MIL Flashcards
refers to a person who does not only read and write but also understand and solve problem
has been referred to as “the ability to read and write”
literacy has been referred to as _
the ability to read and write
is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media
media literacy
refers to the different means of communication, such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet.
is the ability to exercise critical thinking when analyzing different forms of media
media literacy
believe that media literacy is an effective and engaging way for student can retrieve information for a report..
enables a person to become competent in processing and assessing the form of media one uses
media literacy
can help students become well informed using the different forms of mass media
media literacy skills
pertains to a specific data acquired for a specific purpose
is the skill that allows a person to recognize when information is needed
information literacy
will be able to recognize and classify the different forms of media which can be used to secure relevant and substantial
information literacy
can also aid students in developing effective research skills essential in enriching their knowledge and enhancing their comprehension
information literacy
is important in all disciplines and all levels of education
information literacy
comes from the greek word techne
technology comes from the greek work
techne and tekhnologia
which means art or skill
which means systematic treatment
can be defined as the systematic application of one’s art or skill for a practical purpose
is evident in this modern time as well as in the past
is the ability to acquire relevant information and use modern day tools to get , manage, apply, evaluate, create, and communicate information.
technology literacy
This literacy skills expected to be more complex and progressive as people demand faster and easier access to communication and information.
technology literacy
is giving or gaining information by speaking or reading writings.
4 types of communication
verbal, non-verbal, written, visual
can be affected by external factors or from the environment around us. Like news, it is timely changing and requires the support of facts and information.
it is the supply of communication, it makes talking and sharing opinion with others much more meaningful and with sense.
made communication so easy and convenient
media and information literacy
They work in publishing houses, news agencies, or advertising firms. Their primary role is to translate relevant and meaningful information into printed materials, such as books, newspapers, and magazines.
writers and journalist
Writers and journalists work hand with _ to ensure that the manuscript or articles submitted by the former are high in standard and are fit to print.
Also known as filmmakers, _ create movies, shows or programs, and plays that are seen on theaters, television channels, or theaters, respectively. A _ sees to it that the message of a show is made clear to the audience.
The actors who portray the characters in movies, shows, and plays are called _ in general.
Directors guide the _ so they can deliver their portrayals effectively.
Media practitioners should convey a message or information that is accurate, factual, and truthful. Erroneous or false information can harm the reputation of others or it may cause them danger.
The information or message dissemination by media practitioners should be obiective and based on grounded evidence.
fairness and objectivity
Media practitioners are expected to show professionalism regardless of the situation they are in
responsibility and integrity
Being in the media does not give practitioners the right to use their job for personal gains.
empathy and sympathy
The public depends on the information media practitioners deliver that is why they are expected to work hard in sourcing accurate information.
efers to the time before the existence _ of written and recorded history.
Occurred some 45 million years ago or approximately 30
000 years ago
Divided into two periods:
Stone Age and Metal Age
prehistoric age
drew on caves of what they saw around them, such animals and nature.
prehistoric men
during. the _ , prehistoric people also used these crude stone tools to create objects, which are now considered rock art.
stone age
Carving or engraving in rocks or caves
represent words or phrases through images or symbols
Refer to sketches or paintings that usually depict nature, giving us glimpse of the early people’s way of life
Excavated from the Tabon Caves in Palawan
This artifact dates back from 890 tp 710 BC.
Two figures at the top of the jar’s handle represent the journey of the soul in the afterlife.
Manunggul Jar
Archaeologists believe that _ represents the beliefs on the early Filipinos about death.
Manunggul Jar
Manunggul Jar excavated from the
tabon caves in palawan
This art involves the process of arranging stacking together artistically the stones or big
megalithic art
_ , located at the Salisbury Plains in England, is a perfect example of megalithic art. It dates back to around 3000 to 2000 B.C.
Archaeologists believe that the _ is either a burial site or a place used by the early settlers to learn about astronomy.
represents a mother’s care and love by singing her child to sleep.
oyayi or hele of the early Filipinos
was used to express a tribe’s religious beliefs.
The tribes from the Cordillera Administrative Region perform the _ as a form of offering.
Most people associate factories and machines to industries
industrial age
pertains to a place where several factories are located or built. These factories hire people within the locality as laborers or skilled workers.
Industrial city
began in the 18th century in Great Britain when the country made drastic reforms to improve their economy. During this period, technology shifted from using hand tools to operating power-driven machines.
industrial age
is a system used for transmitting messages from a distance along a wire.
In 1837, William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone patented the _ was successful laid across the Atlantic.
first commercial electric telegraph cable
marked the beginning of modernization since electronic equipment are more functional and reliable.
