history unit 3 the cold war Flashcards
The United Nations when?
what is The United Nations
to provide a place where nations can settle their differences without war.
what are the Big 5
US, Britain, France, U.S.S.R and China
How is confllict expressed during The Cold War
-Proxy wars
-The use of spies (espionage)
what is The cold war
-Non- Military war between countries
-Started after WW11 and involved the Western Powers V.S. the Soviet Union
What 2 countries were known as world superpowers?
Why were US and USSR known as superpowers
-were not significantly damaged by the war
-had large amounts of natural resources
-Had the nuclear bomb
-strong armies
what is yalta
victors of WW2 divide Germamy into 4 occupation zones
what is Potsdam
A conference held in july and August 1945 between Stalin, Churchill and Truman to determine Germany’s post-war punishments and to establish peace in Europe
when was NATO created
what does NATO stand for
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
what is NATO
A group of countries that teamed up to protect each other from the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
what is the Warsaw Pact
-reaction to NATO
-soviet union protecting themselves from another invasion
who was involved in the Korean war
North korea, south korea, soviet union, USA, canada
when did the nuremberg trials occur
what was the purpose of the nuremberg trials
to punish Nazi leaders for their crimes during World War II.
What were some difficulties that were faced during the nuremberg trials
4 different languages were spoken
why was 1949 a significant year
1.soviet union gets atomic bomb
2.china becomes communist
3.NATO is created
4. Warsaw pact was created in 1955
what happen in the cuban missile crisis
Ruissa put there nuclear missile’s in cuba and cuba started threating america with the nuclear weapons
what deal was made during the cuban missile crisis
The soviet union agreed to remove their missiles from cuba in exchange for the US removing missiles from Turkey and saying they won’t invade cuba.
what is the suez crisis
-in 1956 egypt took over the suez canal
-which caused military action from britain, France, and isreal
-person’s efforts earned him the nobel peace prize and canada became a leader in U.N. peacekeeping
which canadian prime minister introduced canada’s national flag
what years did st. Laurent become the prime minister and what party
liberal party
what years did diefenbaker become the prime minister and what party
PC party
what years did pearson become the prime minister and what party
Liberal party
what years did pierre trudeau become the prime minister and what party
Liberal party
what were St.laurent 2 big achievements
the first french canadian to be in office and Trans-canada highway
what is teenager and counter-culture
thousands of babies that were born in the mid-40s became teenagers
-there were 2 million babies born between the end of ww2 and mid 60s
-kids life compared to their parents was known as counter-culture
what is the significance of teenager and counter-culutre
-first time people relized that teenagers were different from babies and adults
-the fashion industry changed
map picture is what?
NATO VS warsaw pact
picture of girl with planes and milk is what?
Berlin airlift
duck and cover with turtle is what?
Continuity and Change