Use of "to" or "ing" Flashcards
Realmente no me apetece salir esta noche
I really don´t feel like going out tonight
Todos esperaron que su negocio fracasara
Everyone expected his business to fail
Qué quieres hacer esta tarde
What would you like to do this evening?
Comentamos cambiar el ático
We discussed turning the attic
Ella no fue capaz de hablar
She wasn´t able to speak
Te importa mover tu coche?
Do you mind moving your car?
Van a postponer tomar una decisión
They are going to postpone making a decision
¿Estás planificando comprar un DVD?
Are you planning to get a DVD?
¿Estás pensando en comprar un coche?
Are you thinking of getting a car?
Estoy encantado de decirte que has aprobado
I am pleased to tell you that you´ve passed
Sara ha ofrecido acomodarnos el fin de semana
Sara has offered to put us up for the weekend
Estoy deseando ir en al crucero
I am looking forward to going on the cruise
He conseguido animar a los estudiantes a estudiar
I have got to encourage sutdents to study
gestiona persuadir al banco
manage to persuade the bank
No le gusta caminar
He dislike waking
Niegas robarlo?
Do you deny stealing it?
Los niños pretenden estar dormidos
Kids pretend to be asleeep
Rechazo aceptar eso
I refuse to accept that
No entiendo como puedes consegir ir allí
I don´t understand how you can afford to go there