Unit 1: History of Psychology and Unit 2: Psychological Research Methods Flashcards
How did psychology start in history?
Psychology had its roots in philosophy and the pondering by the ancients about the connection between body and mind
What did Socrates and Plato contribute to early psychology?
Socrates and Plato stated that the mind was separable from the body and continued on after the body died
They also said that knowledge was innate, or born within us
What did Aristotle contribute to early psychology?
He said that knowledge wasn’t innate and that it was obtained through experiences
What did Rene Descartes contribute to early psychology?
He agreed with Socrates and Plato that the mind and body were separable
What was John Locke’s contribution to psychology?
John Locke developed empiricism, which pioneered psychology’s development as a science
idea that what we know comes from experience, and that observation and experimentation enable scientific knowledge
What was the contribution of Wilhem Wundt?
“Founder of psychology” as a science
Developed the first psychological laboratory
Influenced structuralism
school of thought focusing on using elements of the mind to understand the whole structure; used introspection to understand elements
self-reflection on thoughts and feelings about a situation
What was the contribution of William James?
“Father of Psychology” in the US
wrote the first modern textbook for Psychology
leading founder of functionalism
school of thought focusing on the purpose and function of behavior and cognition
school of thought that psychology is the study of observable behavior
What was the contribution of John B. Watson?
developed behaviorism
What was the contribution of B. F. Skinner?
Developed operant conditioning
Gestalt psychology
school of thought focusing on the whole of the mind and behavior rather than the parts