Internet & computers Flashcards
Internet & computers
Social media benefit communication
Social media make spoken and written communication between people possible anytime, anywhere.
Social media provide a platform (forum) for people to discuss local or international issues and influence political decisions.
Having similar tastes or opinions; Thanks to social media, everyone can find countless (Innumerable) like-minded people worldwide and network with them.
At once; Instantly- Directly- Straight away: As more and more people are online all the time, messages are often answered almost immediately.
Not quite; Very nearly- Approximately: As more and more people are online all the time, messages are often answered almost immediately.
Across the globe
Worldwide- Earth- World- Universe: People across the globe can connect with anyone to share their thoughts, photographs and life experiences.
To resort to something
Verb- Phrase
To do or use something because it seems to be the only thing available. Turn to and adopt (a strategy or course of action, especially a disagreeable or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation; Fall back on: Social media encourage people to use a telegraphic style and resort to emoticons to express their feelings.
Internet & computers
Social media benefit communication
Being constantly online cuts people off from their immediate surroundings and disrupt (To prevent something from continuing as usual or expected) face-to-face communications.
In a truthful way- To the fullest degree; Genuinely or properly- In fact or without doubt; Really; Accurately- Unquestionably- Undoubtedly- Certainly: How many ‘likes’ our posts get has become more important than saying anything truly meaningful.
Having meaning; Significant- Worthwhile: How many ‘likes’ our posts get has become more important than saying anything truly meaningful.
Serving a useful purpose; tending to build up; Productive- Useful- Worthwhile: People react quickly to express their opinion but only rarely engage in a constructive dialogue online.
The condition of being anonymous: Anonymity and the absence of face-to-face interaction can promote an uncivil or even aggressive style of communication.
Discourteous; impolite- Rude- Insulting: Anonymity and the absence of face-to-face interaction can promote an uncivil or even aggressive style of communication.
Ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression; Hostile- Attacking- Offensive: Anonymity and the absence of face-to-face interaction can promote an uncivil or even aggressive style of communication.
Computers will replace teachers
Computers cost less than teachers.
Using affordable computers makes education accessible to those in a reduced financial situation.
Computers are reliable. They are always on time, never sick and do not make mistakes.
Teachers vary in skill. Not all teachers are good at their job.
Computers can be programmed to be interactive and a fun way to learn.
Computers have already become valuable teaching tools in the classroom.
Computers will replace teachers
Lessons are set and cannot be adapted to student needs.
Computers are not able to understand individual differences in learning.
Teachers can offer various perspectives to problems depending on the student.
Computers are only as good as the people who program them.
Teachers get to know students individually and take into account their background
Teachers can help students learn beyond the basic curriculum and develop qualities such as a sense of right and wrong.
natural aptitude or skill; Gift- Ability- Strong point: Computers are unable to give feedback to students or help them identify their talents.
Information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement; Response- Reaction- Comment: Computers are unable to give feedback to students or help them identify their talents.
Verb Fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative; Stimulate- Motivate- Cause- Incline- Persuade- Encourage- Influence- Rouse: Computers are unable to inspire.
The internet brings people closer together
- With your mobile device, you can update everyone on what you are doing and where you are at this very moment.
- Social media help you discover friends you never thought you had.
- We should remember that only about half of the world’s population has internet access.
- The more time you spend online, the less you interact with the people in your immediate surroundings.
- Our everyday reality is gradually being-supplanted by virtual worlds.
- The internet drives us further apart when we use it to communicate with our neighbors or our office colleagues.
- Social media platforms are too often used to spread malicious gossip or false information.
You can make affordable or free voice and video call to friends, relatives and colleagues all over the world.
Social networking platforms enable you to join a global community of people who share similar interests.
The internet brings people closer together
You can make affordable or free voice and video call to friends, relatives and colleagues all over the world.
Social networking platforms enable you to join a global community of people who share similar interests.
With your mobile device, you can update everyone on what you are doing and where you are at this very moment.
Social media help you discover friends you never thought you had.
With the internet, tracking down long-lost friends is relatively simple.
Easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty. Plain, basic, or uncomplicated in form, nature, or design; without much decoration or ornamentation.
Composed of a single element; not compound.; Easy- Plain- Noncompound- Noncomplex: With the internet, tracking down long-lost friends is relatively simple.
At this very moment
With your mobile device, you can update everyone on what you are doing and where you are at this very moment.
A means of approaching or entering a place; Availability: We should remember that only about half of the world’s population has internet access.
Immediate surrounding
The more time you spend online, the less you interact with the people in your immediate surroundings.
Supersede- Replace- Displace- Take the place of- Take over from: Our everyday reality is gradually being-supplanted by virtual worlds.
Adverb- Adjective
(of two or more people or things) separated by a distance; at a specified distance from each other in time or space- Away from each other- Segregate: The internet drives us further apart when we use it to communicate with our neighbors or our office colleagues.
characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm; Hurtful- Harmful: Social media platforms are too often used to spread malicious gossip or false information
Casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true: Social media platforms are too often used to spread malicious gossip or false information
Almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition: Our everyday reality is gradually being-supplanted by virtual worlds.
Almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition: Our everyday reality is gradually being-supplanted by virtual worlds.
Risks for children online
Problems; solutions
Children who are victims of cyberbullying can fall into severe depression; parents need to keep an eye on their children’s online activities and talk to them about the dangers involved in using the internet.