Electronic Age
also labeled as the Computer Age or the New Age because it gave birth to new media and digital technology.
information age
information age also labeled as the
Computer Age or the New Age
has the advantage of being well-established and having a wide reach. It also generally has more credibility than new media, as it is seen as being more trustworthy and less biased. However, _ can be quite expensive to produce and distribute, and it can be difficult to target a specific audience.
traditional media
has the advantage of being more affordable and easier to produce and distribute.
It is also more accessible, as people can access it from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection. Additionally, _ is often more engaging, as it encourages active participation and interaction.
new media
comes from the Greek word demo (people) and kratos (rule).
democracy comes from the Greek word
demo (people) and kratos (rule)
demo meaning
kratos meaning
Different coverage, such as issues, organizations, or institutions, is assigned to journalist and reporters but their common task us to secure information for the news articles they are developing.
journalists and reporters
is a collection of maps showing geographic features, political boundaries, including the climatic, social, and economical statistics of a specific area. lIt also contains in formative tables, charts, or plates.
allow advertisers to post classified ads, job openings, and other announcements to help finance their publication
is also a periodical publication released weekly, monthly, or quarterly. It contains articles on various topics depending on the subject or area the _ covers.
contains informative articles accurate reports on specific topics, such as medicine, It can also be compared to a magazine as it targets a particular type of audience.
is published either weekly or monthly. It can be a bulletin where a company or an organization informs its readers about the updates and happenings in their institution or community.
pertains to the official publication of a government organization or an institution, which is intended for public notices or listing of appointments.
can be a small booklet, a leaflet, or a primer. It contains a detailed, yet easy to understand, text with images. It is released by an organization or company to inform the public regarding special topics or issues.
It is a small book or magazine that contains pictures and information about the products or services offered by a company.
A _ refer to a printed sheet of paper which contains information about a product for advertising purposes. _ are distributed and given free to targeted customers to promote a product.
leaflet and flyer
consists of programs produced by television networks and radio stations. Contrary to print media, _ airs audio and video materials for the public’s information,
Broadcast media
is one of the most visible appliances at home. It is equipped with an electronic system capable of sending images and sounds by a wire or through space.
means that the show is for general patronage
G rating
means a show is restricted for a particular age
R rating
is a torn of narration wherein the elders recount their culture to their children and grandchildren through legends, folktales, epics, mythologies, and folk songs.
Oral tradition
It is a fiction which tells about the origin of something.
Is a narration about the characteristics of the time and place in which the story is told. The elders in the village tell these stories to their children who hand them down to the next generation to preserve the tales of their hometown.
tells a heroic adventure of a main character that sometimes possesses 3 extraordinary powers.
it focuses more on creation. Stories of _ also tell how the lives of mortals or humans are influenced by the gods.
are original materials such as artifacts, documents, recordings, and other sources of information that were produced during a particular period in history.
Primary sources
are documents made after an event has taken place
secondary sources
is similar to an editorial column where the editor expresses his opinion about certain issues.
pertain to a set of standards, principles, and policies that practitioners of a particular sector should observe.
s a set of values observed by an individual based on grounded principle.
refers to the copying of a copyrighted material, with the purpose of using it fora review, commentary, critic, or parody, without the need to ask permission from the copyright owner.
fair use
refers to a work which ridicules another in a funny, inoffensive, and non- derogatory manner.
is also applicable when you cite a few lines from a song of a famous celebrity as an introduction to a book review.
It keeps users from legal suit of copyright infringement.
Fair use
pertains to the output of a person’s intellectual pursuit, such as his literary and artistic works, inventions, logos, symbols, and signs, as well as names and images used for commercial purpose or advertisements.
intellectual property
pertains to an exclusive right granted to an invention.
refers to the exclusive rights to a product or process, as well as its improvements-granted that the product or process offers something new and useful.
refers to a specific sign associated with a particular brand of goods or services.
is a tool used to differentiate services and goods from one another. It can be in the form of a word or a group or words; a sign, logo, or symbol. It could even be a combination of those above.
is protected by law and cannot just be used and reproduced without permission.
copyrighted material
refers to the protection given to the owner of an original work covering literary works, musical pieces, paintings, and computer programs, among others.
is an international treaty, allowing trademark registration in the Philippines or any country-as long as they are part of the Madrid Protocol.
Madrid Protocol
denotes the proper attitude that one should observe when and respect, which shows his good upbringing.
is a form of Commercial advertising which companies send in buik through e-mail to prospective Customers.
spam mail
refers to the economic, educational, and social inequalities experienced by those who cannot afford to have computer and Internet access.
Digital divide
can also pertain to the gap on the kind of information which can be accessed, and the available form of communication that is allowed to be distributed.
Digital divide
pertains to one’s representation in the virtual world, which exists online and is only available once a person is connected to the Internet.
Virtual self
it connotes that the person belongs to an ethnic tribe who has preserved and still practice the culture and tradition of their ancestors.