ucsp Flashcards
refers to the rich diversity in social practices that different cultures exhibit around the world
cultural variation
means division of society on the basis of social differences like language, region, caste, color, race and sex
social division
social differences and social division means
any significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and cultural values and norms.
social change
it identifies individual depending on what belief he she had in terms of religion, language, gender, and also political
political identities
the concept of this can be understood as an inner of narrative of ones political self
political identities
two party lists examples of political identity wherein they had their own advocacy
the lgbt party and anak ng bayan youth party
it is the story that we tell ourselves and others about who we are who we were and who we foresee ourselves to be
it is a gay lesbian bisexual and transgender political party
it is a partylist in the philippines affiliated with the leftist political party MAKABAYAN
anak ng bayan
is the scientific study of humans, human behavior and societies in the past and present
four major fields of anthropology
biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and archaeology
anthropologists that carry out systematic studies of the non cultural aspects of humans and near human
biological (or physical) anthropology
anthropologists interested in learning about the cultural aspects of human societies
cultural (or socio cultural) anthropology
anthropologists that study the human communication process
linguistic anthropology
most of their researched focused on unwritten, non european languages
anthropological linguistic
they usually focus their research on understanding such phenomena as the physiology of speech, the structure and function of languages
linguistic anthropology
they usually begin their study of such a language by learning first hand from native speakers what its rules are for making sounds
they are interested in recovering the prehistory and early history of societies and their cultures, they uncover the evidence by excavating, dating etc
they are employed around the world principally by police courts and international organizations
forensic anthropologists
they in a unique position to understand the development of human societies and cultures from those of our distant hunter gatherer
one of the core disciplines of the social sciences along with political science, economics and anthropology
it is a coherent unified and comprehensive science with a well defined subject matter and a clear set of methods
they learn about cultural differences in explaining what causes illness and what people from different culture believe is acceptable as treatment
medical anthropologists
they can help doctors and nurses understand how to better communicate with and treat patients who hold these other explanations
medical anthropologists
they are also interested in the epidermiology of illnesses
medical anthropologists
it is a way of life o a group of people
it consists of patterns, explicit, and implicit of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups
it refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings etc
the opposite of nature
an indication of a hierarchical ordering of all these processes
it is a view that all beliefs, customs, and ethics are relative of the individual within his own social context
cultural relativism
the idea that a persons belief, values, and practices should be understood based on that persons own culture etc
cultural relativism
three general sources of influence or pressure that are responsible for both change and resistance to it
- forces at work within the society. 2. contact between societies. 3. changes in the natural environment
is an inevitable result of old cultural patterns being replaced by new ones
culture loss
3 processes leading to change that occur as a result of contact between societies
diffusion, acculturation, transculturation
is the movement of things and ideas from one culture to another
is what happens to an entire culture when alien traits diffuse in on a large scale and substantially replace traditional cultural patterns
is what happens to an individual when he or she moves to another society and adopts its culture
a genuine invention that is sparked by an idea from another culture
stimulus diffusion
the emotional attitude that ones own race, nation, or culture is superior to all others
the practice of intentionally ending a life to relieve pain and suffering
moral systems are products of an individual or group
ethical relativism
good depends on the norms of each society. what is acceptable in one society might not be in another
cultural relativism
a part of the brain that allows for touch and tase abilities
parietal lobe
a part of the brain that allows for hearing skills
temporal lobe
a part of the brain that allows for visual skills
occipital lobe
located in the frontal lobe, takes information from brocas area and tells the muscles of your face mouth etc how to move to form speech
motor cortex
a type of grip that enabled human to wrap the thumb and fingers on an object
power grip
a type of grip that enabled humans to hold and pick objects steadily using their fingers
precision grip
the capacity to walk and stand on two feet
two forms of primates locomotion
bipedalism and quadropedalism
state rose primary theories
divine right theory, force theory, paternalistic theory, social contract, natural theory
rulers ascended to power convinced that their right to rule is based on their filial relationship with supernatural forces and entities. god king
divine right theory
group forces members of another group to subject themselves to their rules
force theory
the father essentially is the leader of the first political unit, which grew as the number of the members of this family grew/ male dominated societies
paternalistic theory
was a mutual agreement between the ruler and the ruled to ensure order and security from outside threats
social contract
humans have an innate need to be part of a community, the greek philosopher aristotle described humans as political animals as it is in their nature to indulge in politics
natural theory
the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization
european early modern humans
principal object of study in social sciences such as political science, anthropology, economics and sociology
can refer to anything that is not affiliated with supported by or connected directly to a sovereign state or on of its governmental organizations
non state
charitable organizations; advocacy groups political parties think tanks virtual communities
civil society
may include non profit and non governmetal organizations corporations political parties etc
non state
a particular part or feature of something
the customs, arts, social constitutions and achievements etc
the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community
a plan or intention a conception
it is the sum of total learned behavior of a group of people that are generally considered to be the tradition
a collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category od people from another
means imposing judgement or assessing the worth of other cultures
may be prescriptive or proscriptive
the condition of being or having differences
organization not operated by the state but by private parties
private sector
refer to groups that are unincorporated within a particular state
non state
implies that the group should have such a state
the basic unit of the society
effects by non state actors to regulate without state legal involvement the negative environmental and or social impact
non state market driven
transactions of weapons or othe regulatory controlled goods
non state transfers
an ethnic group or nation that does not possess its own state and is not the majority population in any nation state
non state nation or stateless nation
social grouo whose members have interests, social positions and age in common. where children can escape supervision
peer groups
dictate acceptable alternatives for consumption
economic systems
the means for delivering impersonal communication directed to a vast audience
mass media
non state major and minor parties
sovereign states and international organizations
non state actor
benign non state actor
violent non state actor
our relative social position within a group
armed non state actors
procter and gamble
routing research group
research institute for tropical medicine
commission on higher education
department of environment and natural resources
philippine deposit insurance and corporation
philippine drug enforcement agency
university athletic association of the philippines
national collegiate athletic association