Lesson 17 Flashcards
What 3 ways can the perfect tense be translated into English for the simple, present, or emphatic past?
SIMPLE: simple past - (no helping verb) ex: I praised
PRESENT: present perfect - (have/has) ex: I have praised
EMPHATIC: emphatic past - (did) ex: I did praise
What English helping verb translates the future perfect tense?
will have
What English helping verb translates the pluperfect tense?
How do you find the PERFECT STEM for all conjugations?
Drop “i” from the third principal part
What are the tenses of the PERFECT SYSTEM?
perfect, pluperfect, future perfect
How do you find the PRESENT stem for 1st, 2nd, and 4th conjugation verbs?
drop “re” from the infinitive
Name the Latin conjugations
1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
Give the Future Perfect tense endings for the 1st and 2nd Conjugations and Sum
ero eris erit érimus éritis erint
Give the pluperfect tense endings for the 1st and 2nd Conjugations and Sum
eram eras erat eramus eratis erant
Give the perfect tense endings for 1st and 2nd Conjugations and Sum
i isti it imus istis erunt
Veni, vidi, vici
I came, I saw, I conquered
Fortes fortuna juvat.
Fortune aids the brave
Nunc aut numquam
Now or never
Ora et labora
Pray and work
Semper fidelis
Always faithful
Erare est humanum.
To err is human
<p>spero -are</p>
1C to hope
<p>vídeo vidēre vidi visus</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to see</p>
<p>váleo valēre válui -- </p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to be strong, be well</p>
<p>tímeo timēre tímui --</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to fear, be afraid of</p>
<p>térreo, terrēre </p>
<p>2C to frighten</p>
<p>téneo tenēre ténui tentus</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to hold</p>
<p>táceo tacēre </p>
<p>2C to be silent</p>
<p>sédeo sedēre sedi sessus</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to sit</p>
<p>respóndeo respondēre respondi responsus</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to respond, answer</p>
<p>prohíbeo, prohibēre</p>
<p>2C to prevent</p>
<p>móveo movēre movi motus </p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to move</p>
<p>móneo monēre </p>
<p>2C to warn</p>
<p>máneo manēre mansi mansus </p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to remain, stay</p>
<p>júbeo jubēre jussi jussus</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to order, command</p>
<p>hábeo habēre </p>
<p>2C to have</p>
<p>gaúdeo -ēre -- --</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to rejoice</p>
<p>dóceo -ēre dócui doctus</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to teach</p>
<p>débeo débēre </p>
<p>2C to owe, ought</p>
<p>cáveo -ēre cavi cautus</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to beware of, guard against</p>
<p>árdeo -ēre arsi arsus</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to burn, be on fire</p>
<p>appáreo apparēre </p>
<p>2C to appear</p>
<p>sum esse fui futurus</p>
<p>IRREGULAR to be</p>
<p>sto stare steti status</p>
<p>1C IRREGULAR to stand</p>
<p>lavo lavare lavi lautus</p>
<p>1C IRREGULAR to wash</p>
<p>juvo juvare juvi jutus</p>
<p>1C IRREGULAR to help</p>
<p>do dare dedi datus</p>
<p>1C IRREGULAR to give</p>
<p>vúlnero -are</p>
<p>1C to wound</p>
<p>volo -are</p>
<p>1C to fly</p>
<p>voco -are</p>
<p>1C to call</p>
<p>tempto -are</p>
<p>1C to tempt</p>
<p>súpero -are</p>
<p>1C to overcome, surpass</p>
<p>specto -are</p>
<p>1C to look at </p>
<p>servo -are</p>
<p>1C to guard, keep</p>
<p>saluto -are</p>
<p>1C to greet</p>
<p>rogo -are</p>
<p>1C to ask</p>
<p>puto -are</p>
<p>1C to think</p>
<p>pugno -are</p>
<p>1C to fight</p>
<p>porto -are</p>
<p>1C to carry</p>
<p>perturbo -are</p>
<p>1C to disturb</p>
<p>paro -are</p>
<p>1C to prepare</p>
<p>oro -are</p>
<p>1C to speak, pray</p>
<p>opto -are</p>
<p>1C to desire, wish</p>
<p>oppugno -are</p>
<p>1C to attack</p>
<p>óccupo -are</p>
<p>1C to seize</p>
<p>núntio -are</p>
<p>1C to report</p>
<p>nego -are</p>
<p>1C to deny</p>
<p>návigo -are</p>
<p>1C to sail</p>
<p>1C to swim</p>
<p>narro -are</p>
<p>1C to tell </p>
<p>muto -are</p>
<p>1C to change</p>
<p>líbero -are</p>
<p>1C to set free</p>
<p>laudo -are</p>
<p>1C to praise</p>
<p>laboro -are</p>
<p>1C to work</p>
<p>júdico -are</p>
<p>1C to judge, consider</p>
<p>hábito -are</p>
