Week 13 Flashcards
A trait that is influenced by more than one pair of genes
The study of heritable changes that occur without a change in the DNA sequences
Differential Approach
An approach in psychology devoted to tests and measures of individual differences in various psychological properties, including peoples abilities to solve problems
Factor Analysis
Statistical analysis that examines all of the correlations between all of the items and determines if any of them are highly correlated with each other
(Looks at a group of variables and looks for the underlying structure of dimensions they share)
Spearman vs Galton
S - Correlating different intelligence tests
G - Trying to correlate more general descriptions of intelligence with physical features
Intelligence quotient
A # used to express the intelligence of a person that is calculated using the ratio of the mental age as reported on a standardized test to the chronological age then multiplied by 100
Deviation IQ
A procedure for computing the intelligence quotient; compares an individuals score with those received by other individuals of the same chronological age
Developing an Intelligence Test
NSRV Norming Standardization Reliability Validity
Process of gathering data concerning comparison groups that permit an individual’s score to be assessed relative to his/her peers
Determining typical performance of a test
A characteristic of a measure that provides consistent and stable answers across multiple observations and points in time
The degree to which the instrument or procedure actually measure what it claims to measure
Cortical Network Level Attributes
- Efficient use of neural resources
- High synchronization between cortical centre’s
- Adaption of cortical networks in the face of changing demands
Elements of Intelligence
- Individuals w/ higher cognitive abilities to show more efficient neural processing and thus lower levels of activation in areas of the train used to preform a certain task
- Individuals with higher skill levels show a greater degree of synchronization between cortical regions than do individuals w/ lower skill levels. Also, synchronization in an individual increases with learning
- Individuals w/ higher cognitive abilities show greater neural adaption when faced with changing demands compared to individuals w/ lower intellectual abilities
Gene-Environment Covariation
When exposure to environmental conditions is correlated w/ a persons genes
Cognitive heuristics
Mental shortcuts based on experience
Availability heuristic
The tendency to estimate how frequently something occurs based on the ease with which examples come to mind
Base Rate Fallacy
The tendency to ignore general information about the frequency of events in favour of specific salient information such that rare events are overestimated
False consensus effect
The tendency for a person to overestimate that # of people who share their beliefs and behaviours
Conjunction fallacy
Belief that multiple specific conditions are more likely than a single general one
Representativeness heuristic
Tendency to ignore base rates and judge the frequency or likelihood of an even by the extent to which is resembles the typical case
A bias produced when a reference or starting point is provided for a judgement
Framing effect
The effect of wording on judgement and decision making
Sunk Cost Fallacy
The framing effect that occurs when individuals decisions/judgements are based on past investments they have made
Conformation Bias
The process by which people interpret/seek and create information that confirms already held beliefs
Priming Account
The process by which different moods activate different information