geo test unit 4/5 Flashcards
Population Density
Divide the number of people by the area they occupy (square kilometer).
population distribution
The Pattern of where people live within a country
what’s Life expectancy
average lifespan of a person in a country
Birth rate
Yearly number of live births per 1000
death rate
yearly number of deaths per 1000
Canada birth rate avarge
11.3/1000 people
Canada death rate avarge
7.2/1000 people
Infant Mortality Rate
yearly number of deaths under 1 year old per 1000
Child mortality rate
yearly number of deaths under 8 years old
to move out of your old country
Immigration rate
number of new Canadians who have immigrated here from another country per 1000 of Canada’s population
person who moves to a new country
People who leave their country because of fear of safety
Replacement Level
the average number of babies per woman required to maintain a country’s population.
Push Factors
something that makes people want to leave their country and move to another
Pull Factors
something that attracts people to another country
Stable Pyramid
- A rectangular or squarish shape
-Almost the same number of people in all age groups
-A high life expectancy, where more people live to a ripe old age
This type of pyramid has a triangular shape, with a very wide base and pointed top
-It has a slight constriction in its younger age groups
-High life expectancy and good living conditions
Points system
Education – 25 points
Language – 28 points
Work Experience – 15 points
Age – 12 points
Arranged Employment – 10 points
Adaptability – 10 points
Ecological Footprint
the impact of a person or community on the environment
what’s a 20 minute neighbourhood
small communitys that you can travel from one place to another in under 20 min ‘living locally”