Week 1 Misc Flashcards
What are the 4 british values
- Rule of law
- Democracy
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
What is PREVENT?
The campaign to prevent people being drawn into terrorism.
What law covers the PREVENT campaign?
Section 26, Counter terrorism and security 2015
Define Democracy.
Everyone has an influence but the majority overrules.
Define Rule of law.
Rules put in place to make a safe environment for us to live and work.
Define “individual liberty”.
Each person should have the right and power to act, behave or express themselves. They should be able to do this within a society free from oppression/ reprocussions imposed by others.
Define “Mutual Respect”.
Understanding there are different beliefs/ opinions, but they still need to be respected.
What are the 6 C’s of care?
Define a Non technical skil.
Cognitive, Social and personal skills that complement technical skills. They contribute to the safe and efficient care.
Name 4 non-technical skills.
- Situational awareness
- Decision making
- Team working
- Task managment
What is the duty of Candour?
The obligation to be open and honest, as outlined in the NHS constitution 2013.
What are the benefits of good record keepiing?
Improves accountability,
Shows how decisions are made about PT care,
Supports service delivery
Supports effective clinical judgement
identifies risk
Helps to address complaints
What 5 things should be included in an EPRF?
- Structured HX taking and assessment
- Any physical assessement,
- Working impression + differential diagnosis
- Provide clinical rationale plus any safety netting advice,
- List pertinent findings
Define “Capacity”.
The ability to make decision at the time it needs to be made.
What 2 things do the MCA 2005 protect?
To protect the right of an individual from having treatment forced upon them in all but rare circumstance.
To protect individuals in situations where they are unfit to make an informed decision.
What are the mental capacity considerations?
- What is the decision?
- Is the PT able to make a decision?
- Is there any impairment/ disturbances?
- Does the impairment/ disturbances affect their ability to make an informed decision?
What is covered under the functional tes?
- Does the PT understand?
- Can they retain the information given?
- Can they weigh up/ use the information given?
- Can they communicate their decision by any means?
Under what conditions does a PT pass their functional test?
- On answering yes to all questions.
Once the functional test is completed what is the next step?
No impairment - Gain informed consent.
Impairment - Diagnostic test.
Once a PT has refused, what are the next steps?
- Confirm the PT has the facts.
- Document the refusal,
- Explain the potential consequences,
- Discuss with clinical hub (Even in event of HCP referal)
- Explain/ offer alternatives.
Define a “DOLS”.
A way of protecting patients who are necessarily having their liberty deprived to keep them safe and applies to patients that lack capacity.
Where does a DOLS apply?
in the exact location stated on the DOLS.
What are the 2 forms of LPA?
- Property and finance.
- Wellbeing and finance.
Define “Gillick competency”.
When a child has the ability to understand information given and can make an informed decision about their care.
What must happen to a PT that has been given oral tranquilistion (For example, by a BASICS Dr)?
They must be transported to ED.
When dealing with an agitated PT what must you focus on?
Identifying and treating, or arranging to treat the underlying cause of agitation.
What may be useful in the event of post ROSC aggitation?
SPCC for Midazolam
What are the ways to reduce bias?
- Use neutral terminology
- Be mindful of conscious biasing behaviours/ patterns
- Assessment/treatment should be based on numbers not preconceived bias.
What are the levels of agitation?
- Mild = Agitated but cooperative
- Moderate = Disruptive without danger
- Severe = Dangerous to self and/or staff.
What checklist can be useful to assess agitation?
Broset checklist
What reversible pathology can be rectified to reduce agitattion?
- Hypoxia
- Hypoglycaemia
- pain
- Full bladder
- Post ictal