characteristic of an ARENAVIRIDAE
Enveloped spherical capsid with circular segmented ssRNA
- Infect a variety of mammalian species especially rodents and bats
MOT of arenaviridae
inhalation of aerosols from infected rodent excrement (urine, saliva, feces, nasal secretions),
or by
direct contact with infected rodents
arenaviridae is divided into
old world and new world
the old world and new world of arenaviridae is divided based on ___
serotyping and phylogenetic analysis
2 viruses of arenaviridae - old world
- Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV)
- Lassa Fever Virus (first detected in Lassa, Nigeria)
2 viruses of arenaviridae - new world
- Junin Virus
- Machupo Virus
- Sabia Virus
- Chapare Virus
- Whitewater Arroyo Virus
- Guanarito Virus
this virus of arenaviridae is linked to aseptic meningitis
cases in EUROPE and AMERICAS
lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus is can be acquired from __
pet hamsters
LYMPHOCYTIC CHORIOMENINGITIS VIRUS is associated with at least how many human deaths post-organ transplantation from infected donors
10 human deaths
lassa fever virus is first detected in ___
Lassa, Nigeria
lassa fever virus will cause ___ to symptomatic patients
hemorrhagic fever, shock, and death in 5% - 15% of symptomatic patients
lassa fever virus can cause ___ % of death
how many percent do patients contract lassa fever virus asymptomatically
80% asymptomatic
lassa fever virus is responsible for how many deaths annually, primarily in west africa
5000 deaths
determine which virus’ symptoms is the following
capillary leak
organ involvement
respiratory distress
this arenaviridae virus causes argentine hemorrhagic fever
junin virusj
junin virus cause what virus
argentine hemorrhagic fever
this arenaviridae virus causes bolivian hemorrhagic fever
machupo virus
this arenaviridae virus causes hemorrhagic fever in brazil
sabia virus
sabia virus causes what fever
hemorrhagic fever in brazil
newer virus of arenaviridae than can cause severe illness
chapare virus
whitewater arroyo virus of arenaviridae can cause __
illness to humas, though rare
this arenaviridae virus causes venezuelan hemorrhagic fever
guanarito virus
guanarito virus can cause what fever
venezuelan hemorrhagic fever
diagnosis of arenaviridae
antigen capture ELISA
this arenaviridae diagnosis is based on serologic tests
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
this arenaviridae diagnosis is for viral nucleic acid detection
reverse transcriptase - polymerase chain reaction
this arenaviridae diagnosis is for quantitative detection in serum and tissue culture supernatants
antigen capture ELISA
this arenaviridae diagnosis is not routinely recommended for VIRAL ISOLATION
cell culture
why do cell culture for arenaviridae is not recommended
proven to be unreliable because of inconsistent sensitivity
personnel will be at high risk as well and specimen for LCMV requires BSL 3 facilities, while lassa fever requires BSL 4
structure characteristics of a bunyaviridae
enveloped viruses with 3 single stranded-segmented RNA genome enclosed in a helical nucleocapsid -
bunyaviridae’s genome is consists of how many segment
3 segments
small, medium, and large
shape of a bunyaridae
generally spherical or pleomorphic shape
genera of bunyaviridae
this genera of bunyaviridae includes many viruses that are transmitted by arthropods (mosquitoes or ticks) and can cause diseases in humans and animals
this genera of bunyaviridae includes viruses such as RIFT VALLEY FEVER VIRUS which can cause significant disease in livestock and humans
this genera of bunyaviridae includes the CRIMEAN-CONGO hemorrhagic fever virus, which is associated with severe hemorrhagic fever in humans