Tourism Flashcards
The tourist trade is a valuable source of income for many countries. For some countries, tourism makes up a large proportion of the national income.
Historical buildings can be damaged by large numbers of tourists.
Have an influence on; Affect- Have an effect on- Exert influence on: Tourists can influence and even alter (change) local culture.
Help or encourage (something) to increase or improve; Stimulate- Raise- Improve- Uplift- Increase: Increased demand from tourists can boost local economies and local businesses.
Job opportunities increase as more tourists visit local areas.
Tourism can also bring investment opportunities from wealthy foreign investors.
Money from the tourist trade doe not always benefit local communities.
Very often, it is only individual business owners who benefit from the tourist trade.
A decline in economic, business, or other activity: People who rely (depend) on the tourist trade will be affected by a world economic downturn (recession).
Tourism causes damage to historical buildings
Many buildings were not built to accommodate such vast hordes of people
The action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition; Repairing- Recovery: Increasing the entry fees means that more money will be available for restoration and conservation.
Put a limit on; keep under control- Limit- Curb- Reduce: The number of people entering any historical buildings should be restricted.
People need to learn the language in order to travel
Knowing the local language enables tourists to have a richer cultural experience by talking to local people about their country and history.
Share or exchange information, news, or ideas; Liaise- Be in touch- Be in contact: People will be able to communicate their needs, which is important while travelling and organizing transportation and accommodation.
Settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter); Settle- Sort out- Solve- Find a solution to: Lack of effective communication may mean that misunderstandings with locals are not quickly resolved.
Dare to do something or go somewhere that may be dangerous or unpleasant; Travel- Proceed: It might be risky to venture into some countries without being able to ask for help or to understand written notices and simple etiquette.
Ask for information from someone; Ask- Make inquiries- Ask questions- Request: In some countries, menus are only available in local language, so people with allergies would definitely need to be able to enquire about the ingredients of dishes and meals on offer.
Any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish; Component- Part: In some countries, menus are only available in local language, so people with allergies would definitely need to be able to enquire about the ingredients of dishes and meals on offer.
A damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.
Provide or give (a service, help, etc.): Package holidaymakers will have representatives of their country to welcome them and help them, which render learning a language unnecessary.
Attempt to find (something): Not all people travelling abroad seek cultural experiences or wish to interact with the local population.
Act in such a way as to have an effect on another; act reciprocally: Not all people travelling abroad seek cultural experiences or wish to interact with the local population. Many people manage to communicate via translation apps.
Cope with
Guidebooks usually contain enough information for people to get around and cope without foreign language skills.
Not everybody has the time or means to learn a language before they travel abroad.
A movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning; Movement- Sign- Motion: In some situations, body language, such as hand gesture and miming, can work just as well as verbal communication.
People should adapt to the culture of the country they are visiting
It is a sign of respect to follow traditions and customs of a country.
Speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse; Offend: By not adapting to the culture, it is possible to deeply offend or insult a local person, which could lead to an unpleasant situation.
Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of: By adapting to a culture, people can be more easily accepted by locals, which can enhance a person’s travel experience.
failure to act in accordance with a wish or command.
In some countries, cultural rules are fixed (established), and non-compliance is punishable by law.
Cultural practices
The actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories relating to it:
It is not always easy to find access to all information about country’s cultural practices.
The fact of being who or what a person or thing is; Personality: People’s culture forms part of their identity, so they should not have to change it.
People should not have to adapt to any customs that might conflict with their religion.
Get rid of (someone or something) as no longer useful or desirable; Throw away- Get rid of: Some countries depend (rely) on the tourist trade for their economy and should therefore accept tourists as they are, including the differences in culture. So, it is unrealistic to expect that all foreigners entering a country will discard their own culture in favor of new and unfamiliar customs. Impractical- Impracticable- Unworkable- Unfeasible
People do not need to travel if they have TV
Armchair travelers are spared all the hassle of planning a holiday.
Documentaries and specialized TV channels enable everyone to discover the world from the comfort of their own homes.
Many people actually watch programs about places they have already been to, or which they intend to visit.
Even the best HD images cannot replace the excitement of meeting new people and discovering their culture.
an abundance of valuable possessions or money:
Travel TV channels offer a wealth of fascinating programs that can captivate viewers than direct experience.
A strong desire or impulse: A good travel TV show can awaken our almost instinctive urge to discover new places.
Traveling is much more than a simple audio-visual experience.
You can see more of a country and learn more about it in a 30-minutes documentary than you would during a month’s holiday there.
A person or thing acting or serving in place of another:
TV is no substitute for being under new skies and experiencing a new place with all your sense.
Traveling in a group or alone: Group travel greatly reduces safety concerns.
A relationship between people or groups based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences; Friendship- Relationship- Fellowship- Affiliation: Group travel creates bonds between the people involved in the experience.
Traveling with people from your country removes the stress of having to struggle in a foreign language all day long.
When you are in a group, you are less open to people outside the group.
Traveling always involves making a lot of decisions, which can be quite time consuming.
The solo traveler does not depend on anyone and takes all decisions on their own.
Traveling on one’s own is a great opportunity to develop one’s self-confidence and develop as a person.
Have a tendency to do something; Likely- Prone: Solo travelers are more inclined to meet new people and make new friends.
A solo traveler can be an easy target for someone with bad intentions.
Traveling solo can be more expensive as you cannot benefit from group discounts on transport, food or accommodation.
To Cheer up
To comfort somebody
To raise somebody’s spirits
Opposite of to dishearten somebody
Shout for joy or in praise or encouragement. Give comfort or support to: If you feel ill or lonely, there is nobody to cheer you up or support you.
By oneself
On one’s own
Tourism directed toward exotic, often threatened, natural environments, intended to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife: Ecotourism protects the environment and boosts local economies.
Flora and fauna
It enables tourists to learn about the flora and fauna of a specific location.
It helps preserve local traditions and creates jobs for local people.
It can provide incentives for environmental protection.
Restore to life or consciousness; Bring around- Bring to life- Bring back: Local people sometimes revive ancient traditions only to provide photo opportunities.
Take over the place, position, or role of (someone or something); Replace- Dislocate: Local communities are sometimes displaced to make way for new hotels and tourists attractions.
break or cause to break suddenly and violently into pieces; Smash- Break into pieces: Local communities that depend excessively on ecotourism risk being shattered if there is another global economic crisis.