chapter 6: nursing care during pregnancy ppt Flashcards
initial prenatal assessment
- begins with the suspicion of pregnancy
- diagnosis: amenorrhea usually the first sign
- use of a home pregnancy test
- abdominal ultrasonography
- transvaginal ultrasonography (TVUS)
- antepartum period: begins with conception and ends with the onset of labor
numbers of times a woman has been PREGNANT
production of a VIABLE infant regardless of whether the fetus is alive at birth
newborn weighing at least 500g or more than 20 wks gestation
multiple birth
a single parous experience
GTPAL system
g: the number pregnancies regardless of the outcome or number of fetuses
t: the number of term infants born at 37 weeks gestation and beyond
p: the number of preterm infants born after 20 weeks gestation and before 37 weeks gestation
a: the number of pregnancies that ended in a spontaneous or therapeutic abortion
l: the number of living children
family physicians
qualified to manage most uncomplicated pregnancies
obstetrician-gynecologists (OB-GYNs)
provide health care for all phases of pregnancy, from preconception planning to postpartum recovery
certified nurse midwives
provide preconception, maternity, and postpartum care for women at low risk of complications during pregancy
estimated date of delivery (EDD)
important to monitor the growth and progress of the pregnancy
Naegele’s rule
subtract 3 months from the first day of the last menstrual period and then add 7 days, which will indicate the approximate date of delivery
pregnancy wheel
- based on Naegele’s rule
- adding 40 weeks to the date of the last menstrual period
- provides approx conception date, gestation week, and due date
health promotion
- schedule the first prenatal visit as soon as pregnancy is confirmed
- obtain a thorough past medical history and current health history
- encourage asking questions
- answer all questions honestly
- encourage to obtain all lab tests ordered
- stress subsequent prenatal visits and care throughout the pregnancy
initial client history
- use therapeutic communication
- include past medical, family, gynecological, and obstetrical histories
- use a culturally sensitive approach
- include a list of medications or substances currently being used
initial prenatal assessment
- should be scheduled as soon as pregnancy is confirmed
- begins with the physical exam
physical exam
- perform a head to toe physical exam covering all major systems
- pelvic exam: lithotomy position is used
- information obtained: examination of the external genitalia, culture for STI may be obtained, exam of the internal genitalia to observe the cervix for the signs of pregnancy, pap smear, bimanual exam of the uterus to determine size, pelvic bones assessed to determine size and adequacy for vaginal birth
pelvic assessment measurements
diagonal conjugate
obstretric conjugate
ischial tuberosity diameter
laboratory tests
antibody screen
***blood typing and rh status
rubella titer
varicella titer
hepatitis b and c
HIV and STI screen
Papanicolaou (pap)
glucose challenge test: fasting, check blood sugar, given a drink, check blood sugar again
***group B streptococci test (GBS) if a mother is positive before delivery, given IV antibiotics
screening tests for fetal health: first trimester
- pregnancy associated plasma protein A: done between 1 and 13 weeks to help detect trisomy 18 and trisomy 21
- fetal ultrasonography
- chorionic villi sampling: done between 11 and 13 weeks gestation and checks for genetic disorders
- nuchal translucency testing: done between 1 and 13 works gestation to screen for chromosomal abnormalities
screening tests for fetal health: second trimester
- quadruple screen: done using he mother’s serum between 15 and 20 wks to detect levels of specific serum markers
- alpha fetoprotein (neural tube defects, eg down syndrome, take folic acid)
- human chorionic gonadotropin
- unconjugated estriol
- inhibin A
high levels may indicate fetal neural tube defect and lower levels could indicate risk for down syndrome or trisomy 18
human chorionic gonadotropin
higher levels indicate risk for down syndrome
unconjugated estriol
lower levels indicate a risk for down syndrome
inhibin A
higher levels indicate a risk for down syndrome
performed to diagnose down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, spina bifida, and other genetic disorders
percutaneous umbilical cord sampling
test of cells obtained directly from the umbilical cord
subsequent visits and care: frequency
- monthly for the first 28 weeks gestation
- every 2 weeks until 36 weeks gestation
- weekly after 36 weeks until childbirth
subsequent visits and care: care
- evaluate any physical or psychological patient concerns and answer questions
- current weight
- vital signs
- urinalysis: glucose, ketones, protein, nitrates
- fundal height
- fetal heart rate (135-160 normal)
- psychological assessment
- provide education
- screen for intimate partner violence
The mother’s sensation of fetal movement, expected between 16 and 22 weeks gestation