ucsp quiz mod 7 Flashcards
when buying food or boarding a bus are examples that describes the?
visible and invisible rules of conduct
through which societies are structured or what sociologists call norms
visible and invisible rules of conduct
define how to behave in accordance with what a society has defined as good, right, and important and most members of the society adhere to them
are established, written rules.
formal norms
they are behaviors worked out and agreed upon in order to suit and serve the most people
formal norms
are formal norms, but so are employee manuals…
are the most specific and clearly stated of the various types of norms, and they are the most strictly enforced
formal norms
dictate appropriate behaviors without the need of written rules
informal norms
studied peoples customs in order to find out how societal rules and norms not only influenced behavior but also shaped social order
sociologist harold garfinkel (1917-2011)
he believed that members of society together create a social order (weber 2011)
sociologist harold garfinkel (1917-2011)
published in 1967 discusses peoples assumptions about the social makeup of their communities
studies in ethnomethodology
one of garfinkels research methods was known as a_ in which the researcher behaves in a socially awkward manner in order to test the sociological concepts
breaching experiment
norms may be further classified as either _
mores or folkways
are norms that embody the moral views and principles of a group
are norms without any moral underpinnings. direct appropriate behavior in the day to day practices and expressions of a culture
are abstract concepts that certain kinds of behaviors are good, right, ethical, moral and therefore desirable
in the united states, one value is _ another is _
freedom, equality
process people use to maintain order in group life
forms of social control
are the beliefs, philosophies, and principles that drive a group
are the ground rules that dictate how people interact
is the interaction between the two: the beliefs and the behaviors of the group
two main categories of social control
norms and laws
is a standard of behavior
types of norms
folkways and mores
norms related to everyday life
which are behaviors that are right or wrong
is a patterned set of behaviors developed to meet perceived needs
social institution
is the most crucial aspect of society which should be given considerable attention in order for it to become a powerful tool in making every individual a catalyst of change
is very important in socially progressive and functional community
is the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social status or positions within a group or society social
social inequality
LGBTQ meaning
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community
who are often discriminated and ridiculed by society which considered them abberations or forms of deviancy
are rights inherent to all human beings
human rights
are also discriminated by the people who do not understand their cultures and traditions
ethnic minorities
Persons with disabilities
an act expanding the benefits and privileges of pwd
RA 10754
can be defined as the unequal distribution of material resources and income across countries
global inequality
states that are influential, wealthy, and powerful. does not exist only in localities but also among states
is a big problem. can be either caused by human actions or also by natural circumstances
global inequality
stresses that education serves in fulfilling a societys various needs and feasibly the most important function of education is _
functional theory. SOCIALIZATION
second function. for a scoiety to work, functionalists sya, people must subscribe to a common set of beliefs and values
social integration
third function. beginning in grade school, students are identified by teachers and other school officials
social placement
fourth function. our scientists cannot make important scientific discoveries…
social and cultural innovation
are important in reproducing the existing belief system and practices of a particular society
educational institutions
proposed that education could cure ills. he believed that education is the great equalizer
horace mann
the belief that education is the great equalizer and the key to succeed
established the academic discipline of sociology characterized schools
french sociologist emile durkheim
The Commission on Elections
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
World Boxing Organization