Final Review: Lesson 9 (1st/2nd Person Possessive Pronoun Adjective) Flashcards
Name the 8 kinds of Pronouns
Personal, Possessive
Reflexive, Intensive
Relative, Interrogative
Demonstrative, Indefinite
What two nouns are involved with every form of meus, tuus, noster, and vester?
the NOUN MODIFIED and the UNDERSTOOD ANTECEDENT (antecedent=the noun that the pronoun represents)
Meus, tuus, noster, and vester are Possessive Pronoun Adjectives that function as adjectives and obey WHAT RULE?
the Adjective Agreement Rule (they agree with their nouns in gender, number, and case)
A noun must be written in the genitive case to be possessive. Meus, tuus, noster, and vester are possessive by definition, so they can be written in WHICH case(s).
ALL cases
meus mea meum
my (m., f., n.) PPA (Posessive Pronoun Adjective)
tuus tua tuum
your (m., f., n.) PPA PPA (Posessive Pronoun Adjective)
noster nostra nostrum
our (m., f., n.) PPA PPA (Posessive Pronoun Adjective)
vester vestra vestrum
your (pl.) (m., f., n.) PPA PPA (Posessive Pronoun Adjective)
What pattern do these Possessive Pronoun Adjectives follow?
meus mea meum (meus, -a, -um)
tuus tua tuum (tuus, -a, -um)
1st and 2nd Declension Adjective pattern
model noun: bonus -a -um
What pattern should we notice about the endings for noster nostra nostrum
It is an “er” adjective like “integer, integra, integrum”
What pattern should we notice about the endings for vester vestra vestrum?
It is an “er” adjective like “integer, integra, integrum” AND the first vowel is NOT “o” as in “noster”
áquila áquilae
f. eagle derivative: aquiline
aurora aurorae
f. dawn derivative: aurora borealis
corona coronae
f. crown derivative: coronation
culina culinae
f. kitchen derivative: culinary
fábula fábulae
f. story, tale derivative: fabulous
fémina féminae
f. woman derivative: feminine
fenestra fenestrae
f. window derivative: defenestrate (the act of throwing something out of a window!)
fortuna fortunae
f. fortune derivative: fortunate
ínsula ínsulae
f. island derivative: insulate
jánua jánuae
f. door derivative: January
mea culpa
my fault