Food and health Flashcards
The heart attack wasn’t (causing someone to die)
The heart attack wasn’t fatal
pre-prepared or packaged food that has low nutritional value; Fatty fast foods and processed snack foods.
Kids eat far too much … these days.
junk food
to eat more food than the body needs
If I didn’t …, I wouldn’t be ….
(of a diet) including vegetarian food and fish, but no other meat
My cousin thinks farming animals and chickens is cruel and bad for the planet, so he’s…
a chemical substance used for preventing food from spoiling or wood from decaying
Many processed foods have added… and artificial
colourings and flavourings
(of a diet) with plant foods only; without animal products, including
meat, fish, seafood, eggs, milk, cheese, etc
Let’s try sticking to a… diet.
(of a diet) with plant foods and sometimes dairy products,
but without meat, fish, or seafood.
Most people I met in India were….