history test unit 2 ww2 Flashcards
what is black tuesday
The day the stock market crashed
-october 29th 1929
before the great depression conditions
-Happy and everyone was wealthy and working
-A lot of people invested into stocks
stock market crash
-On october 24th 1929 visible sign began by the end of the day the New York stock exchange lost 4 billion dollars
-On october 29th 1929 people lost everything
who is R.B Bennett and what did he create
-prime minister of Canada from 1930-1935
-Bennet created relief camps
What are relief camps?
It was a place made in the great depression for unemployed single men to find work and shelter. The conditions were crowded, unsanitary and bad food.
What was the New Deal? What did it include?
Bennet’s new deal was aimed to help people without jobs, improve social support, and fix the economy. Key parts included unemployment insurance and a minimum wage.
what are Bennet buggies
A Bennett Buggy was a horse-drawn car used during the Great Depression in Canada. People couldn’t afford gas for their cars, so they removed the engines and attached horses to the vehicles to save money. It was named after Prime Minister R.B. Bennett.
what was
King’s Five Cent Speech
King was expressing that he would not give any money to the conservative party not even as little as “five cents”
On to Ottawa trek
The on-to-ottawa trek was when a group of men Attempted to go to ottawa to talk to bennett because they wanted to be treated like citizens and not tranzines
Dust Bowls
The Dust Bowl was a severe drought and dust storm period in the 1930s, mainly in the U.S. and parts of Canada. It damaged farms, ruined crops, and caused many people to lose their livelihoods, contributing to the Great Depression.
What does ccf stand?
Cooperative Commonwealth Federation
Who was the party leader of CCF?
J.S. Woodsworth
Goals OF CCF
If they came to power they promised they would
* public ownership of banks, public
utilities, transportation companies,
and other major industries
* improved health and social services
* a tax system designed to redistribute
Party Leader of Union Nationale
Maurice Dupressis
Goals of union nationale
He promised to
defend French language, religion, and
culture against English business interests.
Party Leader of Social Credit
William Aberhart
Goals of social credit
Prices would be controlled so no inflation
what is Communism
-The government owns all the land and property
-No religion, no private property and no private ownership of business.
-everyone is equal
what is the concerns of communism
-It does not take into account human nature
-Limits people’s rights to decide what is best for themselves
-No internet in some places for example north korea
what is Fascism
- Ruled by one person or small group of people
-People can’t question a dictator’s rule.
what is the concerns of fascism
-No alternative views are accepted
-Brutal violence and repression against those who disagree
-not much freedom
Hitler’s 3 aims
Aim # 1- tear up treaty of versailles
Aim #2 - expand germany territory
Aim #3 defeat communism and end the jewish population
Rise of Hitler and aggression in Europe
-Hitler goes to jail in 1923 for 9 months
-he tried to overthrow the government
-he failed and went back to jail
-While in prison he writes Mein Kamp
-By the early 1920s he becomes the leader the the NAZI party
-By 1933 the Nazi’s win the election and Hitler becomes Chancellor (PM)
-In 1933 shortly after he becomes Chancellor he burns down the Reichstag blames it on the Communists
-Htler declares himself dictator (Der Fuhrer) leader
-1935 Nuremberg Race Laws
Indirect cause of WW2
-The Treaty of Versailles
- The Great depression
-Fascism in Europe -Hitler, Mussolini (dictators)
-Appeasement- (German rearmament, Rhineland, etc..) Isolationism
-Failure of the League of Nations
Direct Cause of WW2
The German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939
As a result Britain and France declare war on Germany on Sept 3, 1939- WW2 has officially begun
Canada waits 10 days to show its autonomy
Canada declares war on Germany on Sept 10, 1939
Germany’s military expansion (Rhineland, Austria, Sudetenland (Munich agreement), Czechoslovakia)
German rearmament 1933-1935
-Hitler began to rearm German military forces and created the Luftwaffe (violated Treaty of Versailles)
- By 1935, Luftwaffe (air force) has more planes than Britain
Rome- Berlin Axis (Germany and Italy’s alliance) Italy’s aggression in Ethiopia (Abyssinia) 1936
-Mussolini wanted a new roman empire- invaded ethiopia in 1935
-Ethiopia appeals to league of nations, italy is criticized
-Ethiopia under italian control in 1936
Japan’s aggression in China (invasion of Manchuria in 1931, invasion of China in 1937) pearl harbour
-Japan wanted to expand it empire- invaded china in 1931
-china asked the league of nations for help
-The League of Nations asked Japan to leave peacefully
-in 1937, japan invades china and the league of nations seems powerless
Nazi- Soviet non- aggression pact why was it made
-To divide poland against the germans and russians
-so that germany and russia don’t fight each other
Nazi- Soviet non- aggression pact
who made it
Nazi- Soviet non- aggression pact Why was it broken
because hitler went against the pact and attacked russia
Nazi- Soviet non- aggression pact
What did breaking it lead to
Battle between germany and russia
Failure of the League of Nations-causes
Germany’s military expansion
Italy invaded ethiopia
Japan invaded china
The reichstag fire
-The reichstag building burnt down
-A communist was found inside the building and admitted responsibility
-Hitler was able to convince people that the communists were trying to take power by terrorism
-Hitler was able to have the communists banned from the reichstag
the enabling act
-with the communists banned from reichstag, hitler was able to pass: hitler ruled alone for 4 years
-the enabling act gave hitler power to make his own laws, so he banned all other political parties
What is blitzkrieg?
-Also known as lightning warfare for its speed and element of surprise
-using tanks, aircrafts and radios
Why was Blitzkrieg successful?
