UNIT 5 - Ch. 39 Legal Accountability Flashcards
Define law
a binding practice, rule, or code of conduct guiding appropriate actions and defensive decisions of an individual or group
What does HIPAA stand for?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. A federal law protecting the privacy and security of health info
What does EMTALA stand for?
Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. A federal law requiring hospitals to provide emergency care to anyone in need, regardless of their ability to pay.
Define liability
the person is financially or legally responsible for something
define malpractice
a professional person has failed to act in a reasonable and prudent manner
what is HITECH
Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinic Health Act. Healthcare agencies are required to notify patients of breaches
what is a living will?
directions to others about a person’s wishes regarding life-prolonging treatments if the person becomes unable to make those decisions
what is a durable power of attorney (DPOA)?
identifies a person who will make healthcare decisions in the event the patient is unable to do so
What is the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)?
provides protection against discrimination of individuals with disabilities.
KEY POINT - in reguards to nurses duty to report vs patient privacy
The duty to report takes priority over the patient’s right to privacy. If you report suspected abuse or neglect, you cannot be charged with violating a patient’s right to privacy
What are the Good Samaritan Laws? List the 9 rules.
These are designed to protect form liability those who provide emergency care to someone who is in need of medical services. These vary from state to state
1. Care provided in emergency
2. Person providing care did not cause emergency
3. Care provided in competent manner
4. Care was voluntary. No money received
5. Person receiving care did not object to care
6. Call 911 asap
7. Don’t leave person once you are involved
8. Place person int care of emergency professionals
9. Don’t accept any compensation for good deed.
describe the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses
The standards of professional responsibility for nurses and provides insight into ethical and acceptable behavior
what is the Patient Care Partnership (PCP)?
It explains to patients what they should expect during hospitalization
Describe the Nurses’ Bill of Rights
identifies 7 conditions that nurses should expect from their workplace that are necessary for sound professional practice
Describe the Patient Self Deturmination Act
The pateint has their own autonomy. Ex:
-The living will
-durable power of attorney
-client’s rights
Describe the difference between durable power of attorney and healthcare proxy
-Healthcare proxy handles making decisions only for healthcare
-Power of attorney handles making legal decisions
Define informed consent
Pt fully understands their healthcare
Mandatory reporting laws
Healthcare workers must report things like drug use or high alcohol content
Describe the difference between malpractice and negligence
Both are accidents. Malpractice is a mistake that caused harm.
Negligence is the failure of acting in reasonable way
Define autonomy
Pt is competent to make decisions for their care
Define beneficence
Duty to do good. Removing harm when possible. Ex: If nurse notices wrong IV bag is hanging, change it to the correct bag.
Define non-maleficence
Risk of harm is not as clear. Ex: not dong final med checks before administration VS first time ambulating pt after surgery and clot that was unknown traveled to their lungs. In this situation you can rarely expect that harm will occur.
Define veracity
Duty to tell the truth. Even if it may cause harm. Pt should be fully informed of their care
Define Justice
The equal treatment of all patients