<p>1C to live in, dwell</p>
<p>exspecto -are</p>
<p>1C to wait for, expect</p>
<p>exploro -are</p>
<p>1C to explore</p>
<p>erro -are</p>
<p>1C to err, wander</p>
<p>dúbito -are</p>
<p>1C to doubt</p>
<p>demonstro -are</p>
<p>1C to show, point out</p>
<p>delecto -are</p>
<p>1C to delight, please</p>
<p>culpo -are</p>
<p>1C to blame</p>
<p>creo -are</p>
<p>1C to create</p>
<p>clamo -are</p>
<p>1C to shout</p>
<p>celo -are</p>
<p>1C to hide</p>
<p>aro -are</p>
<p>1C to plow</p>
<p>appello -are</p>
<p>1C to address</p>
<p>amo -are</p>
<p>1C to love, like</p>
<p>ámbulo -are</p>
<p>1C to walk</p>
<p>adoro -are</p>
<p>1C to adore</p>
<p>accuso -are</p>
<p>1C to accuse</p>
1C to hope
<p>spero -are</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to see</p>
<p>vídeo vidēre vidi visus</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to be strong, be well</p>
<p>váleo valēre válui -- </p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to fear, be afraid of</p>
<p>tímeo timēre tímui --</p>
<p>2C to frighten</p>
<p>térreo, terrēre </p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to hold</p>
<p>téneo tenēre ténui tentus</p>
<p>2C to be silent</p>
<p>táceo tacēre </p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to sit</p>
<p>sédeo sedēre sedi sessus</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to respond, answer</p>
<p>respóndeo respondēre respondi responsus</p>
<p>2C to prevent</p>
<p>prohíbeo, prohibēre</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to move</p>
<p>móveo movēre movi motus </p>
<p>2C to warn</p>
<p>móneo monēre </p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to remain, stay</p>
<p>máneo manēre mansi mansus </p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to order, command</p>
<p>júbeo jubēre jussi jussus</p>
<p>2C to have</p>
<p>hábeo habēre </p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to rejoice</p>
<p>gaúdeo -ēre -- --</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to teach</p>
<p>dóceo -ēre dócui doctus</p>
<p>2C to owe, ought</p>
<p>débeo débēre </p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to beware of, guard against</p>
<p>cáveo -ēre cavi cautus</p>
<p>2C IRREGULAR to burn, be on fire</p>
<p>árdeo -ēre arsi arsus</p>
<p>2C to appear</p>
<p>appáreo apparēre </p>
<p>IRREGULAR to be</p>
<p>sum esse fui futurus</p>
<p>1C IRREGULAR to stand</p>
<p>sto stare steti status</p>
<p>1C IRREGULAR to wash</p>
<p>lavo lavare lavi lautus</p>
<p>1C IRREGULAR to help</p>
<p>juvo juvare juvi jutus</p>
<p>1C IRREGULAR to give</p>
<p>do dare dedi datus</p>
<p>1C to wound</p>
<p>vúlnero -are</p>
<p>1C to fly</p>
<p>volo -are</p>
<p>1C to call</p>
<p>voco -are</p>
<p>1C to tempt</p>
<p>tempto -are</p>
<p>1C to overcome, surpass</p>
<p>súpero -are</p>
<p>1C to look at </p>
<p>specto -are</p>
<p>1C to guard, keep</p>
<p>servo -are</p>
<p>1C to greet</p>
<p>saluto -are</p>
<p>1C to ask</p>
<p>rogo -are</p>
<p>1C to think</p>
<p>puto -are</p>
<p>1C to fight</p>
<p>pugno -are</p>
<p>1C to carry</p>
<p>porto -are</p>
<p>1C to disturb</p>
<p>perturbo -are</p>
<p>1C to prepare</p>
<p>paro -are</p>
<p>1C to speak, pray</p>
<p>oro -are</p>
<p>1C to desire, wish</p>
<p>opto -are</p>
<p>1C to attack</p>
<p>oppugno -are</p>
<p>1C to seize</p>
<p>óccupo -are</p>
<p>1C to report</p>
<p>núntio -are</p>
<p>1C to deny</p>
<p>nego -are</p>
<p>1C to sail</p>
<p>návigo -are</p>
<p>1C to swim</p>
<p>1C to tell </p>
<p>narro -are</p>
<p>1C to change</p>
<p>muto -are</p>
<p>1C to set free</p>
<p>líbero -are</p>
<p>1C to praise</p>
<p>laudo -are</p>
<p>1C to work</p>
<p>laboro -are</p>
<p>1C to judge, consider</p>
<p>júdico -are</p>
<p>1C to live in, dwell</p>
<p>hábito -are</p>
<p>1C to wait for, expect</p>
<p>exspecto -are</p>
<p>1C to explore</p>
<p>exploro -are</p>
<p>1C to err, wander</p>
<p>erro -are</p>
<p>1C to doubt</p>
<p>dúbito -are</p>
<p>1C to show, point out</p>
<p>demonstro -are</p>
<p>1C to delight, please</p>
<p>delecto -are</p>
<p>1C to blame</p>
<p>culpo -are</p>
<p>1C to shout</p>
<p>clamo -are</p>
<p>1C to hide</p>
<p>celo -are</p>
<p>1C to plow</p>
<p>aro -are</p>
<p>1C to address</p>
<p>appello -are</p>
<p>1C to love, like</p>
<p>amo -are</p>
<p>1C to walk</p>
<p>ámbulo -are</p>
<p>1C to adore</p>
<p>adoro -are</p>
<p>1C to create</p>
<p>creo -are</p>
<p>1C to accuse</p>
<p>accuso -are</p>