Week 16 Flashcards
Inductive discipline
Guiding behaviours, introducing appropriate limits and setting up reasonable consequences while also explaining why
Unlikely to use physical discipline and will explain the rules they lay out. Reason with their children and hearing their arguments but not always giving into them
Parents tend to discipline using threats and punishment and are more likely to use physical discipline. Expect children to follow rules without explanation
Parents believe children will learn best on their own, without structure imposed on them by adults. They allow children a great deal of freedom in regulating their own lives
Parents do not set limits for their children, do not monitor their activity and may actively discourage them
A rapid form of learning, typically occurring in restricted time window after birth, that allows an animal to recognize another animal/person/thing as an object to be emulated and followed
Attachment Bond stages
- Pre-attachment: Birth - 6 weeks. Reliant on the caregiver
- Attachment-in-the-making: 6 weeks-8 months. At this time infants form expectations for their parent/child relationship
- Clear-cut attachment: 6/8 moths-18 months. Infants seek comfort from their caregivers
- Reciprocal Relationship Phase: Begins at 18/24 months and is the final phase as children grow more mobile and
Contact comfort
The comfort that primate babies derive from close physical contact with something soft and warm
Different styles of attachment
Severely attached
Insecure resistant
Insecure avoidant
Each infants individual patterns of behaviours and emotional reactions
Predictability of infants biological rhythms such as eating and sleeping
Threshold of Responsiveness
Intensity required from a stimulus to elicit a response from the infant
Sexual dimorphism
The condition in which 2 binary sexes of the same species exhibit different characteristics beyond the differences in their reproductive organs/genital
Emotional dimorphism
2 binary sexes display different emotional characteristics. Girls have more intimate friendships etc
Discrete emotions therapy
Proposes that only a few distinct emotions are biologically based. Since we all biologically have the same sets of emotions, we tend to react in similar ways
Criteria of a basic emotion
Universal within species
Facilitates a function response to a specific, prototypical life event
Evident early in life
Should have its own physiological basis
Functional emotions
Evoked with reference to the developing person’s goals and concerns. Therefore these changes undergo development. (embarrassed/shame)
Emotional self regulation
A process that involves the initiation, suprression or modulation of the 4 components of emotion: feelings/physiological states/goals and thoughts
Effortful control
The ability to regulate one’s responses to external stimuli, it is the ability to inhibit an automatic response and substitute a planned or intentional response instead
The tendency to choose to associate with those who are similar to us in some way