UTI Flashcards
What organisms can cause UTIs?
Staph saprophyticus
What are risk factors for UTI?
< 1 year old Female Previous UTI Vesicoureteral reflex Constipation
What age are boys more likely to get a UTI?
< 3 months
What are the clinical features of a UTI in an infant < 3 months?
Poor feeding
What are the clinical features of a UTI in an older child?
Increased frequency
Painful urination
Abdo pain
How are suspected UTIs investigated?
Urine dipstick
Urine microscopy + culture
What are features of an atypical UTI?
Poor urine flow Abdominal/bladder mass Raised creatinine Sepsis Failure to respond to treatment within 48 hrs Non E.coli organism
When is an ultrasound indicated in a child < 6 months?
During infection
- atypical UTI
- recurrent UTI
Within 6 weeks
- responds to abx within 48 hrs
When is an ultrasound indicated in a child > 6 months?
During infection
- atypical
Within 6 weeks
- recurrent UTI
What is the definition of a recurrent UTI?
2 or more upper UTI
1 upper UTI + 1 lower UTI
3 lower UTI
How is a UTI managed in a child < 3 months?
Refer to paeds for treatment with IV abx
How is a lower UTI managed in a child > 3 months?
3 days abx
How is an upper UTI managed in a child > 3 months?
? referral to specialtist
10 days abx