Lesson 25 Flashcards
brácchium -i
n. arm (forearm)
derivative: brachium (anatomy)
fólium -i
n. leaf
derivative: folio, foliage
frumentum -i
n. grain, corn
gáudium -i
n. joy
derivative: gaudy
peccatum -i
n. sin, mistake
derivative: peccadillo
praémium -i
n. reward
derivative: premium
proélium -i
n. battle
saéculum -i
n. age, time period
derivative: secular
signum -i
n. sign
derivative: signal
stúdium -i
n. zeal, enthusiasm, study
derivative: studious
Give the PRESENT TENSE Passive Voice endings for 3rd Conjugation verbs
or eris itur imur imini untur
Give the IMPERFECT TENSE Passive Voice endings for 3rd Conjugation verbs
ebar ebaris ebatur ebamur ebámini ebantur
Give the FUTURE TENSE Passive Voice endings for 3rd Conjugation verbs
ar eris etur emur émini entur
When the action of the passive verb is performed by a person, it is called ____.
ablative of agent
When the action of the passive verb is performed by a person, is the PREPOSITION A/AB required?
When the action of the passive verb is performed by a THING, is the PREPOSITION A/AB required?
When the action of the passive verb is performed by a thing, it is called ____.
ablative of means
Repetítio mater studiorum
Repetition is the mother of learning
Give the personal endings for the PASSIVE VOICE
r, or ris tur mur mini ntur
Give the personal endings for the ACTIVE VOICE
o, m s t mus tis nt
Conjugate rego régere in the FUTURE TENSE passive voice
reg ar reg eris reg etur reg emur reg émini reg entur
Conjugate rego régere in the IMPERFECT TENSE passive voice
reg ebar reg ebaris reg ebatur reg ebamur reg ebámini reg ebantur
Conjugate rego régere in the PRESENT TENSE passive voice
reg or rég eris rég itur rég imur reg ímini reg untur
Repetition is the mother of learning
Repetítio mater studiorum
n. arm (forearm)
brácchium -i
n. leaf
fólium -i
n. grain, corn
frumentum -i
n. joy
gáudium -i
n. sin, mistake
peccatum -i
n. reward
praémium -i
n. battle
proélium -i
n. age, time period
saéculum -i
n. sign
signum -i
n. zeal, enthusiasm, study
stúdium -i
For the 3rd conjugation, what is the DIFFERENCE between
the 2ND PERSON SINGULAR for the PRESENT tense and the FUTURE tense
present tense: régeris (RE ge ris)
future tense: regeris (re GE ris)