Unit 1: History of Psychology Flashcards
behavioral perspective
a psychological approach that emphasizes observable behavior
the idea that psychology is the study of observable behavior
individuals who study biological psychology, the scientific study of the links between biological and psychological processes
biopsychosocial approach
an approach that uses information from three different complementary levels of analysis, those being biology, psychology, and cultural sociology
clinical psychologist
a psychologist who studies and assesses people with disorders and treats them with psychotherapy
cognitive behaviorism
theory that our responses are based on a complex interaction between our mind and behaviors
cognitive psychology
the study of how the mind thinks, stores, and processes information
community psychology
branch of psychology that studies how people interact with their social environments
comparative psychologist
a person who analyzes the similarities between anamal and human psychology to improve human psychology
counseling psychologist
a psychologist who helps and guides people through understanding their problems
people who help individuals with the daily problems impacting their lives
covert behavior
behavior that is not seen or observed
critical thinking
the analysis of facts to form a conclusion
cultural psychologist
study how culture affects the behaviors of people with society
a statement about the who, what, when, and where of a situation
a theory that states that all events are only caused by natural laws
developmental psychologist
person who studies developmental psychology, the study of how one’s life develops emotionally, socially, physically, and culturally
the idea that knowledge should come from one’s experiences and that science should rely on observations and experiments
evolutionary perspective
psychological perspective that emphasizes the evolution of behavior and cognitive processes over time via Darwin’s theory of evolution
evolutionary psychologist
a person who studies evolutionary psychology, the study of the evolution of behavior and the mind using principles of natural selection
free will
the ability of individuals to make their own decisions with out any constraints
theory studying the function and purpose of consciousness and behavior
gender bias
bias towards one gender than the other
gender psychologist
studies the roles in society that specific genders tend to have and how that affects their thoughts and behaviors
Gestalt psychology
school of thought that emphasizes the fact that the mind tends to organize bits of information into meaningful wholes
human factors psychology
studies the interactions between humans and machines as well as making sure machines are safe and easy to use
emphasis on the value and potential all human beings have