Unit 2: Aquatic Biomes Flashcards
Freshwater biomes are a vital source of what?
Drinking water.
Flowing freshwater carrying a small amount of water.
Flowing freshwater carrying a large amount of water.
A small body of standing freshwater.
A large body of standing freshwater.
An area submerged by water for at least part of the year, but shallow enough to support emergent vegetation.
Marine biomes do what?
Supply Earth with oxygen and take in CO2 from the atmosphere because of algae.
Salt marshes
A marsh containing nonwoody emergent vegetation and salt water, located along the coast in temperate climates.
An area where freshwater from rivers mixes with saltwater from the ocean, located along the coast.
Mangrove swamp
A swamp that contains salt tolerant trees with roots submerged in water, located along tropical and subtropical coasts.
Coral reef
The most diverse marine biome on earth, located in warm shallow waters beyond the coastline.
Open ocean
Deep ocean water located away from shore where sun can no longer reach the bottom.
What is at the bottom of the food chain in fast flowing rivers or streams?
Organic matter from terrestrial matter, like fallen leaves, because their pace doesn’t allow producers to grow.
Why do fast moving streams have a high dissolved oxygen?
The rapids mix oxygen with water.
Intertidal zone
The band of coastline between high and low tide.
Littoral zone
The shallow area near the shore where many producers can grow, most photosynthesis occurs here.
Limnetic zone
The open water as deep as sunlight can reach. Rooted plants can no longer survive, only floating algae called phytoplankton.
Profundal zone
The bottom of a deep lake where the sun doesn’t reach so producers can’t survive. Because of the decomposers consuming oxygen, there is a low DO.
Benthic zone
The muddy bottom of a body of water.
Bodies of water with a moderate level of productivity.
How do wetlands reduce severity of flooding?
They take in large amounts of rainwater and slowly release it into groundwater or nearby bodies of water.