Week 21 Flashcards
Risk factors of mental disorders
genetic and environment
Not providing adequate or appropriate adjustment to the environment or situation
Diagnostic and statistical manual or mental disorders that outline the various md and the specific criteria required for each diagnosis
2 Common classification schemes of mental disorders
International classification of diseases and related health problems
Chinese classification of mental disorders
Male vs Female differences
Males are more socialized to keep emotion in so they often present more angry and repressed symptoms
Females are socialized to show emotion and nurturing so symptoms of anxiety and depression fit closer
Anxiety disorder
An irrational fear of situation or stimuli that are not actually dangerous
Panic disorder
Diagnosed when the panic reaction occurs without being precipitated by a particular fear arousing situation
Panic attacks
Involve the sudden onset of intense fear and various physiological symptoms related to anxiety such as pounding heart/trembling etc
When people experience intense anxiety about being in situations where they might not be able to escape if they need to
Causes of panic disorders
Most people with panic disorders score high on a personality trait called anxiety sensitivity
Fear response to normal fluctuations in physical sensations triggers a fight or flight response which intensifies their symptoms propagating a cycle of panic
Phobic disorder
A panic-like reaction that clearly occurs in a response to specific stimulus or situations
3 types of phobia
social phobia
specific phobia
Generalized anxiety disorder
Marked by excessive and uncontrollable worrying about everyday events. Characterized by various physiological symptoms. Some suggest it begins with a genetic predisposition for anxiety or an early traumatic and develops following the experience of a stressful life event or transition
Symptoms of GAD
Difficulty concentrating
Constant worrying
Sleep disorders
Triggered by everyday events
Obsessive compulsion disorder
Characterized by obsessions and compulsions, although occasionally people with OCD experience (only obsessions or compulsions, not both)
Symptoms of PTSD
Specific triggers
Difficulty concentrating
Sleep disorders
Somatic symptom and related disorder
Somatic symptom and related disorders are a category of mental disorder that involve physical symptoms similar to a medical illness but for which no medical cause could be found
Dissociative disorders
Characterized by “a disruption in the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity or perception”
Personality disorders
Exhibit patterns of thought/feelings/interpersonal interactions and impulse control that are considered inappropriate or discordant with their culture