practical research mod 1 Flashcards
two main classifications of research methods
quantitative and qualitative
a research proposal sections
introduction (a. background of the study. b. statement of the problem. c. significance of the study. d. scope and limitations of the study.) review of related literature. methodology. literature cited
simply concerned with numbers and relations with events (through the use of computational techniques)
quantitative research
three steps to do the quantitative research
observing and explaining occurrences, collection of information, analyzing the information
4 w’s
who, what, where, and why
kinds of quantitative research
descriptive research, correlational research, evaluation research, survey research, casual-comparative research, experimental research
main purpose is to observe, describe and document aspects of a situation. concerned with describing
descriptive research
systematic investigation of the nature relationships. concerned with the extent of relationships
correlational research
aims to assess the effects, impacts or outcomes of practices. seeks to assess or judge in some way. conducted to elicit useful feedback
evaluation research
most important basic distinction in evaluation types
formative and summative evaluation
strengthen or improve the object being evaluated. examining the delivery of the program or technology
formative evaluation
examine the effects or outcomes of some object they summarize it by describing what happens
summative evaluation
used to gather information from groups of people. may be done through face to face
survey research
also known as ex post facto. derives conclusion from observations . discusses why and how the phenomenon occurs (study of differences)
casual-comparative research
after the fact
ex post facto
ex post facto
after the fact
utilizes scientific method to test cause and effect relationships. independent variables is manipulated to determine the effects
experimental research
measurable characteristics that changes in value and comes from the word _
variables. vary
types of variables
continuous variables, discrete variables, independent variables, and dependent variables
continuous variables can be categorized as either _
interval variables or ratio variables
variables that can take infinite number on the value that can occur within a population.values can be divided into fraction
continuous variables
continuous variables example
age, height, temperature
a measurement where the difference between two values does have meaning
interval variables
possess the properties of interval variable and has a clear definition of zero
ratio variables
known as categorical or classificatory variables. has a limited number of distinct values
discrete variables
discrete variables can be categorized
nominal variable and ordinal variables
variable with no quantitative data. has two or more categories but does not imply ordering of cases
nominal variable
it is known as _ if there are two categories just like sex
variable that has two or more categories that can be ranked
ordinal variable
is the condition that you change in an experiment. the variable you control. its value does not depend on and is not affected by the state of any other variable in the experiment ( cause)
independent variable
a variable that is purposely held constant so that it cant affect the outcome
control variable
is the condition that you measure in an experiment(effect)
dependent variable
sometimes the dependent variable is called the _
responding variable