Unit IV Review Flashcards
Magister dixit.
The master has spoken.
A mari usque ad mare.
From sea to sea
Dictum et factum
Said and done
Quid novi?
What’s new?
The master has spoken.
Magister dixit.
From sea to sea
A mari usque ad mari
Said and done
Dictum et factum
What’s new?
Quid novi?
where? (in what place?)
how many?
quam diu?
how long?
how? (in what manner?)
where? (in what place?)
how many?
how long?
quam diu?
how? (in what manner?)
Give the PERFECT STEM for the 3rd conjugation model verb “rego”
rego régere rexi rectus
drop the “i” from the third principal part
Give the PERFECT STEM for the 4th conjugation model verb “audio”
áudio audire audivi auditus
drop the “i” from the third principal part
Give the PERFECT STEM for the 3rd conjugation io model verb “capio”
cápio cápere cepi captus
drop the “i” from the third principal part
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to hear”
and name the conjugation
áudio audire audivi auditus
Conjugation: 4th
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to take, capture”
and name the conjugation
cápio cápere cepi captus
Conjugation: 3rd io
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to desire”
and name the conjugation
cúpio cúpere cupivi cupitus
Conjugation: 3rd io
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to say, tell”
and name the conjugation
dico dicere dixi dictus
Conjugation: 3rd
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to say, tell”
and name the conjugation
dico dicere dixi dictus
Conjugation: 3rd
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to lead”
and name the conjugation
duco dúcere duxi ductus
Conjugation: 3rd
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to sleep”
and name the conjugation
dormio dormire dormivi dormitus
Conjugation: 4th
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to make, do”
and name the conjugation
fácio fácere feci factus
Conjugation: 3rd io
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to fix, fasten”
and name the conjugation
figo figere fixi fixus
Conjugation: 3rd
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to finish”
and name the conjugation
finio finire finivi finitus
Conjugation: 4th
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to flee”
and name the conjugation
fúgio fúgere fūgi fúgitus
Conjugation: 3rd io
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to hinder, obstruct”
and name the conjugation
impédio impedire impedivi impeditus
Conjugation: 4th
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to discover, find out”
and name the conjugation
invénio invenire inveni inventus
Conjugation: 4th IRR
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to throw, hurl”
and name the conjugation
jácio jácere jeci jactus
Conjugation: 3rd io
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to join, connect”
and name the conjugation
jungo júngere junxi junctus
Conjugation: 3rd
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to fortify, protect”
and name the conjugation
múnio munire munivi munitus
Conjugation: 4th
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to not know”
and name the conjugation
néscio nescire nescivi nescitus
Conjugation: 4th
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to rule”
and name the conjugation
rego régere rexi rectus
Conjugation: 3rd
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to know”
and name the conjugation
scio scire scivi scitus
Conjugation: 4th
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to feel, perceive”
and name the conjugation
séntio sentire sensi sensus
Conjugation: 4th IRR
Give the 4 principal parts of the verb that means “to build, construct”
and name the conjugation
struo strúere struxi structus
Conjugation: 3rd
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to drag, haul”
and name the conjugation
traho tráhere traxi tractus
Conjugation: 3rd
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to convey, transport”
and name the conjugation
veho véhere vexi vectus
Conjugation: 3rd
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to come”
and name the conjugation
vénio venire veni ventus
Conjugation: 4th IRR
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to conquer”
and name the conjugation
vinco víncere vici victus
Conjugation: 3rd IRR
Give the 4 principal parts for the verb that means “to live, be alive”
and name the conjugation
vivo vívere vixi victus
Conjugation: 3rd
Quid est tibi nomen?
What is your name?
Quómodo vales?
How are you?
Mihi nomen est
My name is …
Satis bene
Well enough
Óptime, grátias.
Very well, thanks.
What is your name
Quid est tibi nomen?
How are you?
Quómodo vales?
My name is …
Mihi nomen est
Well enough.
Satis bene.
Very well, thanks.
Óptime, grátias.
A 3rd or 4th conjugation verb which forms its 3rd principal part from the root (such as fugio, venio, and invenio) will have two sets of IDENTICAL FORMS in the present and perfect systems in the 3RD PERSON SINGULAR and the 1ST PERSON PLURAL.
What indicates the difference between
the PERFECT tense and the PRESENT tense
in the 3rd person singular OR the 1st person plural?
no mark indicates the PRESENT tense, and
a macron or accent indicates the PERFECT tense
venit (hsi comes) PRESENT
vēnit (hsi came) PERFECT
venimus (we come) PRESENT
vénimus (we came) PERFECT
A 3rd or 4th conjugation verb which forms its 3rd principal part from the root, such as fugio, venio, and invenio, will have two sets of identical forms in the PRESENT and PERFECT systems in the 3RD PERSON SINGULAR and the 1ST PERSON PLURAL.
Using “fugio” give an example of how to tell the difference between the 3rd Person Singular in the PRESENT and PERFECT tense
fugit (hsi flees)
fūgit (hsi fled)
no mark indicates the PRESENT tense, and
a macron or accent indicates the PERFECT tense
A 3rd or 4th conjugation verb which forms its 3rd principal part from the root (such as fugio, venio, and invenio) will have two sets of IDENTICAL FORMS in the present and perfect systems in the 3RD PERSON SINGULAR and the 1ST PERSON PLURAL.
Using “fugio” give an example of how to tell the difference between the
1ST PERSON PLURAL forms in the PRESENT and PERFECT tense
fugimus (we flee)
fúgimus (we fled)
no mark indicates the PRESENT tense, and
a macron or accent indicates the PERFECT tense