To fall into depression
A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action: Children who are victims of cyberbullying can fall into severe depression; parents need to keep an eye on their children’s online activities and talk to them about the dangers involved in using the internet.
Seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable) via internet: Children who are victims of cyberbullying can fall into severe depression; parents need to keep an eye on their children’s online activities and talk to them about the dangers involved in using the internet.
To come into contact with somebody
a person or group that ruthlessly exploits others: Teens can challenge each other to come into contact with strangers who turn out to be online predators; online safety is a component of internet literacy and should be taught in each and every school.
A part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or vehicle; Constituent: Teens can challenge each other to come into contact with strangers who turn out to be online predators; online safety is a component of internet literacy and should be taught in each and every school.
To access a website
To engage in leisure activities
It is all too easy to access inappropriate websites and explicit images and videos; parents and children need to spend more time engaging in leisure activities together.
stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt; Clear- Obvious: It is all too easy to access inappropriate websites and explicit images and videos; parents and children need to spend more time engaging in leisure activities together.
Not suitable or proper in the circumstances; Unsuitable- Unfit- Improper: It is all too easy to access inappropriate websites and explicit images and videos; parents and children need to spend more time engaging in leisure activities together.
To neglect one’s homework
Fail to care for properly; Overlook: Computer games are addictive and cause children to neglect their homework; parents need to talk openly to their children about how to stay safe online.
To reveal personal information
Children may inadvertently reveal personal information, which could result in identity theft; children need to be taught how to recognize and report inappropriate online behavior.
(of a substance or activity) causing or likely to cause someone to become addicted; Habit forming- Cause dependency: Computer games are addictive and cause children to neglect their homework; parents need to talk openly to their children about how to stay safe online.
without intention; Accidentally- By accident-Unintentionally- Unwittingly- Unawares- Without noticing: Children may inadvertently reveal personal information, which could result in identity theft; children need to be taught how to recognize and report inappropriate online behavior.
Security online
Problems; solutions
Petty cybercriminals spread malware and computer viruses just for fun; passwords need to be strong and changed regularly.
Having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something; Doubtful: Businesses often connect their computers into networks, which mean malicious attacks can rapidly affect all users; we should never follow a link or open an attachment from a suspicious or unwanted e-mail.
To deceive sb=to steal data=to trick sb=to spread a virus
(of a person) cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage; Seduce- Trick: Computer users fall prey to phishing and are deceived into revealing confidential information; we should make sure we use a secure internet connection.
Secure internet connection=firewall=strong password=anti-virus software
Hackers can get access to computer systems to steal private data and personal information; all devices should be equipped with firewall and reliable anti-virus software.
Phishing=hacking=malicious attack=virus=malware
The fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers: Computer users fall prey to phishing and are deceived into revealing confidential information; we should make sure we use a secure internet connection.
Deceive or outwit (someone) by being cunning or skillful: People can be easily tricked into following a link or opening an e-mail attachment, in this way giving criminal access to their system; we should not share posts from social media indiscriminately.
Fall prey
Computer users fall prey to phishing and are deceived into revealing confidential information; we should make sure we use a secure internet connection.
Online shopping
The range of products available online is particularly unlimited.
Consumers can easily compare prices.
Consumers no longer have to spend the best part of the weekend queueing in crowded shopping centers.
Online retailers are open 24/7.
Nearly- Almost: Virtually any product you can think of can be delivered straight to your doorstep.
A step leading up to the outer door of a house: Virtually any product you can think of can be delivered straight to your doorstep.
Online shopping
You cannot try on or finger the clothes you buy.
Intelligent and well informed: There is no face-to-face interaction with knowledgeable and helpful sales staff, which is part of the pleasure of shopping.
Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain: Fraud and security breaches remain cause for concern for both consumers and retailers.
an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct; Violation- Breaking- neglect: Fraud and security breaches remain cause for concern for both consumers and retailers.
Ships considered collectively, especially those in a particular area or belonging to a particular country: Shipping is sometimes as expensive (exorbitant) as the item you order.
Not asked for; given or done voluntarily; Uninvited- Unsought- Unasked for- Unrequested- Undemanded- Uncalled for: Once the retailers have got your address, they keep bombarding you with unsolicited e-mails and special offers.
Meeting people online
What people share and post online gives you a very good insight into their mind and character.
Online dating websites have already enabled thousands of people worldwide to find their soulmate (Partner).
We have become too busy to spend time meeting new people and getting to know them properly.
Chatting with people online removes the pressure (Stress) of face-to-face interaction.
To get in touch with sb
To contact: You can meet so many new people online that you can choose who you really like and who you would like to get in touch with.
Meeting people online
There is no way to know who the person you meet online really is.
Meeting different people online can become so addictive that we may end up cutting ourselves off from the real world.
To scam sb
To deceive: Online predators make friends with people online and then try to scam them.
A thing intended; an aim or plan- Purpose: People with bad intentions can track you down once they know your name and the town you live in.
Made-up- Not genuine- Counterfeit: Subscription fees to sites which check for fake user profiles and offer more security can be exorbitant.
The action of making or agreeing to make an advance payment in order to receive or participate in something; Contribution: Subscription fees to sites which check for fake user profiles and offer more security can be exorbitant (expensive).