Lesson 1 Phrases and Sentences Flashcards
Roma Aeterna
Eternal Rome
Anno Dómini (A. D.)
In the year of our Lord
ante bellum
before the war
Quattuor anni témpora
The four seasons of the year
Mater Itáliae Roma
The Mother of Italy, Rome
tértium regnum
third kingdom
tres puellae
three girls
quinque templa
five temples
quinta mensa
fifth table
sex saxa
six rocks
sextus filius
sixth son
quattuor bella
four wars
quartus agnus
fourth lamb
septem reginae
seven queens
decem dei
ten gods
The small girls are praying.
Puellae parvae orant.
I see the small girls.
Puellas parvas video.
The great horse is walking.
Magnus equus ámbulat.
He is washing the large horse.
Equum magnum lavat.
Many rocks are flying.
Multa saxa volant.
We carry many rocks.
Multa saxa portamus.
Puellae parvae orant.
The small girls are praying.
Puellas parvas video.
I see the small girls.
Magnus equus ámbulat.
The great horse is walking.
Equum magnum lavat.
He is washing the large horse.
Multa saxa volant.
Many rocks are flying.
Multa saxa portamus.
We carry many rocks.