unit 3 geo test Flashcards
Ratios between basic to non-basic jobs
for every basic job there are 3 non-basic jobs created
Difference between basic to non-basic jobs
Basic jobs- bring money into the community-fracking for oil, mining
non-basic jobs- involves services within the community- garbage man, teacher
Primary industries
primary = industries that take raw materials from the natural environment examples: fish, mining, forestry
secondary industries
secondary= industries that process primary industry products into finished goods examples: cars,bikes, desks
tertiary industries
tertiary= industries that provide a wide range of services that support primary and secondary industries and society in general examples: banks,home depot, walmart
Describe how items go through each industry
primary= getting the materials to make something secondary= making the object (factories)
tertiary= selling the object
consumption=using the object
Disposal=throwing the object away
What is sustainability?
use a resources for a long period of time without it affecting the environment
benefits of factories close to raw materials/customers
delivery times are shorter and delivery costs are lower
what does JIT mean
stands for just in time, JIT is parts in manufacturing where things are delivered to the factory to be taken to the assembly line
Why does manufacturing leave Canada? How can governments persuade companies to build here?
it’s cheaper to make things in other place rather then canada for example china
what’s clear cutting
Clear-cutting= Loggers clear the land and remove every tree from an area
advantages of clear cutting
disadvantage of clear cutting
advantages of clear cutting= allows young trees to receive sunlight and provides timber for a variety of uses
disadvantage of clear cutting= higher risk of soil erosion and contaminates our water supply
what’s Shelterwood-cutting
involves clear cutting and small holes in between the trees
advantages of shelterwood cutting
disadvantage of shelterwood cutting
advantages of shelterwood cutting= reduces chance of wildfires and lower exposure
disadvantage of shelterwood cutting= interferes with the air and water movement in the soil and less vulnerable in the wind/storms
what’s Selective-cutting
Selective-cutting= Only fully grown trees with the essential size, type or quality
advantages of selective-cutting
disadvantage of selective-cutting
advantages of selective-cutting= produces less pollution to the air or smoke, Its sustainable
disadvantage of selective-cutting= some species won’t regrow, stumps and debriefs are left behind in the forest
what’s an old growth forest
To be an old-growth forest it has to be 120 years old
what’s hardwood used for
Flooring, Furniture
what’s softwood used for
Paper, decking
What is aquaculture?
aquaculture= is the production of fish and other aquatic animals, such as clams and shrimp The two primary species are Pacific and Atlantic. Trout, Mussels, and Salmon
where is Carolinian forest found
North and South Carolina
inshore vs offshore fishing
inshore= smaller boats not deep water (cod, halibut)
offshore=bigger boats every season fishing in deep waters (Tuna, Mackerel, Shark)
what’s commercial fishing
commercial fishing= Fishing for profits involves taking fish and other seafood, primarily from wild fisheries
what’s bottom trawling
bottom trawling= you use a net to scrape the bottom of the ocean for fish
what’s bycatch
bycatch= is when nets accidentally catch small fish or other marine species
three types of fish in Canada
Groundfish ,pelagic fish, shellfish
Percentage of Canadian land suitable for agriculture
only 5% is good/ excellent
two factors that farming is impacted by
Climate, Land Quality
Factory farming vs. organic farming
factory farming= get as much profit as possible and also make sure that they use as few resources as possible, they keep animals mostly indoors
organic farming= Ecological/biological uses fertilizers and this is an agriculture system.
development of the Greenbelt- Highway 413 perspectives
-only 5% of farmland is good and if they build over it there destroying the 5% we have
-greenbelts are not meant to be ruined or have something being built over it
-it causes 85 waterways
-10 endangered habitats and it costs about 6 billion dollars to make
three types of minerals we mine
three types of minerals we mine Metallic mineral, Non-metallic minerals, Fuel Minerals
open-pit mining vs. underground mining
open-pit mining= minerals that are close to the surface diggers dig a pit and scoop them out
underground mining= minerals found in deep shafts
Ring of Fire perspectives
Social= -about 350 people needs at least 100 more houses
easier access to drugs and alcohol
Political=Doug Ford has made mining the Ring of Fire a key priority for building end-to-end electric vehicle manufacturing chain
Environmental=-several water crossings building roads will pollute the water and kill the fish
Economic=recommitted $1 billion to develop the Ring of Fire
world’s water supply
water goes in to our environment because of precipitation (water from the atmosphere that falls to earth including rain, snow, hail, and sleet)
5 main uses for water in Canada
water-boil advisory on reserves
toilet 30%, bathing and showering 35%, cleaning 5 %, kitchen and drinking 10% and laundry 20%
renewable sources of energy
a renewable resource can replenish itself at the rate it’s used examples: mining for fossil fuels, nuclear
nonrenewable sources of energy examples
a nonrenewable resource has a limited supply example: oil, natural gas, coal
imports vs exports
importing something is when you are bringing something in
export is when you send something from one country to another
Trading partners
trading partner = China
Trade deals between USA, Europe
trade deals between USA, europe it will cut tariffs and make it easier to export good and materials benefiting people from both USA and europe
what’s Free trade
free trade= the things that go imported from the united states you wouldn’t have to pay extra tariffs on them
what’s protectionism
Proctesium is when you add tariffs this is protecting the oil, lumber they are adding tariffs and taxes.
Reasons to export
reasons to export= To make money (pay for things we import)
we need necessities and luxuries from other countries, keep economy healthy
ship advantages
ship advantages = cheapest ways to move heavy products
ship disadvantages
moves slowly, shuts down during winter, can only go where there is deep water
railway advantages
heavy objects are carried easily by train for example: cars, heavy machinery , wheat, used to transport people as well
railway disadvantage
tracks don’t run everywhere cargo needs to go, perishables can’t be sent by rail because it’s to slow and it will go bad
trucking advantages
able to transport to stores/factories and smaller packages, special goods ex frozen food
trucking disadvantage
accidents, traffic, weather ex ice, snow, freezing rain
airplane advantages
fastest form of transportation for people and and goods
airplane disadvantage
most expensive, pollution