-Many european countries were still dealing with effects from the great depression and they had week army’s
–Since the strategy focused on speed and surprises it created panic among civilians
The polish blitzkrieg:
- On september 1st 1939 germany invaded poland using the blitzkrieg strategy
-The blitzkrieg overwhelmed poland. The german army struck poland from three directions at once (north, west and south) - The polish bravely fought back but relied on off equipment was germany had the latest and best equipment
-Germany defeated poland in less then 4 weeks
The significance of the polish blitzkrieg war:
-This showed the world the power of the german military
-This was the final step of german aggression that caused another world war
Describe what events lead to the internment of Japanese Canadians
-The attack on Pearl Harbor led the Canadian government to fear the japanese.
-They believed the Japanese would work together to attack canada.
The conditions and consequences of Japanese internment in Canada:
-No room to sleep
-low pay
What are inuit eskimo tags
Eskimo tags were identification tags. These tags often featured the soldier’s name, rank, and unit, and were used to help identify soldiers in case of death or injury.
Propaganda in ww2
WW2 propaganda was information, often biased or misleading, used by governments to influence public opinion and encourage support for the war effort
what is rationing
Rationing in ww2 is when people would save and limit buying things like food because it’s unaffordable
what are victory bonds
Victory bonds during WW2 were government-issued bonds sold to citizens to raise money for the war effort. People bought these bonds as a way to support the military
What is conscription
Conscription is when the government forces people to serve in the military if there aren’t enough volunteers
National resources mobilization act
In 1940, King introduced the National Resources Mobilization Act. It required all men to register for military service in Canada.
What was the Plebiscite that King held in 1942?
In April 1942, King held a plebiscite to ask Canadians to release him from his earlier pledge.
Why germany wants to invade britain
-They needed the control of the channel so that the british navy wouldn’t attack back
-To control the channel, the germans needed control of the air
What caused the Battle of britain?
A german pilot accidentally bombed london and britain retaliated with an attack on berlin
when was the attack on Pearl Harbor and what happened
The attack on Pearl Harbor occurred on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese military launched a surprise airstrike on the U.S. naval base in Hawaii. This attack led the United States to enter World War II
What are German U-boats?
Boats used to help sink other ships
what are prisoners wars
there military people who were captured by the enemy
would you rather be captured by germany or Japan
Germany because they weren’t as harsh with the prisoners as Japan
For example in Japan every time someone tried to escape they were killed as well as 10 other Japanese who were innocent
Who was William Lyon Mackenzie
prime minister of canada for a long time during ww2
Role of women during ww2
Women filled the jobs of men while they were at war
C.D. Howe- minister of munitions and supplies
C.D. Howe, as Canada’s Minister of Munitions and Supply during WWII, had strong control over the economy. He told businesses what to make, how much to make, and how fast, to ensure Canada produced the supplies needed for the war.
What are German U-boats?
Boats used to help sink other ships
Why was the enigma machine used in ww2?
The enigma machine was used by Germans to pass secret messages
Explain why the Germans felt they had an unbreakable code.
The Germans thought the Enigma code was unbreakable because it created billions of possible letter combinations, changing every time a key was pressed.
what is War Measures Act
a law passed by the canadian government that said the government was allowed to protect the country during war, arrest people without trial, control trade, and limit people’s rights
Battle of Dieppe
-On 19 August 1942, 6100 allied troops, including 5000 Canadians, landed on the beaches of the French town of dieppe.
-The germans had been alerted the allies were arriving the attack
-The allies had lost the element of surprise and the cover of darkness
-The battles lasted over 9 hours
-913 canadians lost their lives while 1950 were taken as POWs
-The first major battle for canadians on the western front was disaster
Battle of Ortona
-First battle with urban warfare
-Technique called ‘mouseholding’ in which soldiers blasted a hole in the outside wall of a house then threw in grenades to clear the room before charging inside and clearing the rest of the house.
-Successfully drove germans out of ortona
-The Allies gained control of Rome in June 1944.
D-Day and the Atlantic wall
-The last day of ww2 where the allies planned an invasion and won
What is the Manhattan project?
“Manhattan Project” became the code name for research work done on the atomic bomb
What was the nickname of the atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima
the atomic bomb nicknamed “Little Boy” was dropped on Hiroshima
Atomic bomb on hiroshima
Within seconds two thirds of the city was gone and thousands were dead
What was the nickname of the atomic bomb on nagasaki
a bomb called “Fat Man” was dropped on Nagasaki
what day does japan surrender
-August 15, 1945 – Japan officially surrendered (VJ Day)
-The Second World War is officially over
What happened to many of the Jews aboard the M.S St. Louis?
Some jews committed suicide and the rest were able to servive and get off the ship
what is another name for the nanking massacre
Rape of Nanjing
why did the nanking massarcre happen
because japan wanted to invaded china
what does ’Holodomor’ mean
means killing by starvation
what happened during the holodomor
Millions of Ukrainians died from starvation because the government took away their food, forced grain exports, and punished anyone who tried to help.
The holocaust
-The murder of Jews and other people labeled inferior in Nazi Germany.
-The death of 6 Million jews
-Jews were shot, starved, tortured, and burned
-Stages of isolation
-Stripping of rights
where did the British Commonwealth air training program (BCATP) train and why
Trained in canada because it was far from the German army
When did the Canadians liberate The Netherlands?
Between april and may 1945
What is the date that Germany Surrendered?
May 8th 1945 which is known as VE day
why is d day significant
It was the end for Germany on the western front as it was the first time the allies invaded France in hopes of getting their land back
when was d day
june 6 1944