Week 12 Flashcards
The extent to which a language can use symbols to transmit meaningful messages. Low semanticity: transmite meaningful messages but has limited selection. High semanticity: Can transmit meaningful messages in a specific and various ways
The ability to combine words or symbols of a language using rule of composition and syntax to communicate an almost infinite variety of ideas using a relatively small vocabulary
Refers to the ability to use language to convey messages that are not tied to the immediate context but instead communicate information about events in the past/future/or at some other location
A branch of cognitive psychology devoted to the study of the acquisition, comprehension and production of language
The rules that govern the patterns of sounds that are used in a language
Basic distinctive speech sounds in a language that distinguish one word from another
The smallest units of meaning within a word
Syntax/Syntactical Rules
Grammatical rules of a particular language for combining words to form phrases/clauses/sentences
The social rules of language that allow people to use language appropriately for different purposes and in different situations
How comprehension works:
RIAI Recognize Identify Analyse Interpret
Rhythm, stress, intonation, speech
Mouth structures that make speech sounds (jaw/tongue)
A ward or phrase that results from mishearing something said or sung
Speech sounds for words are not produced in a discrete sequence. Instead, the articulators are shaping multiple sounds at any moment in time, so that different instances of a particular phoneme are acoustically different, depending on the sounds preceding and following them
Categorical perception
The tendency of perceivers to disregard physical difference between stimuli and perceive them as the same such that a continuous change in a physical attribute is perceived not as continuous but as a discrete change at a category boundary
Infant direct talk
Exaggerated expressive verbal and nonverbal communication used with infants
Generalize known words to a variety of contexts then is appropriate for those words
Limit context for generalized words to a certain specific meaning
Vocabulary splurt
Period of strong language growth in children in which they are able to learn and use a large # of words
Telegraphic speech
Speech that sounds like a telegram, with only essential words, has words arranged in an order that makes sense and contains almost all nouns and verbs strung together in pairs
The philosophical view that we are born with knowledge already present
A person who believes that language development results from interaction among multiple biological and social influences
Convergent evolution
The acquisition of the same biological trait in unrelated images
Unstructured, often rambling vocalization at low intensity heard mainly in young birds