Upper Limb 2 Flashcards
How many of each type of bone is there in the hand
27 Bones
8 Carpal 5 Metacarpal 5 proximal Phalanges 4 Middle Phalanges 5 Distal Phalanges
List the carpal bone
She Looks Too Pretty, Try To Catch Her
5 Main Joints of the wrist
Large CMC Joint Small CMC Joint Midcarpal Joints Radiocarpal Joint Distal Radioulnar Joint
[Ulnocarpal Joint]
Fibrocartilage Complex
Triangular in shape and made up of several ligaments and cartilage
Allows flexibility of wrist
Extrinsic Anterior Hand Muscles
Flexor Digiti Superficialis
Flexor Digiti Profundus
Intrinsic Medial Anterior Hand Muscles
Abductor Digiti
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
Opponens Digiti Minimi
Intrinsic Lateral Anterior Hand Muscles
Superficial: Abductor Pollicis Brevis, Flexor Pollicis Brevis
Deep: Opponens Pollicis
Small subcutaneous anterior hand muscle
Palmaris Brevis
Intrinsic Adductor Compartment of Anterior Hand Muscles
Adductor Pollicis (Oblique Head at 2, 3 metacarpals & transverse head at ant. shaft of 3 metacarpal)
Attaches to medial side of proximal phalange of thumb
Intrinsic Hand Muscles that flex metacarpophalangeal joints and extend interphalangeal joints
Arises from tendons of FDP to lateral side of distal end of proximal phalanges
Not on Thumb
Palmar Interosseus Muscles
Adduct the fingers and assist in flexion of metacarpohalangeal joints/extension of interphalangeal joints
Between metacarpals 2-5
Arising from 2, 3, 5 to bases proximal phalanges & extensor expansions of 2, 4, 5
Which muscles compose the central compartment of the hand muscles
Palmar Interossei
Extrinsic Extensors of the Posterior Hand
Extensor Digitorum
Extensor Indicis
Extensor Digiti Minimi
What restricts independent extension of fingers
Linking of adjacent tendons by 3 oblique intertendinous connections
Thenar Extensors of the Posterior Hand
Abductor Pollicis Longus
Extensor Pollicis Longus & Brevis
Outcrop muscles that make anatomical snuff box
What does compresion of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel cause
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Volar Hand
Palmar Side
Is the median nerve volar or dorsal
Which Carpal Bones define the boundaries of the carpal tunnel
Laterally: Scaphoid & Trapezium tubercles
Medially: Pisiform and Hook of Hamate
Role of flexor retinaculum in creating the carpal tunnel
Turns the carpal arch into the carpal tunnel by bridging the space between the medial & lateral parts of the arch
It is a thick connective tissue which forms the roof of the carpal tunnel
What nerve is in the carpal tunnel
Median Nerve
Which tendons are in the carpal tunnel
Flexor Pollicis Longus
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Function of the Retinacula
Fixing the tendons to the wrist
Preventing bow-stringing & sideways sliding
Describe the finger pulley system
FDS & FDP are closesly fixed t ophalanges by a fibro-osseus tunnel formed by fibrous arches
- Provides biomechanical stability and prevents bowstringing