upper subscapular nerve
lateral cord
gives musculocutaneous nerve and contributes to median nerve
also gives off lateral pectoral nerve
Branch of musculocutaneous nerve
lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
muscles of superficial flexor group on forearm
pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, and flexor digitorum superficialis
found on lateral side of anterior forearm. attaches lateral side of humerus and distal radius as weak flexor of forearm at elbow joint
superficial branch of radial nerve
found on the deep surface of the brachioradialis and accompanies the radial artery
deep branch of radial nerve
pierces the supinator
anterior interosseous nerve
a branch of the median nerve where it passes between the 2 heads of pronator teres. It innervates the deep muscles of the anterior compartment
deep flexor muscles of forearm
flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus, and pronator quadratus
dorsal branch of ulnar nerve
in distal forearm; it is purely sensory for dorsal aspect of medial hand and medial one and a half fingers
superficial branch of ulnar nerve
sensory to the palmar aspect of the medial and and medial one and a half fingers.
deep branch of ulnar nerve
motor to the intrinsic muscle of the hand excluding those done by median nerve
ulnar artery
branches off of brachial artery and is usually larger than the radial artery
common interosseous artery
branches off of the ulnar artery and divides into the anterior and posterior interosseous arteries at the upper border of the interosseous membrane
common digital arteries
branches off the superficial palmar arch
hypothenar muscles
abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi, and opponens digiti minimi. Innervated by ulnar nerve
thenar muscles
abductor pollicis brevis, opponens, pollicis brevis, and flexor pollicis brevis. innervated by the median nerve
adductor pollicis
found medial to the thumb (thenar web space) and innervated by the ulnar nerve
flexor retinaculum
forms the roof of the carpal tunnel
recurrent branch of median nerve
supplies the thenar muscles
digital branch of medial nerve
superficial branch of radial artery
goes into thenar muscles and connects with ulnar artery
deep branch of radial artery
goes through the anatomic snuffbox and between the 2 heads of the first dorsal interosseous muscle
synovial sheath
surrounds the flexor tendons as they pass through the carpal tunnel
superficial muscles of posterior compartment of forearm
aconeous, brachioradialis, extensors carpi radialis longus and brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor digitoru, and extensor digiti minimi
brachioradialis function
flex the elbow
aconeous function
helps extend the elbow
deep muscles of posterior forearm
supinator, extensor indicis, extensors pollicis longus and brevis, abductor pollicis longus
posterior interosseous nerve and artery
run between the superficial and deep groups of muscles of the posterior forearm
extensor retinaculum
deep fascia at the back of the wrist through which all the extensor tendons run
great saphenous vein
found on the superficial medial thigh
adductor canal
deep to the sartorius muscle, it contains the femoral artery, vein, and branches of the femoral nerve
iliotibial tract
on the lateral side of the thigh. it supports the contralateral pelvis when the opposite foot lifts off the ground
tensor fasciae latae
lateral thigh, the iliotibial tract arises from deep fascia on both sides of this muscle
muscles of quadriceps femoris
rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, and vastus medialis
quadriceps tendons
tendons from the 4 quadriceps muscles joint to make the quadriceps tendon that inserts on the patella
ligamentum patellae
quadriceps tendon becomes this inferior to the patella
three major branches of femoral artery
deep femoral (profunda femoris), medial and lateral femoral circumflex arteries
saphenous nerve
a cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve
popliteal artery
femoral artery becomes this as it passes through the adductor hiatus (behind the knee)
descending genicular artery
branches off from the popliteal artery superior to the knee
saphenous artery
a branch off the descending genicular artery that supplies the medial leg
muscles of the adductor (medial) compartment of the thigh
gracilis, pectineus, and adductors longus, brevis, and magnus
superficial branch of obturator (nerve, artery, and vein)
found on the belly of adductor brevis
deep branch of obturator nerve
found deep to adductor brevis
tensor fasiae latae innervations
superior gluteal nerve
tibial portion of sciatic nerve
medial in the bundle
common fibular portion of sciatic nerve
more lateral in the bundle
lesser sciatic foramen
found between the sacrotuberous ligament and the sacrospinous ligament
pudendal nerve
and internal pudendal artery and vein
emerge inferior to the piriformis from the greater sciatic foramen course over the sacrospinous ligament and then enter the lesser sciatic foramen
superior and inferior gamellus
inferior to the piriformis and the tendon of the obturator internus runs between them
quadratus femoris
marks the inferior limit to the gluteal region
hamstring muscles
biceps femoris (most lateral), semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. They extend the thigh and flex the knee
Long head of biceps femoris
lateral and superficial to the short head
short head of biceps femoris
not considered a hamstring muscle because it arises from the femur and is innervated by the common fibular nerve
sural nerve
emerge from the popliteal fossa and extend down posterior calf along with the lesser saphenous vein
saphenous nerve
extends down the medial leg to the foot along with the great saphenous vein
superficial fibular nerve
emerges mid-leg on the lateral side between fibularis longus and brevis
sural arteries
branches of the popliteal artery which enter the 2 heads of the gastrocnemius along with the tibial nerve
middle genicular artery
supplies structures in the knee joint and is a branch off the popliteal artery
popliteus muscle
anterior tibial artery passes into the anterior compartment of the leg at the inferior border of this muscle
fibular artery
branches off from the posterior tibial artery distal to the origin of the anterior tibial artery
dorsalis pedis artery
anterior tibial artery turns into dorsalis pedis, and this artery anastamoses with the fibular artery
extensor digitorum brevis
small fleshy muscle arising from the upper lateral calcaneus. its tendons blend with the long extensor tendons passing from the 4 medial toes
extensor hallucis brevis
part of extensor digitorum brevis. These are the only muscles on the dorsum of the foot