Lesson 26 Flashcards
arbor árboris
f. tree
derivative: arbor, arboretum
amor amoris
m. love, passion
derivative: amorous
clamor -oris
m. shout, cry
derivative: clamorous
dolor -oris
m. grief, pain
derivative: dolorous
imperator -oris
m. general, commander
derivative: imperious
labor -oris
m. work, toil
derivative: laborious
orator -oris
m. speaker, orator
derivative: oratory
pastor -oris
m. shepherd, pastor
derivative: pastoral
piscator -oris
m. fisherman
derivative: pisces
senator -oris
m. senator
Give the PRESENT TENSE Passive Voice endings for 4th Conjugation verbs
or ris tur mur mini untur
Give the IMPERFECT TENSE Passive Voice endings for 4th Conjugation verbs
ebar ebaris ebatur ebamur ebámini ebantur
Give the FUTURE TENSE Passive Voice endings for 4th Conjugation verbs
ar eris etur emur émini entur
When the action of the passive verb is performed by a person, it is called ____.
ablative of agent
When the action of the passive verb is performed by a person, is the PREPOSITION A/AB required?
When the action of the passive verb is performed by a THING, is the PREPOSITION A/AB required?
When the action of the passive verb is performed by a thing, it is called ____.
ablative of means
Cápitur urbs quae totum cepit orbem.
The city which captured the whole world is now captured.
Give the personal endings for the PASSIVE VOICE
r, or ris tur mur mini ntur
Give the personal endings for the ACTIVE VOICE
o, m s t mus tis nt
Conjugate audio audire in the FUTURE TENSE passive voice
audi ar audi eris audi etur audi emur audi émini audi entur
Conjugate audio audire in the IMPERFECT TENSE passive voice
audi ebar audi ebaris audi ebatur audi ebamur audi ebámini audi ebantur
Conjugate audio audire in the PRESENT TENSE passive voice
áudi or audi ris audi tur audi mur audí mini audi untur
The city which captured the whole world is now captured.
Capitur urbs quae totum cepit orbem.
f. tree
arbor árboris
m. love, passion
amor amoris
m. shout, cry
clamor -oris
m. grief, pain
dolor -oris
m. general, commander
imperator -oris
m. work, toil
labor -oris
m. speaker, orator
orator -oris
m. shepherd, pastor
pastor -oris
m. fisherman
piscator -oris
m. senator
senator -oris
Give the PRESENT TENSE Passive Voice endings for 3rd io Conjugation verbs
or eris tur mur mini untur
Give the IMPERFECT TENSE Passive Voice endings for 3rd io Conjugation verbs
ebar ebaris ebatur ebamur ebámini ebantur
Give the FUTURE TENSE Passive Voice endings for 3rd io Conjugation verbs
ar eris etur emur émini entur
Conjugate capio cápere in the FUTURE TENSE passive voice
cápi ar cáp eris cáp etur cáp emur cáp émini cáp entur
Conjugate capio cápere in the IMPERFECT TENSE passive voice
capi ebar capi ebaris capi ebatur capi ebamur capi ebámini capi ebantur
Conjugate capio cápere in the PRESENT TENSE passive voice
cápi or cáp eris cápi tur cápi mur capí mini capi untur