unit 1 exam grid Flashcards
therapeutic communication
to help a patient feel cared or and understood and establish a relationship in which the patient feels free to express any concerns
priority assessment
evaluation of the potential risks, who will die if I don’t help them right now
hyperemesis gravidarum
severe nausea and vomitin during pregnancy
infection prevention
set of protocols to keep healthcare staff as well as patients especially from being introduced to illness as well as to prevent the spread of germs
pelvic exam
checks the health of the reproductive organs
lab tests
blood type, chorionic villus sampling, hiv, ultrasound, full blood count, preimplantation genetic testing, blood tests in pregnancy, fetal monitoring, group b strep culture, rubella, urine culture
the sampling of amniotic fluid using a hollow needle inserted into the uterus to screen for developmental abnormalities in a fetus
presumptive signs of pregnancy
signs and symptoms that the mother can perceive that resemble pregnancy signs and symptoms. it can allude to a possible pregnancy but should be further investigated as those symptoms could have many causes.
iron and pregnancy
supplements, take with vitamin c not at the same time, for absorption without GI and BM issues. your body uses iron to make more blood to supply oxygen to your baby, if you don’t have enough iron stores or get enough iron during pregnancy, you could develop iron deficiency anemia.
first trimester nutrition
calcium, folic acid, and iron
discussion topics for teenage mothers
- balance of school, friends, and being a parent or working
- education as they may not have received that in school or from parents
positive signs of pregnancy
missed period, nausea and vomiting, breast changes, darker areolas, fatigue, frequent urination, food cravings, backache, breathlessness
abnormal desire to eat substances such as chalk, dirt, not normally eaten. can be a sign of a deficit such as anemia.
epigastric pain first trimester
common and not always a cause for pain, especially in relation to nausea/vomiting
alcohol use in pregnancy
damage to the fetus that can lead to premature birth, low birth weight, developmental and behavioral problems, fetal alcohol spectrum
HTN in pregnancy
it can place extra stress on your heart and kidneys. It also increases the risk of preeclampsia, preterm birth, placental abruption, and cesarean birth.
urinary issues first trimester
harder to control bladder, more frequent urination. kegel exercises. UTIs, STDs, HIV testing in pregnancy
morning sickness
nausea and vomiting can occur early on in pregnancy.
glucose tolerance test
one hour glucose tolerance test that measures the body’s response to glucose for the purpose of checking for gestation diabetes.
group b strep
can cause meningitis and bloodstream infections in a newborn’s first 3 months of life. newborns are at increased risk for group b strep if their mother tests positive for the bacteria.
can’t have live virus vaccines such as MMR and chickenpox
hep b
tested in pregnancy. babies born to a mother with hep b have a greater chance of develop chronic hep b if they are not properly treated at birth. the virus gets passed to the baby during delivery.
neural tube defects
occurs when the neural tube does not close properly. It forms the early brain and spine. 2 most common types are spina bifida and anencephaly. some causes are not enough folic acid before and during first 3 months of pregnancy, the use of certain meds (epilepsy meds), maternal diabetes and genetic factors.
gravidity: number of pregnancies including current
term: number of pregnancies carried to 37 + weeks
preterm: number of pregnancies carried between 20-36 weeks
abortion: number of losses before 20 weeks
living: number of living children