Unit 7: POPs and Endocrine Disruptors Flashcards
Disrupts the nervous system.
Chemical that causes cancer.
Interfere with the development of embryos or fetuses.
Chemicals that cause allergic reactions.
Endocrine disruptor
A chemical that interferes with the hormones in a body.
Lead source
Paint, gasoline.
Lead effects
Impaired learning, nervous system disorders, death.
Mercury source
Coal burning, fish consumption.
Mercury effects
Damaged brain, kidneys, liver, and immune system.
Asbestos source
Building materials.
Asbestos effects
Impaired breathing, lung cancer.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) source
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) effects
Cancer, impaired hearing, liver damage.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) persistence
8-15 years in water
Radon source
Soil, water
Radon effects
Lung cancer
Radon persistence
4 days in air
Atrazine source
Atrazine effects
Feminization of males, low sperm count.
Atrazine persistence
1 year in soil
DDT source
DDT effects
Feminization of males, thin eggshells of birds.
DDT persistence
30 years in soil
BPA source
Plastics, resins, packaged food and drinks.
BPA effects
Increased blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease.
BPA persistence
Persistent compound
Phthalates source
Plastics, cosmetics.
Phthalates effects
Feminization of males
Phthalates persistence
Days to weeks
Effect of POPs on ecosystems
Don’t easily breakdown in the environment because they are synthetic carbon-based molecules, can be toxic to organisms because they are soluble in fat leading to accumulation in organisms’ fatty tissues, and can travel over long distances.
Particulate matter (PM)
Contains microscopic solids or liquid droplets so small that they can be inhaled and cause serious health problems.
The interaction of two or more substances to cause an effect greater than each of them individually.
What do endocrine glands regulate?
Metabolism, growth and development, reproduction, and behavior.
What do endocrine disruptors do?
Bind to the site on a cell where hormones from endocrine glands bind to a cell to start a process like insulin, testosterone, estrogen, etc.
Why are POPs harmful?
Potential for long term transport and exposure to humans through the food chain.