Lesson 24 Flashcards
argentum -i
n. silver
derivative: Argentina
aurum -i
n. gold
derivative: Au (gold)
collum -i
n. neck
derivative: collar
ferrum -i
n. iron, tool made of iron
derivative: Fe (iron)
lignum -i
n. wood
derivative: lignite
scutum -i
n. shield
derivative: escutcheon
telum -i
n. missile (javelin, spear, dart)
tergum -i
n. back, rear
vallum -i
n. wall, rampart
derivative: wall
vinum -i
n. wine
derivative: vinegar
Give the PRESENT TENSE Passive Voice endings for 2nd Conjugation verbs
r, or ris tur mur mini ntur
Give the IMPERFECT TENSE Passive Voice endings for 2nd Conjugation verbs
bar baris batur bamur bámini bantur
Give the FUTURE TENSE Passive Voice endings for 2nd Conjugation verbs
bor beris bitur bimur bímini buntur
Ablative of Means
The ablative WITHOUT A PREPOSITION used to express the NON-LIVING agent, the means, or the instrument of the action.
Translated by, with, with the precise meaning, by means of
What is the one irregularity in the present system passive of the first two conjugations?
biris becomes BERIS in the 2nd person singular of the future tense
When the action of the passive verb is performed by a person, it is called ____.
ablative of agent
When the action of the passive verb is performed by a person, is the PREPOSITION A/AB required?
When the action of the passive verb is performed by a THING, is the PREPOSITION A/AB required?
When the action of the passive verb is performed by a thing, it is called ____.
ablative of means
Ferrum ferro exacúitur
Iron is sharpened by iron.
Give the personal endings for the PASSIVE VOICE
r, or ris tur mur mini ntur
Give the personal endings for the ACTIVE VOICE
o, m s t mus tis nt
Conjugate moneo in the PRESENT TENSE passive voice
móne or mone ris mone tur mone mur moné mini mone ntur
Conjugate moneo in the IMPERFECT TENSE passive voice
mone bar mone baris mone batur mone bamur mone bámini mone bantur
Conjugate moneo in the FUTURE TENSE passive voice
mone bor mone beris mone bitur mone bimur mone bímini mone buntur
argentum -i
aurum -i
collum -i
iron, tool made of iron
ferrum -i
scutum -i
missile (javelin, spear, dart)
telum -i
back, rear
tergum -i
wall, rampart
vallum -i
vinum -i
Iron is sharpened by iron.
Ferrum ferro exacúitur
lignum -i