Week 14 Flashcards
Geminal period
First 2 weeks after sperm and egg unite
A mature male or female cell used for reproduction
Having one set of chromosomes instead of the usual complement of 2
A single new cell formed at conception
A cell containing both sets of chromosomes
Division of cells in the early embryo to form blastomeres
A solid mass of blastomeres resulting from a # of cleavages in a zygote
Epigenetic modification
Process/reasoning for differences in cells in our bodies. Doesn’t remove or add cells, but it means some genes are turned off and others turned on
Stem cells
Undifferentiated cells that divide and produce any one of a variety of cells
The stage a fertilized egg reaches after 5-6 days after conception
Inner cell mass
The mass of cells inside the morula that will eventually form the embryo
The cells that form the outer layer of blastocyst
The cell development stage proceeding the fertus
Layers of cells
The inner most layer of tissue of the 3 primary germ cell layers of the embryo. Eventually develops into the digestive system, urinary system and lungs
The middle layer of the embryo. Transforms into muscle, bone, and the circulatory system.
The outer layer of the embryo, develops into skin, hair, teeth, and the central nervous system.
Embryonic period
Begins after the blastocyst implants into the uterine wall
Embryonic stages
Trophoblast layer transforms into 2 parts. Developing embryo residing in amniotic sac is the first
Placenta attaches to the inside of the amniotic sac and the umbilical cord of the embryo. Placenta blocks the transfer of many harmful chemicals
Neural tube
The embryo’s precursor to the central nervous system. Develops into the brain and spinal cord via neuralation
The formation of the embryonic nervous system which will develop into the brain and central nervous system
The process by which neurons are generated.
Neural migration
The process through which neurons move/grow/connect as the basic neural tube develops into a more mature brain
Embryonic development
The pattern of embryonic development in which development occurs most intensely at the head and proceeds downward through the body
The pattern of embryonic development proceeding from the centre of the organism outward
The genetically programmed process of cell death as part of normal development or the normal functioning of cells and organs
Foetal Period
9 week - weights 30g 4cm long
3 months - majority of organ growth is complete. begins breathing like motions
End of 4th month - sleep and wake patterns. can move
5th month - vestibular system begins to develop, can recognize mothers voice
6th month - could survive birth. growth of inhibitory neural pathways throughout the body
7-9 months - experiences taste. growing lots.
External compounds that can cause extreme deviations from typical development if introduced to the developing organism.
Rooting reflex
When infants feel something on their cheek they turn their head and open their mouth
Sucking reflex
If something enters the infants mouth when it’s open they will suck on it
Stroke underside of infants foot and they will fan and curl their toes
Tonic Neck
Turn head to one side, extend arm on same side as gaze, flex arm and knee on opposite side
When held upright over a flat surface, infants move their feet in a walk-like fashion, demonstrating a stepping reflex
Throw out arms and gasp as if they feel themselves dropping unexpectedly
Present from birth - death. protects eyes
Grasping reflex
Birth - 3 months. Grab anything that presses against their palms
Motor milestone
Specific ages that children develop certain motor milestones
Junction between the terminal button of one neuron and the membrane of muscle fibre, a gland, or another neuron
The process through which new synapses are formed between neurons
Synaptic pruning
Facilitates a change in neural structure by reducing the overall # of synapses, leaving more efficient synaptic configurations. Occurs throughout life.
Experience-Dependent Plasticity
The ability of the nervous system to wire and rewire itself in response to lasting changes in experience
Experience-Expected Plasticity
Development that will not happen unless a particular experience occurs during its critical period.
Lack of coordination between the eyes
The loss or lack of development of central vision in one eye that is unrelated to any eye health problem and is not correctable with lenses
Brofenbrenners Model
Microsystem Mesosystem Exosystem Exosystem Macrosystem Chronosystem
Consists of you and your relationships with those in your immediate surroundings (family/teachers)
Is made up of connections between different relationships you have within your microsystem
Refers to those settings that you might not directly experience but remain influenced by
Refers to the larger social constructs that shape your environment in less-direct ways
Encompasses those historical changes that influence development and those stages
Social learning theory
View of psychologists who emphasize behaviour, environment and cognition as they key factors in development
Reciprocal determinism
A person’s behaviour is both influenced by and influences his/her attitudes and behaviours and the environment
Perceived self efficiacy
Individual’s perception of his/her ability to master a situation and produce favourable outcomes
The development of myelin sheath around the axons of neurons. This sheath insulates neurons from each other and increases the speed at which neurons transmit information. Also used to determind the relative maturity of different areas of the brain
Executive functioning
Functions involved in goal-oriented behaviour, planning and problem solving
The first menstrual cycle
Sign of sexual maturity in boys marked by the production of viable sperm and first ejaculation
The permanent end of menstruation and a women’s fertility
Erikson’s Stages of lifestyle
8 stages. Development tasks across your entire life which can go good/bad
Exploring options, crisis unresolved
Not possible to test/disprove