Visual pathway and Diencephalon Flashcards
Optic N stimulation travels to
Pretectal area
From Pretectal area, axons travel to
Edinger-Westphal nuclei on both sides
What is the reason when shinning light into one eye, both eyes constrict
Because oculomotor and optic N both connect to Edinger-Wesphal nuclei on both sides
Marcus Gunn pupil is due to
Lesion of Afferent limb of pupillary light reflex
DX made by swinging flashlight
VPL input
Sensory from body and limbs
VPL output
somatosensory cortex
VPM input
Sensory from face, taste
VPM output
Somatosensory cortex
VA/VL input
motor info from BG, cerebellum
VA/VL output
Motor cortices
LGB input
Visual from optic tract
LGB output
First-degree visual cortex
MGB input
Auditory from inferior colliculus
MGB output
First-degree auditory cortex
AN input
Mamillary nucleus (via mamillothalamic tract)
AN output
Cingulate gyrus (part of Papez circuit)
MD involved in
MD damage leads to
Lateral hypothalamic nuclei
Feeding center
Ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei
Satiety center
Suprachiasmatic hypothalamic nuclei
Regulates circadian rhythms
Supraoptic and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei
Synthesize ADH and Oxytocin
Mamillary body of hypothalamic nuclei
Input from hippocampus
Arcuate nuclei of hypothalamus
Produce hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting factors
Anterior region of hypothalamic nuclei
Temperature regulation by stimulating PSNS
Posterior region of hypothalamic nuclei
Temperature regulation by stimulating SNS
Preoptic area of hypothalamic nuclei
Regulates release of GnRH