evidence of viral diseases exist in ancient records dating back to as far as ___ BC
evidence of viral diseases exist in ancient records dating back to as far as 23 BC when _____ code of mesopotamia noted “bite of nad dogs to affect disease on humans “
eschunna code
who is the author of the iliad whom characterizes Hector as “rabid”
aristotle’s work, ________, written in the 4th century BC describes a madness in dogs that causes them to become very irritable and all mammals they bite become diseased
the natural history of man
the writings from 23 bc mesopotamia - eschunna code as well as the “natural history of man” written by aristotle which is about the madness
in dogs that causes individual to become irritable and cause disease is clearly referring to what virus
viruses that established a long term relationship with their host were the first to become adapted to coevolution with the human race.
di agad nila pinapatay, and the use it to evolve.
some of these earliest viruses were believed to be ______ such as __ and __
retroviruses such as herpes virus and papillomaviruses
the transmission of virus from animals to humans still occurs, and is demonstrated in the recent event from the past years, what is it?
SARS - severe acute respiratory syndrome, west nile, and influenza A H5 viruses, 2009 H1N1
formerly known as the pandemic swine flu
2009 H1N1 virus
the deadliest viruses to affect humans
influenza virus
influenza is named to indicate disease resulting from the influence of miasma “bad air”
miasma means
bad air
the emergence of a new viral disease across a very large geographic region with prolonged human to human transmission is called
to date, most of the pandemics recorded gave been caused by what virus
influenza virus
pandemic caused by influenza results upon the reassortment of genes combined with those of another organism, usually an animal.
This process will result or emerge as a completely new or novel virus
this process is called as
genetic shift