what is the readily available technique for detecting virus for characteristic viral inclusions
cytology and histology
this virus detection method involves the morphologic study of cells or tissues
cytology and histology
are intracellular structures formed by aggregates of virus or viral components in an infected cell of abnormal accumulations of cellular materials resulting from virus induced metabolic disruption
viral inclusion
are aggregates of cells fused to form one large cell with multiple nuclei
syncytial cells
rabies virus inclusions in brain are called
negri bodies
this virus detection method is most helpful for detecting viruses that do not grow readily in cell culture and works best if the titer or virus is at least 10^6-10^7 particles per milliliter
Electron microscopy
this allows visualization of virus particles present in numbers too small for easy direct detection
immuno-electron microscopy
the addition of specific antiserum to the test suspension causes the virus particles to form antibody-bound aggregates, which are more easily detected than single virus particles
this virus detection method refers to
in the clinical virology lab, this method of detection is most useful for detecting gastroenteritis viruses that cannot be detected by other methods (e.g. astroviruses) and encephalitis-causing viruses that are undetectable with cell culture (GSV, neasles, Jc polyomavirus )
Electron microscopy
when there’s a newly recognized viral syndrome, it can be rapidly recognized through _____ by identifying characteristic viral morphology in an infected tissue
EM - electron microscopy