Formal sentences 2 Flashcards
Qué le trae hoy aquí
What brings you here today?
Cómo se siente ahora
How are you feeling now?
Alguien en su entorno ha estado enfermo?
Has anyone around you been sick?
Secreción nasal?
Runny nose?
Tiene dificultad para respirar?
Are you short of breath?
Ha notado sibilancias?
Have you experienced any wheezing?
Le duele algo?
Are you in pain?
Se levanta por la noche con dificultad para respirar?
Do you wake up at night short of breath?
Estar tumbada lo mejora o lo emperoa
Does lying down make it better or worse?
Sí adelante
Yes go ahead
He afirmado claramente
I have stated clearly
Sugiero hacer esto
I suggest doing (NO “to do”) this
Te sugiero un libro
I suggest a book (NO I suggest “you” a book)
Te sugiero que hablemos
I suggest that we talk (NO I suggest “you to” talk)
De nada
Not at all, don’t worry, it’s my pleasure
Nunca lo he hecho
I hardly ever did it
Sacar al perro
To take the dog up
put your feet on the grownd
Estoy harto de
I’m fed up with
con mano izquierda
under hand
Rechazo comer
I refuse to eat