Unit 2 Exam Grid Flashcards
painful infection of breast tissue
Induction of labor
membrane sweep, prostaglandins, pitocin, oxytocin, artificial rupture of membranes
Lab values for epidural
INR, PTT, pt, liver function, cbc
Complications with delivery
breech, shoulder dystocia, maternal hemorrhaging, pieces of placenta not delivered
Signs of labor
contractions regular and increasing intensity, pain does not decrease with rest and cervix dilation and effacement with 10cm
Factors that affect labor and delivery
size of the baby, multiple pregnancy, previous c-section, baby positioning, spiritual/personal wishes
True and false labor
true labor will have contractions regular in increasing intensity with pain that does not decrease with rest and cervical dilation and effacement.
Newborn care
evaluation for the need of resuscitation, a complete physical exam, administration of prophylactic medications and vaccines, adequate feedings, safe sleep, hygiene of the newborn, and other important areas for baby wellbeing.
apgar tests
Neonatal risks
preterm birth, intrapartum related complications, infections, birth defects
Uterine atony
occurs when your uterus doesn’t contract properly during or after birth
Post op assessment
signs and symptoms of infection, hemorrhaging noting lochia on pad should be less red and less amount as time goes on.
Post term gestation
pregnancy that extended to or went beyond 42 weeks
Care of the newborn following vaginal delivery
keep baby warm and clean, apgar assessments at , 5, and 9 minutes.
Postpartum assessment
“bubble” - breast, uterus (massaging fundus if boggy), bowel, bladder, lochia, episiotomy, lower extremities, emotions
a newborn much larger than average, over 8 pounds
Airway - newborn
mouth breathers after delivery, monitoring for signs of fetal respiratory distress and tachycardia using heart monitor
Breast milk production
occurs after 3-4 days, babies drinking colostrum postbirth to 3/4 days
Blood vessels
After the placenta is delivered, these contractions help put pressure on the bleeding vessels in the area where the placenta was attached. If the uterus does not contract strongly enough, these blood vessels bleed freely.
Umbilical care
After birth, the cord is clamped and cut. Eventually between 1 to 3 weeks the cord will become dry and will naturally fall off. During the time the cord is healing it should be kept as clean and as dry as possible. A sponge bath is the best way to clean your baby until the umbilical cord falls off.
Vitamin k
needed for blood to clot normally
artificial rupture of membranes: internl rupture of amniotic sac by hcp
Precipitous delivery
childbirth after unusually rapid labor
Continuous fetal heart rate monitoring
prebirth: checking contraction length and intensity. looking at heart rate, which should not be any lower than 100 bpm or any higher than 160 bpm.
Shoulder dystocia
during vaginal birth when the fetus’ shoulder is stuck
Forceps assisted birth
get 3 chances to pull, goes on baby’s head to aid in traction of delivery when stuck
Boggy uterus
not firm, to be massaged during post delivery assessment of mother
Stages of labor
The first stage starts when labor begins and ends with full cervical dilation and effacement. The second stage commences with complete cervical dilation and ends with the delivery of the fetus. The third stage initiates after the fetus is delivered and ends when the placenta is delivered.
can be a result of complications, or if a mother had c sections in the past or unable to do vaginal delivery